I don’t know about you goys, but I have completely removed the Hollywood Tumor from my life.
I watched a near-zero amount of new TV shows and movies this year. I bought a few dvds here and there, all stuff made long ago.
I mute all commercials and look away when watching media online.
People will always say stuff to me like, “You HAVE to check it out man, do you have Paramulu+ !!?”
“You’d REALLY love it man, you should watch it!”
And I just say, “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of it” and “Cool.Yeah.”
I don’t give a flying fuck about any of it and I’m so much happier for it.
Entertainment junkies are very sad to me now, as I can see how when I was one, I was constantly being manipulated in a subconscious matter. I do enjoy the experience of suspended disbelief, and watching movies. But everything is outright propaganda and morally ambiguous garbage these days.
Thank you!
One user in here took the time to research the topic and provided a link for it... Thank you, no_ez!
Yes, this girl was groomed by this joo, and her parents took this to court to save their daughter from this evil man, also MK Ultra man imo...
I don’t know about you goys, but I have completely removed the Hollywood Tumor from my life.
I watched a near-zero amount of new TV shows and movies this year. I bought a few dvds here and there, all stuff made long ago.
I mute all commercials and look away when watching media online.
People will always say stuff to me like, “You HAVE to check it out man, do you have Paramulu+ !!?”
“You’d REALLY love it man, you should watch it!”
And I just say, “Oh, yeah, I’ve heard of it” and “Cool.Yeah.”
I don’t give a flying fuck about any of it and I’m so much happier for it.
Entertainment junkies are very sad to me now, as I can see how when I was one, I was constantly being manipulated in a subconscious matter. I do enjoy the experience of suspended disbelief, and watching movies. But everything is outright propaganda and morally ambiguous garbage these days.
That's great for you!
But you can advance even more than just "I don't watch some popular movies"...