1 for the Home Team. (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
We tried to warn you... (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1

Out of all the conspiracy forums:

  • Reddit allows you to gain more opinions, even tho 30-40% of them will be against you, and promoting propaganda. [Mods might shadow-ban your comments.]

  • 9GAG allows free speech. Which is taking into account that many shills will insult your mother in the comments, but still - you can expand a topic with someone. [Mods won't ban you, unless you're openly racist and toxic.]

  • Saidit expands on the topics, but too young of a forum. Some are worth the time, others are too scared to speak out... [Pretty good mods, I really like this place.]

  • c/conspiracy - filled with shills, who will block any communication with insults, useless etymology, or useless comments... No useful discussion - 0. [The mod is useless.]

Every other conspiracy forum provides a discussion on your topic.

Here, it's only progressed, if the comments are for this topic. That's egotistical behavior of people, who can't allow anything else but their own opinion.


  • I exposed TallestSkil and made him create a new account (he's still insulting users with it, but at least I made him create several posts, after exposing that he never posted for 3 years).

  • I exposed free-will-of-choice of being a bot, now he provides more than basic etymology in his comments.

  • I continued to expose others, and the mod created a rule to "never expose anyone in here"... Suspicious? Not if you know about his "Big Foot" post, where I just exposed it as a lie and he muted me for 3 days... Oh... justice... or is freedom of speech.. Can't tell..

Have you done something to change something else? Ever?

Because you can't do it in here. Certainly, you won't be welcomed to do it in here.

If you have proofs, and examples, that counter a post, for example how this "TurnToGodNow" user promoted a post that plainly said "No graphene oxide in vaccines, guys... I found a reddit comment with 5 upvotes that disproved it, please look the other way"... And when I exposed him, he simply blocked me... Because that's how arrogant people react to a rebutal, while hiding behind the "God" slogan...

There's no real discussion in here. No progress.

Just arrogant people enjoying their upvotes, while gaining no knowledge on any topic.

Would you prefer to stay with the arrogant? Or perhaps the progressive?

That choice I leave to you. Just thought it would be worth for some of you to check other places and how they function. Because this place can only work in one way - disfunction.

Bottom line, either you think you're a perfect human being, only working for upvotes, and never for progress...

Or you want to help someone, which will never happen here if you're pointing out a flaw in their posts... You can only be a cheerleader in here to gain popularity... Or a shill that never gets removed from the ineffective mod, even when exposed in many posts...

There is no progress in here.

I've been in here from the creation of this place. It never progressed.

You only get popularity if people agree with the general topic - that means the title. They don't even care about the content of your post...

If you want popularity for doing close to nothing - stay here, if you want progress, join me in the other conspiracy forums (there may be others that I haven't listed).

If you want to work for the truth, or others - work for them!

If you want to work only for yourself - we're not the same!

To all the shills in here that I've exposed - enjoy your upvotes. That's the best you can ever do!

But there might be someone in here, who is willing to work for more than their ego. And they will change the world, whether you like it or not.

If you want to be stagnant, decadent, complacent - stay here. You deserve it!

But if you want progress, change, better future - You better fight for it! You deserve it!


Toxic, Metallic Compounds Found in All COVID Vaccine Samples Analyzed by German Scientists - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/toxic-metallic-compounds-covid-vaccines-german-scientists/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=f7cf9f90-f6de-447f-8b4c-3b94cd5f6219

Japanese study proves Pfizer and Moderna shots contain entities that assemble themselves in complex structures - https://communities.win/c/TrueChristianity/p/19957kg1BP/nanobots-in-covid-shots-that-ass/c

German scientists reveal what's in the shots with Raman spectroscopy - https://odysee.com/@ildrzaius:6/German_Scientists_Show_Magnified_Images_Of_Massive_Vaccine_Damage_and_Unnatural_Contaminants_In_Vaccines:5

Spanish scientists exposed the Graphene Oxide in covid shots using Raman spectroscopy. La Quinta Columna has over 1000 scientists, who have collaborated for this information with over 1000 hours of research combined. - https://odysee.com/@ekab:2/VID_20220326_082809_583:f

Spanish scientists discover that the vaccinated and the tested for covid emit unknown bluetooth signals - BlueTruth documentary full - https://odysee.com/@ARGONAUT:d/CC_2022_06_11_DocBluetruth_English:10?src=embed

Graphene oxide discovered in covid shots using optical microscopy - Greg Reese report - https://odysee.com/@InfoNews:f/What-Graphene-does-in-your-body:5

Surveillance Under The Skin - Dr. Yuval Noah Harari - A tiny gae joo, who's WEF's right hand man. "The thing that people would remember from the covid crisis is that this was the moment when everything became monitored" - https://odysee.com/Surveillance-Under-The-Skin---Dr.-Yuval-Noah-Harari:1?src=embed

This guy didn't die from sugar - https://communities.win/c/TrueChristianity/p/1995H03Swm/covid-strikes-again-at-a-person-/c

This guy also didn't die from sugar - https://communities.win/c/TrueChristianity/p/1995CQBlf3/those-of-you-who-think-the-vacci/c

These athletes didn't have heart complications and didn't die from sugar. Jwilderness - https://www.youtube.com/@JWilderness/search?query=what%27s%20going%20on

"In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." - 2 Corinthians 13:1

Not by a comment from a redditor, who can't distinguish SUGAR from Graphene oxide, and his whole theory (which is promoted on Reddit, and here) is - "Look the other way, people. Nothing to see here... Ignore all these reports from scientists all over the world..."

I wish Trump well... (img-9gag-fun.9cache.com)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Botfarm - part 1 (full) (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Botfarm - part 5 (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Botfarm - part 4 (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Botfarm - part 3 (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Botfarm - part 2 (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Botfarm - part 1 (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
Bot Farm (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Neo1 ago by Neo1
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