KabbalahSpellBreaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Juipter Ascending is basically this but the aliens are just a breakaway human population who horded advanced technology for themselves

Terrible movie IMO, but it was a Wachowski(?) film, and like the Matrix, they have more truth to them than one would like to admit

KabbalahSpellBreaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depressions are deflationary events. They purposely create high inflation because they know high deflation is worse.

Inflation - Prices increase and regular people can't afford as much as they used to, but commercial demand for everything stays high and most people still have their jobs, keeping the cogs of the economy turning until things return to a normal equilibrium. High prices also make sure resources go to the most productive/necessary things based on supply/demand economics.

Deflation - Prices of everything come down rapidly, flooding the market with cheap goods, resulting in manufacturing not being profitable and manufacturers shutting down. People lose their jobs and the commercial demand for things plummets.

There very well could be deflation coming, but I think they do what they do to avoid it.

KabbalahSpellBreaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

damn you got him, lets go back to the 10 shadowy investment firms who love me

but honestly this is whole elon twitter thing is a charade to keep the goy on their platforms. we are seeing alternatives finally become viable and gain traction and good guy elon is gonna spend 44billion dollars for muh free speechies... yeah sure. twitter will loosen up a bit with censoring and midwits will stay on the platform while they normalize digital ID systems for participating in online discourse

KabbalahSpellBreaker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Short and worth a read. Wish I could validate the language part, would be interesting if those are real translations

KabbalahSpellBreaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, that's why I'm saying these hard to prove comic book super villain quotes are more damaging to our reliability than helpful

KabbalahSpellBreaker -1 points ago +1 / -2

Quotes that read like a comic book supervillain explaining his master plan to the hero right before he kills them.... I always assume are fake if they are not easy to accurately source, which lets be real, these kind of quotes never are. Using these hard to verify quotes to try and wake up normies is useless because it can't be proven to them beyond a reasonable doubt (assuming they are true), and using them amongst ourselves is useless because we know what they are doing from real sources and a stupid master plot evil villain quote doesn't change anything, it's literally just people jerking off that they found the smoking gun or something

KabbalahSpellBreaker 4 points ago +4 / -0

They do the same shit with a different delivery system. There was a deliberate misinformation campaign to get retarded boomers to think the JJ was a traditional vaccine. It worked, I can't count how many times people have tried to tell me this

KabbalahSpellBreaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Odysee is just a front end for lbry, can it still be accessed I wonder?

KabbalahSpellBreaker 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is what you have been told and makes sense when you don't know any other possibilities

KabbalahSpellBreaker 2 points ago +2 / -0

My theory: People buying pump and dump scam meme coins are going to get pumped and then dumped on.