I'm saying the fact they are luciferians demonstrates the spiritual forces at work.
At work to do what?
And therefore influenced by evil, that's correct. You are letting them lead you away from the light of God.
Where is the actual evil though? What evil am I doing? Obviously, you don't know, but let's just assume I'm the average citizen on the street, someone you know well who just doesn't happen to be christian. What evil do you suspect I'd be doing? Or is it solely not praying?
So their influence is, by definition, leading you away from Jesus.
Then what? I am punished for eternity, even if otherwise I have made actions in keeping with god's teachings?
Is the sole goal of luciferianism just to...make people not pray? That seems pretty tame, considering the alternate goals of some religious/cult movements. I mean, considering I am someone who watches hollywood movies and listens to rock and roll music, I haven't been driven to any sort of violence or sacrifice or evil or anything like that. If not praying is the consequence...it'd take a lot of convincing for me to believe that it should be considered "evil."
You don't just get to do some good deeds (which you focus on) and proclaim yourself good and saved.
Again, I agree with this. I'm not proclaiming myself as good or saved. I freely admit that I have my flaws and, ultimately, I don't know whether or not I am saved. After all, only god can judge that of me.
What I do know is that my actions, by my knowledge, certainly align with many teachings of your lord. It seems to me that I do step in line with a lot of the behaviors encouraged by the bible, so it's hard to understand what I may be doing that's wrong.
What part of "repent" and "you must be born again" means "you must do more good actions and don't worry about recognizing the truth of God or prayer"?
None of those parts. Happy to clear that up for you.
Luciferianism is an inversion of the Biblical narrative placing God as the Devil and glorifying the actual Devil.
Right but where is the actual devil being glorified? That's where people start to stretch their definitions. It's certainly vague/broad.
That can't be the standard, the only objective standard has to be of God.
I agree! So I'm not sure why you feel like I'm not meeting the standard if even you aren't aware of my actions.
Matthew 25: "34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’"
These on the right didn't even know they were doing anything for god/in the name of god, yet were accepted through their actions.
Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus says, “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’
Seems pretty clear to me that only those who actually do the will of god will be let into the kingdom of heaven.
Aren't the spiritual implications of what's going on apparent?
Nope. "Luciferianism" is so broadly defined that people are quick to twist anything they don't like into some vague symbolism. Remember that time where people would try and find messages by playing records backwards?
The same media which gives you your left wing programming (and updates) each year.
The same media that predicted the second dip? :)
I was mostly curious about your response to this part of the conversation, because I think it could lead to a very interesting discussion about theism, or lack thereof, and what it leads to:
Serving yourself can certainly be as simple as eating right, taking time away from distracting things, letting go of worries that are no longer important. You are jumping to a far extreme when serving yourself can be an act of kindness, especially when paired with serving your community, something else I had mentioned.
Prayer or not, the actions are what matter most.
You are not aligning yourself with the spiritual forces of good
Perhaps, for instance, while you believe I am not aligning myself with the spiritual forces for good, my actions may be of someone who would be. Perhaps my actions are ones that serve your lord, and would be loved by your god, because of the kindness I show to others, to make the world we live in better.
Do you find it impossible that someone who doesn't believe in the same things you do can also be a force of good in the world, that your god smiles upon?
I’m talking about wealthy vs middle/lower class my dude.
But yes, I do have sources. I’m happy to share them but it honestly doesn’t seem like you’re up for an honest discussion, based on your quickness to divert the topic in your last comment.
If I’m mistaken I’m happy to chat with you though! Apologies if this comes off as critical, it’s just been my history on this site
Nope. I'm asking what evil you believe I may be doing.
Then perhaps you need to reread what I've written, because I've explicitly stated that is not my stance. As I said before, only god can judge, right?
I certainly don't live in that delusion. To think I'm the source of all good in the world would be quite arrogant and misguided
In what way is it proven?