Want to have fun with Jasmine sweet rice? Sake!
I make homemade sake.
It is so easy and don't need a still!
I certainly hope so.
Proof nothing happens by accident or coincidence.
Planning in slow motion.
That older man is wanting Cho, a rice dish for older people and toddlers in Thailand. Basically pasty rice.
Absolutely love Jasmine sticky rice. The taste, the texture, and it makes the best rice paper for spring rolls.
u/honesttruth, more proof of the depths of Chinese infiltration. Yes, it is much worse.
Nope. Not happening.
Another one to put on the list, cherrywine.
Writes just like that shill.
Now ya know!
Wash that rice before cooking!
Use a rice cooker as well, not a standard boiler.
Once the cooker finishes, fluff the rice before serving up.
The truth about rice is that most people don't rinse the rice of excess starch. Washing the rice before cooking reduces starch intake. Steaming rice helps more.
Wife is Asian. She detests government and has not taken a single clot shot.
4'11", 105lbs. is extremely healthy.
We eat sticky Jasmine rice.
At the turn of the 20th century there were only 18 private central banks. Now in the 21st century there are 157 of those parasitic organizations.
From a book I am rereading for the umpteenth time, titled, "A History of Central Banking and The Enslavement of Mankind".
Ukraine is doing to ethnic Russians what the Poles were doing to ethnic Germans.
Like Hitler, Putin is putting a stop to it.
When Hitler took action WWII followed.
Same playbook. Different century.
When Jao Xiden gets there he may very well believe he is in Ukraine.
Potassium iodine tabs? Have them already.
Vague as to what they are.
Who, in their right mind, would call them?
Where are the public nuclear fallout centers in the US?
Thank you.
Obviously you are one of the few.
And I'm the King of Crazy!
Stop. Full stop.
The hydra has been released!
The average person has not a clue. Not paying attention.
Some of us are.
They have infiltrated at the municipal, county, state, federal level.
They have infiltrated into real estate.
They have infiltrated into academia.
Now...law enforcement.
Yeah, the hydra...or dragon...has been released.
Americans have no clue to how far we have fallen.
Yeah those shells of the sea companies.
It's worse than that. There are many more prongs. Los Alamos, JPL, etc., etc. Politicians, institutions, corporations. Shit. Too much to write about.
Forum slider. Full stop.
End transmission.
Doesn't change WHO they are.
Don't you get tired of being a shill? Shills only criticize and never contribute anything of value to a conversation...just..like..what..you..did.
All politicians in US are Khazarian jew puppets.
Too much historical documentation to be denied.
Could be DEWS. DIRECT Energy Weapon System.
Appreciated. Backatcha.
It's Nplate a drug for blood platelets, made by Amgen.
Govt. is purchasing 290M worth.
It's a drug for blood exposed to radiation.