Miztivin -1 points ago +1 / -2


I observed the situation, used critical thinking and put 2 and 2 together.

People have explained what they went through or what they've seen. Iv seen people go through it myself. Im not saying its 100% without a doubt certain. Im saying Iv noticed a pattern. Its all anyone can do.

Im not going to ignore it because the popular consensus here is "its fake and gay." Im not going to refrain from discussin it because ill get downvoted and criticized to shit for saying anything.

All im doing is saying what I saw, heard and concluded on my own. Take it how you want. Feel free to criticize it. Thats the point.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its worth mentiong the lady in question offical cause of death was not COVID.

My neighbor believed it to be covid because she had it, and had it for so long, and so badly, that she stopped being able to walk. Then has a "stroke" at home, while still having symptoms. Honestly sounds like the vax clot shit.

The other two of her friends im almost certain neither were on ventalators. This is a lady that believes ventalators kill and belives in ivermectin. She would have blamed a ventalator. I dont have all the details of where they were, or what meds the doctors gave. I know the other was not on a ventalator, I asked. Assume they were not in hospital if that were ths case. But its only an assumption.

Im only certain of where this lady was and how she was treated. The more it happened the more questions I asked.

Take it for what its worth.

Miztivin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ah I see. That last part really stands out. Its made to be an inigma.

I certainly think something is going on. I wanted to believe the vax was spreading it, truly. But I cant help but aknowledged my experiences so I wanted to bring it up for discussion here.

Could 100% all be media hyping an already natural phenomenon. I can totally see that, like they did with swine flu. Compile those numbers with flu and pneumonia deaths and you have a "pandemic."

Also, I could imagine organ failure and strokes that arent "strokes" could be caused from lack of oxygen in the blood.

Miztivin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes. She had covid. She was sent home. She had it for over a month. Im sure she went to a hospital, but we live in a red state in a based area with doctors that actually allow theraputics and other alternitive treatments. (Not sure about ivermectin tho) Most people are sent home with nothing but a "suck it up." It actually pisses some people off around here lol.

She was also the youngest to die, late 60s, thin, and active. Thats the one that got me the most.

Dont believe me. It doesnt matter.

Edit: It could also have been something else. I am unqualified to say for sure. Just odd and wanted to discuss it.

Miztivin 3 points ago +4 / -1

Good info! Good point. Definitely could be just a typical thing elderly people experience. I know pneumonia really hits you when your older. Didnt know unidentifiable cause for pneumonia was considered covid. Interesting.

Miztivin 1 point ago +3 / -2

Also, its just different. From anything else Iv seen. I get the flu bad just about every other year actually. Well, I use to. I havent sense covid.

I think I had something... had the worst flu I ever had that year right before covid. Still wasnt as bad as everyone else.

So im very versed on flu unfortunatly lol.

Miztivin 0 points ago +2 / -2

Based on the symptoms and my experience from my family and a sickly friend that also had it. I completely ignore the PCR test. I dont even ask about it. Its a fake test.

Miztivin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Agreed. Still think its grossly exaggerated. Theyve compiled flu and pnumonia deaths and rates onto it. This has been sense the start of the pandemic. 4, very elderly people. Only 2 I can say I know all the details for.

Miztivin -1 points ago +1 / -2

At least 2 have died from unknown conditions, unattributed to anything else, while having COVID yes. You are.

Miztivin 1 point ago +3 / -2

Without a lab and some microbiology skills, I could never know for ceirtain lol.

However, they all had the same symptoms. Real difficulty breathing. Lost taste. Severely sick, for several weeks to sometimes a month+. Not just 1 or 2 weeks like a normal flu. And usually pneumonia has a cause doesnt it?

The organ failure and stroke got me thinking as well.

At first I kinda dismissed it. Then I saw my family go through it. Then I was like. Okay. Maybe there is something there? Take it for what you want tho!

Miztivin 1 point ago +3 / -2

Some home. Some hospital. Info comes from two people. My elderly based neighbor has lost 3 friends. A good friend of mine lost an elderly uncle.

For certain 2 of her friends were not on ventilators. Never asked too much about the first death, kinda dismissed it, didn't want to be incentive. I think they were hospitalized.

Never asked about the uncle. Started asking questions after that.

I know they were all unvaxed. The 2 earlier ones were pre vax.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

They dont need to win the culture war or the wealth war. All the commies need to do is collapes everyone else economy so there is no competition. Then they can weponize their already established brainwashed slaves to take us out while were too distracted starving and lost without our green paper. (Or other assorted colors of nation currencies.)

Commies dont need functioning economies or cultures.

They just need to make sure theres no other functioning econony to survive.

Miztivin 0 points ago +2 / -2

I dont see Jews as the all encompassing "bad."

Zionism, was merley a tool, a vessel, a mask, and a means to weponize a demographic. Much like the commies do with Islam and catholics.

I think Nazi Germany and Commie USSR were ran by the same people. I think Isreal has a deep state like America. Ill take Isreal over CCP controlled paliestine as of today.

Not saying i adore Isreal, I dont. But Im not going to choose Paliestine over Isreal either. Both shit options.

Ccp is the biggest threat tho, ill combat them with anything we got. Russia, Isreal, North Korea, SA, fuck it.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing that makes fascism "vastly right wing" to the lefties is the racism. Thats the only thing that defines fascism to them. A tolitarian state based on racist nationalism.

Apparently blind tolatarianism is fine. Its the racism thats evil.

This is a great video on it by the way.


Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait. I thought the black radical libs and "diversity is strenght" libs were pro islamist?

I thought "redneck rightwingers" were ignorant christains that blidly hate all muslims and islamist?

Nope. Doesn't make sense. Just more gaslighting.

Miztivin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ask Burn Loot and Murder and their 200 death count.

Or all the libs willing to import radical islamist into their neighborhoods for "muh diversity points" and incintivise homlessness with tax money taken from middle and lower class.

Wait, well turn into a 3rd world classis shithole soon enough. Still polluting, still corrupt, still slaves. So brave. To sacrafice it all for nothing.

All for some head pat from their benevolent politicans they consider to be perfect, uncorruptable messiahs. They dont question them. Mask, vax, willingly surrendering rights, walking off a cliff... ect

All for false promises of "saving humanity from its sins" and atta boys.

At least conservitives know our politicans are corrupt shitbag human beings like the rest of us. No delusions here.

Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I need more Crazy Russian insider info. Lol

Thanks for the info. Its hard to know what goes on in Russia and how people feel about it.

Miztivin 10 points ago +10 / -0

Everything you see through media is superficial and fake.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are smart in their own way and good at what they do but they are also extreamly ignorant and narcassitc which does lead to major fuck ups. They underestimate the general public and they over step quite often.

I recomend watching the documentary the 1%. Really shows how air headed and out of touch with reality these people are.

Miztivin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Need "pigeons are liars" t-shirt.

Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow. What a weirdo. Such a bizzar and tightly controlled administration.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesring point. I just assumed they were fecisiously covering all their bases for this "new virus" but perhaps they are actually admitting something here.

Miztivin 4 points ago +4 / -0

ICD-10-CM/PCS (Medical coding) handbook.

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