So, found this link + drive/u/0/folders/1P53rWpI7dwtsTh11Vee5ErMtD-wX5HbO

(remove and join at +, globalfilter would gut the post for the link)

It is a pretty well fed folder on conspiracy books. Good link for a boring day.

Found this link in a r/conspiracy comment and its quite the nice bookmark

Plenty of books that are hard to find in there.

I'd consider this a low effort but useful post.


So yesterday i watched this

In it a self alleged born-in-the-cult-but-supposedly-fucked-out guy tells his story.

The story has a lots of meaningful details, but in the end could also be the work of someone well versed in internet conspiracy theories.

I tend for some rare mentions of him to believe him about his past, but not much when it comes to having fucked out and seen the light.

I think a compromise is more likely, like we let you be and let you tell the story but you are going to add this and that spin to it that we find good for us.

One such spin is the bible maverick of accepting a dark one will rule all and all will have to bow, but then some dude of light comes to save the day. Seems like a jab at hopelessness to me.

A note lending credibility is his report of beast-like people kept in cages being way faster, smarter, and feral than any common human. I tend to believe it because after embracing raw meat nutrition i did indeed see the same change in me.

One thing he mentioned that caught my attention was about the underground world being full of genetically edited monsters, elite families tracing themselves back to nimrod, and the note of one of the first hybrids being still alive today as ruler of the underdark, titled the red dragon, allegedly by him for his aspect.

Aspect or not i remembered mentions of this title before.

Guess what there's a NYC based secret society with this name:

A story from the page:

In January 2004, the Bun, an NYU icon, disappeared from College of Arts and Science Dean Matthew Santirocco's desk. Days later, the dean received a ransom note reading, "I have the bun."[5] The "Bun Bandits" remained at large for several months and occasionally sent the Dean photos and kidnap notes.[6] Eventually, a member of the Society facilitated its safe return to Dean Santirocco.

We find a common element to other societies like skull & bones, displaying successful 'criminal' behaviour to pass inner rites, and lower working groups seemingly detached but not really.

If they are just another pranky club, i don't see why all the secrecy (which seems well upkept). Could aswell being a deliberate curiosity hole for people like me.

Personally this may be my fantasy playing with me as intended, but i do think there may be smth to it. Mostly because it's pretty obvious to me the mad gene editing and the watcher half-breed heritage are a real thing to elites.

What do you think of it? The red dragon story in general, not necessarily the society connection.

But across most secret societies i came across in research i must say i never found one that spanned enough (this one started 19th century i think) with so little coverage. Even skull and bones have lots of material. Little pranky fish, or ninja shark?


i titled it with [discuss] as i myself didn't really form an actual opinion yet on the matter. Wanted to know what other interested people think.

If you have been interested in the intergenerational 'el(paras)ite' system, you will have heard they often go through quite some early abuse as they think that 'trauma' allows for hosting demons within.

One little piece that got me thinking though are the reports that say that the treatment actually starts as early as the womb, through electroshock therapy.

The rest of the theory seems clear and this surely connects well - Yet i'm left to wonder about the logic there. What happens to the child when this is done?

I guess this is one of the very few places left where this discussion can happen in a healthy way anymore, lol.

So as many i have the very heavy doubt, so to speak, the topmost elites are systemically involved in cannibalism. Assuming that's true, what would be the reason?

Killing and torturing can be explained differently - but eating?

So i am going to also assume evolution is real and they know it well.

In my personal opinion they are guided by a realistic belief based upon the laws of nature.

Carnivore evolution, how it happens? at some point there were only plants and then insects, then sometimes after herbivore animals spawned (which also ate lots of insects btw). My point is how the carnivore happened thereafter?

We know an animal doesn't change his behaviour, drifting from instinct without a problem. We also know they usually reproduce at large, and then start dying when the food is not enough for all. I would suppose in this situation the one left with nothing by others would rather kill and eat their mates than starve to death (a behaviour very common, and traceable to man 'recent' heritage aswell). As the situation keeps being borderline it would naturally produce a change in instict for some. By selecting for a different behaviour for a different food you would then slowly evolve into a different animal (we may not have time as individuals, but nature sure has).

Based on this evolutive reasoning what they do make a lot of sense.

The carnivore is born by nature to regulate his peers when R-selection reaches his natural limit and falls into the natural R-selection malthusian trap. The morals start diverging, until one is no longer 'karmically bound' to respect the other life, it is instead prized for being able to take it, like a human with a cow, through the laws of the organism he developed (kind of a 'long story short' there i guess).

We now evolve with consciousness of evolution and knowledge of the benefits of K-selection and the consequences of not doing that (at large, obviously. The current social and demographic revolutions sure are another interesting thing to consider with these lens, what happens if K doesn't or can't hold a barrier? it gets cannibalized/regulated back by R).

As the elites obviously have a wicked sense for consciousness and its laws but a deep understanding of nature, one kind for sure animal one, and we assume they sistemically cannibalize, i would take it a step further and say it is speciationism.

(By the way, as a side note, i also find incredibly suspect the common assumption that there is no hereditary ontogenesis happening in animal life, as in all this time that would have been an incredibly useful trait to develop for adaptational benefits)

If somebody knowing well nature's laws would want to elevate his kind above the chain of his species, the surest way would be to do that - consume his own species members habitually, and his consciousness (which also is shaped by genoma in its expression there) aswell as his genetics would adapt to the new level (as he would change his natural requirements - a 'problem' that causes evolution). He would proceed to become a regulator species for its predecessor.

So that's my simple thesis that i wanted to express on the matter.

As a final provocative but also somewhat 'realistic' thought...

Could one take the game even one step further by 'abusing' the laws?

If, say, a family could reach the point that with full knowledge and will and power they could secure a process to all eat their own current species meat - and then they would consciously select a winner among other to pass on the flag/blood... And others became his/her 'breeders'.

Could that affect the process even faster, or even in unknown directions? What would happen in your mind?

Thanks for the read, have a nice day!