Mad_King_Kalak 4 points ago +4 / -0

Brother, if I knew who the final antichrist was, I wouldn't be wasting time here on this forum.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spammy? Maybe a little, but better than Chinese guy PKVI and his alts. At least it's original content and this place is always half dead anyway.

I've actually checked out this dude's podcast. He and another guy who is his guest are okay. Nothing special. I'll admit I don't listen to the songs, but I do upvote them. I say this only because I don't think he personally is a bot, but I do wonder where the other upvotes come from.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

You keep adding things in and taking them out as per how it benefits your argument. It's like I'm debating an emotional woman with bipolar disorder with no logical consistency and no desire for any either.

How about we go back to what I actually wrote and go from there: "...I watched the USSR collapse, the US led Afghan proxy government collapse, a multi-decade dictator get color revolutioned in Libya, not to mention several other military coups in not so small countries within the past couple years with mobs playing in the presidential palace, as well as Canada of all places descend briefly into martial law."

Do you say that those things DIDN'T happen?

Because if you agree that they did (as they are historical facts and you'd be retarded not to)...then we are debating the word "collapse" as it pertains to the USSR.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

If she does horrible, which she just might, the mainstream media will say it was wonderful. The post debate polls will tell a different story.

Anyway, MK Ultra'd white kid school shooters don't just grow on trees. It takes a long time to cultivate those folks, but you know, they might just have one on tap and ready to go shoot up a black church somewhere.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

See how you keep whipsawing back and forth between moving the goalposts then asking for greater and greater specificity? It's tedious.

The Soviet Union collapsed, that's what I said, then you moved the goalposts to total societal collapse. When I specify based on your strawmanning that the remnants of the empire were looted by western powers while it underwent severe economic hardship and their way of life was radically altered....you pushed the term societal collapse.

When I remind you that societal collapse, such as the end of the Roman Empire in the west wasn't like some Hollywood movie, then you try to redefine the terms.

Mad_King_Kalak 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hate when people spam...

...proceeds to spam.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, that's just you pouting at this point.

I don't know why I'm giving you this advice, but here it is free of charge...debate what people say, rather than what you want them to say.

Pretty simple, eh? Harder than it looks though.

Mad_King_Kalak 0 points ago +1 / -1

I see you're setting up your own metrics, and telling me what my argument should be.

All I'm saying is that weed should be lower priority than rapes, robberies, gang violence, murders, vehicle thefts, etc. and that when you investigate these it's blacks more often than not.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Silly goose, nobody has an authority to say which denomination has the right interpretation. I'm stating something as obvious as saying the sky is blue.

One person say the Bible supports X, you say it supports Y. That doesn't make you a shill any more than it makes the other guy.

You have Protestant brain rot.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

None of what happened? The whole Soviet empire broke up? All the satellite states became independent and ditched the entire socio-economic system, some after uprisings? All experienced deep and lasting severe hardship in the process when Western vultures swooped in?

Please, when Rome fell, the city had only 50,000 people in it down from a million at the Empire's height and the base of power had already moved to the East. Your mind is warped by movies that you think every sea change happens like the end of Vendetta or LoTR.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

You just provided the very definition of the breakup of the Soviet Union and its satellite states. Thanks.

Mad_King_Kalak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, but only because it's a waste of time.

39,999 other denominations have a different idea than this guy's.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree with you, except I think you're confusing different interpretations of Scripture (there are 40,000 denominations after all) as shilling, which is silly.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Charitably, I think you're problem is that you're using a different meaning of "collapse" than the rest of humanity.

Mad_King_Kalak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you really think MAGA types are going to NOT think this was strung out over a year or more to spy on conservatives?

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