by pkvi
Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

They would never make a virus too deadly. A good rule of thumb to know if a conspiracy is true or not is if it could harm them. They would never put themselves at risk. It had to be just right. Just deadly enough to inflate with propaganda. No, it had to be the cure that really killed.

Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0
  • Why Uranium 1?
  • Why did Russia donate to Clinton foundation?
  • Why is Iran deal such a big deal rn (benefits Russia, Russia/US co-op)
  • Why is Biden soft on Russia? (I don't want to escalate a war for shite Ukraine but Bidens like, really really soft on Russia. To the point of causing escalation.)
  • Why close our pipline and build Russian pipline?

We have a comprehensive policy for combating Russia and #1 on that list is become energy independent and don't buy oil from Russia.

They aren't stupid. Looks like a nice game of elitist chess to put the masses where they belong to me.

All war is manufactured.

Miztivin 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nazis weren't the sole bad guys.

Germany had its reasons, and everyone forgets commies were involved in WW2.

Pretty sure we (and Britain and France) egged on both sides of the war. Divide and rule. No matter who won, they won. They just backed the sure thing last second.

(Actually I think they chose Russia because they didnt want an Imperalist superpower Japan, but thats another story)

This is exactly what is happening now btw.

Obama took Ukraines nukes, gave Russia Uranium.

Iran deal is closing, while were sending Ukraine aid.

You think Russia would invade if Ukraine had nukes?

Were egging on a war. Funding both sides. Divide and rule.

Miztivin 10 points ago +10 / -0

I feel your pain. Especially lately with the latest Psyop, Ukraine. Hitting both sides hard. Everyone giddy for USA to go to war with Russia like its heroic.

by pkvi
Miztivin 5 points ago +5 / -0

What the fuck EU

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

My normie best friend once hit the nail on the head when we were young.

Said, the world is ruled by old perverts trying to get power just so they can freely endulge in their fetishes and kinks. Lol that was years ago. I don't think she'll ever know how close to the truth she was.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Youre fine. Its funny because idk how anyone could replicate this skeletor of a person. Im not sure its even human. XD

Shes the house speaker for the democrat party. Has been for like, 180+ years, or so Ive heard. Lol

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like its NATO trying to occupy Ukraine that caused this which yes, Biden is endorsing and has been pushing for for a long time.

Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe has always been a meatsuit. Very replaceable.

Now do Nancy. Thayd be impressive.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really would like to know what their obsession with DNA is.

I kinda get it but I kinda don't. Like, why are they so adamant about sequencing every last persons DNA?

If its for biowepons you don't need that much data, do you? I guess to put on our social credit profiles but that still doesn't make alot of sense to me.

I remember DNA companies would often sponser free DNA testing for soilders, apparently China was funding the sponsorship and wanted the data. They wanted the DNA of American soilders.

What for!? Lol

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

So. Basically covid.

Make covid to spread around so we can't catch the covid, which we made. Lol

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Best case senario is that the push back is just beginning. The more we push peacfully, the more they will have to use force, which will wake people up. The protest has shown to sway public opinion by a lot already.

Fingers crossed that its all just getting started.

I think we have a rough road ahead tho. Id brace to endure living like this. If you can accept that, then you can accept anything thats to come.

If just one area successfully conquers their tyranical government, others will follow suit.

Your area wont need to participate, once the narrative collapses, itll collapse everywhere.

I feel like there is a path to freedom and we can achive it. Don't lose hope, but also be prepared for the worst. Itll ease your mind if anything.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first shot has to come from them or else we will be the baddies.

Keep protesting and force them to use more and more force till they cross a line even normies can not defend.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

No I dont think so. Its just coincidence of circumstance.

If the collapse is inevitable, then itd be better to cause it now, wake up normie masses, instead of allowing the governments to continue to slow boil us into complacent economic collapse, under their controlled demolition.

Miztivin 4 points ago +4 / -0


Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same for my grandmother. She got over it well enough. Had to force her to eat and drink, she slept a lot. But she is okay now.

Miztivin 1 point ago +3 / -2

I can understand the top part, however, he was not basically Hillary.

My god. Shes so much worse.

Wed be gunless, knee deep in war, and federal covid mandates. (Because SCOTUS would be communist) Probably already have feds and national guard policing citizens over covid rn.

Whats wrong with w/conspiracy? Trumps not perfect but are you all that daft?

by pkvi
Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happened in that interview?

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah man I think your right. Its time we start playing their game. Its what they respond well to anyway. Social pressure.

Use to be conservitism & prudence was the social pressure. Now its degeneracy.

We can take that shit back. We are all too nice. We don't have to be a-holes but we need to start speaking up and calling them out on their bullshit. No more being inclusive, polite, & respectful of objective stupidity.

We need to vote only for representatives that do this as well. Like Majorie, Candace and Trump.

Just like the commie representatives do for their retarded voter base. We certainly can make a change.

Miztivin 4 points ago +6 / -2

I peeped in on my sons discord account (routinely check his phone.)

He was raiding furry chats with some friends with "Hitler was a good guy" or "Hitler did nothing wrong."

Never been prouder.

by pkvi
Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Finacial collapse and food shortages.

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