Here's a whole documented proof where they tested it in a forest and with the phones on and off -
If you love the LORD God, flee from this pagan festival and don’t justify it for the sake of family. Jesus said, “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me” (Matthew 10:37 ESV).
That was very touching to me personally.
I'm glad to read that you're already sharing the truth in other places!
It seems like every time you reply to me, you remind me of what the True faith is really about. I really appreciate this, brother!
This forum has been dead for a looooooong time...
The user "constantinecensors" is the same as "b1-66er" and is an alt of the many "TallestSkil" bot accounts. He deleted his own account shortly after being exposed -
The forum was dead about the time when Axeotl_Peotl decided to leave... Regretable, he was a really strong person, who got removed from r/conspiracy because he was actually making a difference. In contrast, the current cuck, I mean mod, is someone, who would willing promote the shills and silence those, who expose them - e.g. (do you want to guess if "TallestSkil" got removed from the sub for this? :D
Check the posts in here. There is no real discussion. Only "a reminded that obvious thing is obvious", or some old information that everyone knows for easy upvote grabbing.. Nothing new. It's dead. Deceased. Burried. And forgotten. About 99% of the users are just a broken record that goes on and on about the same information from 2020 and before that... Go ahead and check and prove me right.
Do you really think people in here have the capacity to actually review the freezing temperature of oxigen and prove that there is an ozone dome even based on NASA physics?
Do you think people in here have the capacity to study plain destinations and figure out that they don't work on a spinning globe?
Do you really think people in here have the capacity to review actual NASA documents and see that even NASA doesn't believe the Earth is a spinning globe?
Or just zoom in the ocean and bring the boats back? :D
Basically, what I'm saying is this - Don't be mad because this forum is full of shills and moderated by an incompetent person.
The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. And lies are lies, even if everyone belives them.
Don't get angry with the tiny brains - pity them. Be grateful that you're not like them. And never stoop to their level.
24, 25, 26 of December is the winter solstice. At this point, everyone knows that it's not at all a Christian holiday.
Saturnalia is the pagan holiday observed with masks, giving of presents, and orgies.
Easter is also not a Christian holiday, it's the fertility festival of the demonic deity Ishtar. Do you want to guess if orgies are done on that holiday too?
Example 1:
Example 2:
(the whole channel is a must-see for every Christian, although you seem quite knowledgeable about many of the subjects in it. Still, hope you find it interesting.)
Do you want the real date of the birth of the Lamb of God? Pay close attention:
"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." - Revelation 13:8
Your skills in spreading Christianity would be great in a forum that actually listens. Unfortunately, here you have the types of people, who would use Christianity to portray themselves as better than everyone else.
Example - the user "TurnToGodNow" - . He clearly has no ears to hear, even when so many different users address his arrogance. If you decide to stay in this forum, I hope you achieve better results with this user. Just remember how Christianity here is used mostly for boasting, not as an actual religion. So, most of your upvotes are coming from people, who are Christians just because they hate the other religions.
Your work would be far more useful in forums with an actual discussion. I recommend reddit/conspiracy, reddit/conspiracy_commons, saidit, and 9gag (as surprising as that sounds)... Even 9gag is waking up to the evil in the world. Of course, you will meet negative replies everywhere, but at least there would be an actual discussion.
This forum is about 99% users, who were banned on other platforms, thus removing an actual criticism of their thoughts, so they think they know it all. Therefore, they will only care about what they say. They don't listen to other points of view. Basically, most users in here get their upvotes and positive comments from other users, who already agree with the concept. No thinking, no discussion... No improvement.
I really hope you find any use in this comment. At least watch the youtube channel, that has a lot of useful information.
Full lecture -
Wow, I upvote the post and it doesn't register... ok...
About Diogenietzsche joined 2 days ago
Diogenietzsche 5 points 2 days ago +6 / -1 You don't think he just stole it from a corpse or pawn shop window?
Remember man-eating terrorists, always chose masonic jewelry! Forget about other gold or silver stuff... Always choose masonic ONLY!
Just poor shilling from you, honestly. Bring me your supervisor!
I see your point, because I had the same one when I wasn't aware what masonry really is...
Here's a helping tool -
If you want to learn what masons really are - you will. If you don't want to learn - you won't.
Unfortunately, I cannot make this choice for you. I can help you with the research, but I cannot read it instead of you, you know..
It's not the first comment that I read about "assumptions" and "guessing"... But I would rely on research, before I even consider an "assumption"... I hope you understand.
Thank you!
One user in here took the time to research the topic and provided a link for it... Thank you, no_ez!
Yes, this girl was groomed by this joo, and her parents took this to court to save their daughter from this evil man, also MK Ultra man imo...
Why only masonic tho?
I was honestly waiting for the typical comment "perhaps he stole them"... Just so I can ask you the obvious question - why ONLY masonic?
But go ahead - reply whenever you're ready.
Edit: Wow, your account only shows this comment and no posts... Damn, you guys are fast...
Clear example that you don't understand Christian meekness.
Fake Christian proves it with his own words... As you usually do.
