MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

People resurrecting and reimagining old forms of black magic doesn’t mean they invented it. If you’re gonna be arrogant at least try and be correct

Here’s an example from 1270 the edda Sigrdrífumál it has a section about rune magic.

You legit think losers in the 70s larping invented this?

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is that why nato backed a coup in Ukraine, installed their own government and were attempting to join nato… yeah nato wasn’t thinking about Ukraine at all, right..

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +4 / -0

NATO is desperate for a nuclear sized invitation to fully attack Russia. I doubt they fired a nuke.

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m not sure if it’s really easy to find information if it missed or not, we just know something landed successfully very close or at the patriot battery and blew some shit up.

The technique they used is pretty straightforward. They had like multiple drones launch 18 missiles including one hypersonic (according to Russia) so the video and reports seem to indicate they shot a bunch of missiles off to make land a hypersonic.

If that’s what actually happened who knows but it def looked like a strategy to overwhelm the defense system. Ukraine fired 30 and Russia fired 18 that’s about all they agree on.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ukraine is saying the shot down all the Russian missiles, like 16-18 I forget. Ukraine says this includes 6 hypersonic missiles shot down.

Russia says they didn’t even fire 6 hypersonic missiles.

The video LINK Shows like 30 Patriot missiles fire, then we see and explosion near where they’re coming from and it all stops.

So my thoughts on this as an uneducated person are:

If Russia indeed did down their missile system why didn’t they use this opening? This patriot system just went online. So is it a show of force? a test?

Anyone curious about isreals patriot defense system will find this story to grab their attention as it unfolds. Big implications for isreal if so.

The lack of Russian follow through makes me doubt them, but Ukraine going after the Ukrainian singer who posted videos of it make me really doubt Ukraine too. I guess the truth may be somewhere in the middle.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’m not super into this war, but I’m against (((Zelenskyy))) persecuting Orthodox Christians. I’d rather both sides back down and stop fighting. That being said the fact that the prisoner private army guy was a chef doesn’t really tell me much.

If you want more interesting than him being a chef, check out how he met Putin in the 90s as a chef, and also check out his fathers faith. Those are more sketch details

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +5 / -1

Perhaps it was Fredrick the Great that said, “an army marches on its stomach”. Dude might be a chef but his successes in warfare cannot be diminished by his former career.

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +4 / -0

I want to believe that, but it’s hard to tell

That’s the joke. Alexander did not recommend sitting idly by and waiting until the oppression ends.

MO-Carpenter 5 points ago +5 / -0

What I am taught is that no created thing on earth is pure evil it requires someone to actively choose to do evil with it. So they aren’t demons but they like ourselves are under demonic attack and they choose to participate in the demonic.

You can participate in good or evil but you get to choose, and the more you choose evil the more controlled by your darkness you’ll be.

by WoodDoe
MO-Carpenter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Get your hormones checked. The plastics and many other endocrine disrupters wreak havoc on your hormone levels.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

He might be truthful he might not be, idk.

Here’s what I’ve got. LINK

Mike Pence funded this Iowa school that got shut down for both physical and sexual abuse of minors. Did Mike know? I can’t tell you but he helped these people and I’ve met multiple victims of this particular school and it’s heartbreaking.

MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +6 / -0

I used to date this gal for 3 years who got sent to a Mike Pence funded Mormon school for troubled youths. The school was called MidWest Academy. It got shut down by the FBI for child abuse. (The FBI might have got sent in to downplay some of the crimes) They put kids in solitary confinement, sometimes for months. They sexually abused these kids and had the local judges and law enforcement in their side. What broke the lid and got the school shut down was a boy got sent to the ER and his injuries were too sexual to ignore by the staff.

Anyways years later the headmaster who abused these kids is still out on appeal, and Mike pence never mentioned it.

Just as a warning boys be VERY cautious about any “Troubled Teen Industry” schools. There is a market for these child abuse centers where they send kids who behave poorly, have mental illness, and will not be believed if they are abused. Idk if the schools are all built to abuse kids, or if they just attract the worst of the worst due to the nature of their vulnerability but please protect your kids.

If they’re that bad “sending them to boarding school” will make it 1,000,000x worse if they’re getting raped instead of taught self control.

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s not a magic book it’s Holy. It expressly condemns magic and witchcraft. I’m sure some fringe groups believe it’s magic but you’re very obviously making a strawman argument.

The Bible was written and compiled by men through the grace of God.

The contents of the Bible are no secret, they are written for everyone to benefit from. It’s not some secret society like freemasons, gnostics, hermetics, ect.

You could benefit from some of its help, believe it or not. I can see things aren’t going well for you if you’re preoccupied with trying to incite people on the internet.

MO-Carpenter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Still haven’t lost either while going up against most of the world, doesn’t bode well for you either champ.

MO-Carpenter 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, a family member. I’ve seen multiple family, friends, and acquaintances who were injured too.

by pkvi
MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

What does that have to do with the Las Vegas shooting? The US government and Arabs were implicated, how do you tie in Indians and blacks into that?

I’m not talking crime stats overall I’m talking one specific crime.

by pkvi
MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Notice the last name too. There’s been so much conspiracy about the connection of Saudi princes and gun running with Vegas then a Islamic journalist is telling us it’s a lone gunman mad at casinos years later

by DrLeaks
MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Holy fuck how can we get this money to Ukraine ASAP?!

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

From the ancient South American tribes all the way to Terrance McKenna the dmt aliens seem to really want human sacrifice and population reduction.

I used to be upset that I never saw dmt creatures, I did nn-dmt, 5-meo-dmt, ayahuasca, yopo, you name it. Now I am grateful that I never saw them because they sound super demonic with their requests.

MO-Carpenter 7 points ago +7 / -0

Save it for Davos Klaus. You’ve been programmed to hate your fellow man to butter you up for global culling. There are almost unlimited resources and space, they just cram you together and throw monkey wrenches in the gears so you’ll get angry and want everyone to die expect the folks that deserve it.

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Alright Klaus.

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