LarrySwinger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rise, like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number!
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you:
Ye are many—they are few!

-- Percy Bysshe Shelley

by DrLeaks
LarrySwinger 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hey Drewski

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the approach is very important. If you're outwardly focused on activism and being secretive, that will draw their attention. But if you focus on community and other positive things, there really isn't anything to do for feds. Take Why Files, for example, who makes conspiracy realism something hip and ends his videos with a collage of selfies taken by people with tinfoil hats on. This shows everyone that these are just regular people. It does make sense to have private communications and that's your right. For online communication, use SimpleX, where you don't even have a permanent identifier, which protects you from an XKeyScore query that lists every instance where you've shared your ID with others on unsafe networks (which is normally necessary to introduce establish the connection with a new user). If you want groups and message boards, use Retroshare. When it comes to meeting with people in person: make appointments through private communications, and ask people to keep their phones at home so that the meeting isn't detected by triangulation.

by pkvi
LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!!

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +2 / -1

Gotta name your pictures when saving them.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, he corrected it to two pillars, but from the way he said it, it seemed like "two towers" is an alternative term used in freemason. Maybe he just misspoke, I don't know.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess this'd be considered a protonfail, amirite?

Sorry, I couldn't help it.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

He actually called it "two towers". Is that an insider's term? Masonic involvement in 9/11 is so clear. There's a guy called Mr Stosh who made a video about it. He also made a video called "Freemasons covered up 9/11" but that one got removed. Here's his backup material on archive.org (which is still only partial).

Furthermore I was able to find this thread from /r/conspiracy about it, and in the comments there it links to u/axolotl_peyotl's famous thread "9/11 was an occult Mega-Ritual". I'm new to this community, by the way. Is this something everyone here already knows?

Also, it's interesting how he talks about warlocks. I only rarely encounter that term in this context, but I did recently. See this lecture.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh. It was a joke but it failed since I have to point it out. This is how I was picturing Ep0ch. Is he even human by the way or just a negativity bot?

Edit: its paragraphing and tone are consistent, I can tell it's a bot just from looking at his comments ITT.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

The point is to parody terms like 'mansplaining' because they're stupid. People are having fun and you're complaining. What are you, some kind of hedophobe?

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

What Harahi's describing is BNW rather than 1984. (Although reality is a combination of both.)

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the expiation date was five years, I think it'd be more visible by now. Wouldn't (total) sterilization be more visible as well? My impression is that it was a gentle cull, calculated such that, combined with systematic denial, the average people doesn't even notice.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's still a good speaker and not hard to listen to. Any decent person will look over his speech disorder, that isn't something to judge people for.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you read the rest of my post? I'm talking about Judaism as it was originally. Mrexreturns notes possible antecedents to the NWO, and ZyklonShower states the term 'the Jews' covers it as if that's true across all of history. That's why I pointed out the disconnect between Torah and NWO ideology.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Leviticus 25:10 simply states that all inhabitants of Israel should be freed, not just Hebrews. In Exodus and Deutronomy it talks about Hebrews in particular, and says they should be freed every seven years, which could be an indication that that's a separate law. So Hebrews were freed every seven years, but everyone was freed every 50 years. This would make sense, since they were nationalists just like every other nation on earth. Nonetheless it's a form of humanitarianism, even though it's less commonly done toward foreigners than it is to Hebrews.

Sorry, I can't comment on the Talmud as I'm not knowledgeable about it. I thought it was formed over the first millennium and therefore irrelevant to our discussion (because I'm talking about Judaism during the time the Tanakh was formed and before that, i.e. how it was originally), but I just learnt that even academics believe the oral traditions originated before the diaspora. I did not expect that. If you have any resources on the Talmud, it's much appreciated.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +3 / -1

Then how come the Torah is the very antithesis of the NWO? This probably warrants its own thread but I want to start the discussion here. The Torah espouses traditional values, teaches people to love their neighbours as they do themselves, to free slaves every 50 years, it forbids usury. The illuminati (which includes many jews) are neophiles, have a complete disdain for humanity, want to lead the world into permanent slavery, and they use usury as their tool. My point is that NWO ideology seems to be something that has infiltrated Judaism, not something that originated with it. I suspect it happened during the diaspora, where most jews became so comfortable in Babylon that they didn't want to return to Israel after Cyrus reinstated the nation. In Daniel it's mentioned that a Babylonian religious mode was forced upon Jews. NWO ideology is really something that transmits from people to people. It was with the ancient Egyptians before that, and originally with Atlantis, which is the society that they want to reinstate. The jews are simply the people to whom that ideology got transmitted.

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