You're not superior to anyone, buddy... That's your ego talking... Take a real hard look at your life and see where your ego got you.
I'm not upset. Don't create fake arguments, so you can pretend to win them... That's low... But honestly, you haven't shown anything else so far...
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
Your deeds glorify only your ego as usual...
That's why it is written "whoever has ears to hear, let him hear"... And you didn't hear other users... You don't seem to hear me... You're on a bad path, buddy... Turn back to Christianity with meekness. You'll never get into Heaven with such an ego...
Yes, you do.
And every time you make a post about Christianity, I will call you out as not being a real Christian.
You dishonor the faith and you use Christianity to make yourself superior to others. You're not.
That's simply a fact.
And nobody is obsessed with you. That's just the strong delusion you have for not accepting the fact that you're an arrogant narcissist.
Also, I literally copied your replies filled with rage. In contrast, I never raged at you... I pity you...
You should be thankful that I observe your actions and try to explain where you're wrong. You could've listened to the other users, who pointed out the same... but alas... After some time you will figure out that the empty upvotes don't mean a thing for you personally. Because that's what you do when you're facing real criticism - you spam some posts to feel good about the upvotes you get. But the upvotes are about the news or the obvious fact that you share, not for you personally.
One day you'll figure it out. Let's hope it's not too late for you, fake Christian.
Look how you're reacting to an actual proof that you're not a real Christian.
I'm just stating a fact. Like it, or not, it doesn't matter.
Insult all you want, I am literally giving you the proof, that you are far away from God. You serve your own ego only.
You're still mad that I called you out on being wrong
Wow, imagine how twisted is your understanding of what actually happened. I exposed you in the comments, you played this insult game in the comments, then I made a post disproving you with many examples, and the people in here agreed with it.
Then you made your hurt ego post, and got no attention whatsoever, because everyone knew that you were wrong, and your ego didn't allow you to admit that... Which is even currently your problem.
KiloRomeo 2 points 1 month ago +3 / -1 Nobody said that. You're being intentionally dishonest, and a source of unnecessary drama. But thanks for outing yourself
permalink save report block reply –TurnToGodNow [S] 0 points 1 month ago +1 / -1 That idiot Neo and a few others literally said that. I'm just calling it out. If it's not you, why chime in?
permalink parent save report block reply –KiloRomeo 2 points 1 month ago +2 / -0 I guess i just prefer it when people post their own counter points as new posts for discussion - seems more helpful than infighting
How ironic that you think others are narcissistic... When you spam posts just to avoid facing the reality that you're a self-absorbed person that is far away from God.
You just pretend to be a Christian to make yourself feel superior to others.
Wow, you see it as a "possibility"?
You are truly superior to anyone else in here...:
This would be a good post if you weren’t framing it as how much smarter you are than everyone else.
–TurnToGodNow [S] -1 points 2 days ago +2 / -3 I thought my framing was having more courage and everyone else being afraid of social ridicule.
Superior yes, but not necessarily an IQ thing.
I know of another massive scammer:
This would be a good post if you weren’t framing it as how much smarter you are than everyone else.
–TurnToGodNow [S] -1 points 2 days ago +2 / -3 I thought my framing was having more courage and everyone else being afraid of social ridicule.
Superior yes, but not necessarily an IQ thing.
If you're really so superior, can you do better?
That's coming from Mr. "superior"...
This would be a good post if you weren’t framing it as how much smarter you are than everyone else.
–TurnToGodNow [S] -1 points 2 days ago +2 / -3 I thought my framing was having more courage and everyone else being afraid of social ridicule.
Superior yes, but not necessarily an IQ thing.
You don't seem superior at all, to be honest.
:D See?
I literally post your own comment of arrogance, and your reply is to blame the other person...
Mr. "superior" can't take responsibility for his own actions, eh? I guess you would know best how a wounded narcissist would sound like...
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." - Proverbs 16:18
I see you post a lot when you can't handle criticism of your hypocritical actions. That's the opposite of taking responsibility for your actions. That's what you do when you feel hurt and want to save face by grabbing easy upvotes on another topic.
Thou hypocrite...
Yeah, try to save face when you're arrogant and insulting most of the time in here, you hypocrite.
Do you think God doesn't see that?
This would be a good post if you weren’t framing it as how much smarter you are than everyone else.
–TurnToGodNow [S] -1 points 2 days ago +2 / -3 I thought my framing was having more courage and everyone else being afraid of social ridicule.
Superior yes, but not necessarily an IQ thing.
Mr. Superior, teach us about humility, please! Of course, if you could get out that head out of your own ass first. :) Let me know where is the superiority table in Heaven, so I can come and find you there, if possible.
Does truth hurts your overinflated ego?
Also, you're writing this because your ego got hurt because you got banned, not because you wanted to help that woman. That's the reason you add some Vatican reference out of nowhere...
I've seen your activity here. You're NOT meek. You're NOT taking responsibility for your mistakes. You're mostly angry and arrogant. You're NOT a true Christian.
Audio of John Todd's speeches -