The earth is flat also looks like the other side of dichotomy.
More realistically it would be discoid or oval.
Besides, wouldn't the calculations that indicate in the flat direction also be true for larger earth?
Decimation means 1/10 dies, not 9/10 btw
Not him directly, just the lobbies/cabals he works for. Ofcourse he's in on it, but he keeps the other side of the dialectic.
He should be able to convince europe to give in to him and trump after all.
All the food i eat turns into human material, therefore everything i eat is by definition human. I am cannibalizing broccolis rn
I wonder if it's a good time to talk about it.
Right now the noticing is at an all time high and people are also noticing what happens to mainstream noticers.
It's not always spirits.
Sometimes is inner alchemy, and the 'magical effect' is produced through etheric or astral resonance.
Abortion doesn't exterminate blacks.
Abortion just translate some kids that will be replaced by more breeding into cute fleshy lab material, paid by welfare.
It won't change black birthrate much, it will only raise lab resources.
Also the chance encourage females to be sexually open (oh i can always get an abortion)
They are somewhat honest in that in the sense (i used hash this year to soothe a mind numbing pain) that the stuff they sell you is the exact same they sell to their own bros. Usually they just hamper with quantity if you aren't their friend.
Then again hash is their go to drug, i'm pretty sure there are drugs they don't use but sell that are heavily modified or bad quality.
Try VPN i can see it from mine. Certain sources i have to change source country
The pentagram stuff etc, symbols influence your mental state.
Your mental state then attracts the spirit you want, as per their belief.
The deep deep state is dismantling the deep shallow state.
imo Guenon only choose islam after he had issues with the church, and Evola followed in those footsteps in case he had to recour to a similar strategy.
For sure he was real in appreciating the warrior spirit part, but i think this a good chunk of why.
Who don't want more wiggers around amirite
Ballpoint pens do not try to corrupt your soul
Nice reasons not to answer. You got definitions, wow. Nothing new. Picture me impressed.
Oh yeah, picture: blablabla. Or will it be impressions?
You simply didn't answer my question and are suggesting more and more.
Look for a mirror. Nevermind. Beware of one.
Aka taking (suggested) while ignoring what is offered (perceivable) for free (perception). You're still falling for the temptation of wanting to take the apple of forbidden knowledge into your possession.
I believe one thing to be true and share it freely, therefore i fail. Should i just have no thoughts at all? Believe nothing? That would be a suggestion too. All you do in the end is suggesting. All you say is your own take. Do me a favor too.
Also, what would be an alternative?
Jews are willing gatekeepers and should not be spared just because they don't sit on the uttermost top.
I don't disagree at all with you, just wanted to say this.
Brave brave woman
So what happened at hiroshima?
What's silly there exactly?
How would something that is there since the dawn of time cause 'disturb'?
If earth magnetic field was formed with it present, it would be part of its natural balance.
Different would be if someone could manipulate that field, then yes that could bring it out of balance. But without manipulation, it would be part of its natural influxes.
Do i have to trust your word or?
Vlad the impaler being a vampire is a pretty weird take considering he gave shows of honor and died young
Man stop coping with funny underage looking girls comics and your life will improve.