Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are mixed theories about Sirius being "heaven/haven", and the place we will go when we get yeeted up by galactic federation space taxis. It may in fact be a parallel earth or even an open Stargate (it may not be as far away as we think). Some say we will all go (WWG1WGA) when this earth is destroyed, or while the biblical last half of the tribulation takes place, it will be where believers in Christ will be chilling till the new earth/heaven is formed.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pdw is trash and I'm glad I left

Kunkussion 3 points ago +3 / -0

What the US did with Al Qaeda

I've seen this movie before

Kunkussion 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you, will need some diving to confirm

by DrLeaks
Kunkussion 3 points ago +3 / -0

At least they put "pwned" in it

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know this might not be a satisfying answer, but here it is: They are faggots.

That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They are just faggots. They like to shame and ridicule people like faggots, they like to be sexually deviant and worship Ba'al like faggots, they like to troll people into mental insanity like faggots, and they like to try to manipulate reality like faggots. All the "evil" people in the world aren't really that scary, they are just.. faggots. I would think true evil is embarrassed by the acts of faggots, because at least evil is stoic and has a motive and a purpose. Faggots don't. They just want everyone to be faggots like them, but true Christ followers and any of those who seek a spiritual equilibrium will never be faggots, and will ignore and laugh faggots out of existence if they work together. These are weak men with a relatively small army. What burns them the most is being ignored. So study their actions, but ignore their message. They can't be relevant forever.

by pkvi
Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just to interject, does that invalidate the notion that the actual majority of millenials are fighting a rigged system implemented by a generation that had no oversight (actually bolstered and accelerated it) when it comes to the state of socioeconomic affairs and the propagation of the failures that ensued because of it? That's hard to say to an entire generation that couldn't even take political office up until recently. Are we saying the generations previous to them didn't conversely fall for the same tricks before, blatantly losing their ability to be stoic and supportive parents to these millienials they constantly shit on, but instead out of sheer ignorance, reject the efforts of THEIR forefathers and accepted a radical corporate fascist society as it slipped in ever so quietly but so obviously, giving away their money to the brand and the "image", voting in politician after politician that compromised their beliefs and ran out the back door with their tax dollars? Your point is considered, but do you forget that the majority of what you assume is based merely off the reaction of a generation that though misguided, is unjustly so? (remember, Ron Paul got traction from this very generation, not the ones before it, they wanted McCain and Romney, two of the most vile people to ever walk the face of this earth). What you see on TV and media isn't the majority, though you may jest from the comfort of your computer chair, its not a correct assumption, nor is it real.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's acting like he is talking to 8 year olds. In some sense he is. That's just how dumb the masses have become intellectually.

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Surprised Fauci didn't follow that up with a hollywood movie reference

by pkvi
Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right OP, its Switzerland. No offense to the common swiss

by pkvi
Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which leads to what they are possibly really covering for; the Vatican.

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have you dudes and gals seen the creepy Facebook commercials about internet regulation? And why all of a sudden this dark and lifeless logo change?

Youtube Link