Naw, casinos use carpets that can take many many spilled drinks and other stains, but not be visible.
My solid beige carpet shows ever single little stain, while my older multicolored carpet took so many stains but you literally cannot spot a single stain because of the various colored strands.
No evidence. Trump didn't fly with Jeffrey Epstein, just used his brother's plane as a taxi to NYC...
Trump was the only person to testify on behalf of a child victim in court about his shit.
Trump banned Epstein after Trump figured out what the pedo was doing (mossad child rape Honeypot blackmail Island)
I forget the man or the quote, but someone important said: to destroy a country, overload the welfare system, it it will destroy the country.
WEF imported shitloads of useless eaters who don't work, and simply leech off the welfare system and produce shitloads of babies who will also be nothing but detrimental to the country
They are nothing but street level drug pushers.
Instead of selling weed on the Street corners like teens on bicycles, these BigPharm drug pushers wear white coats and can afford to rent little offices, to push Pharma drugs which are patented
Depends on which batch you got, smooth brain...
Obviously some people got very bad batches and are "dying suddenly" or getting debilitating myocarditis and other heart problems right away...
But as we've seen many times before, it may take a few years to find out just how bad the "safe and effective" IQ test was for those who failed it.
Trump still bled from a bullet though