Its ny everything is illeagle
You should but the Democrats say you cant.
Theres tons of em.still a good idea.every shit small town museum has one somewhere
You gotta work on that
Looks entirely guilty but it legal for the betters
It's both.
No but that would e cool
Tell me you dont get out much and have no respect for diversity with out telling me
Thank goodness your a bot
Your just a paid shill
Even them are full of halfwits dullards and commies and no o one has an ounce of life experiance
Actually had someone pay me back the five bucks once
They aren't involve yall just talking out your asses. just have a wierd obsession. You should get professional help
Well they are mostly incells that want to be degenerate.
Calm down reddit.your failure I life is directly related to your lazy bitch ass ways
Your full of shit and gullible.
Sure it will
He mostly just desperately want to murder people.
Negotiate it in your contract, ohhh wait were you too smart to join a union.welp you get what you sown.
You should get out more since school is out now
It was super obvious watching it should take your meds or stop eating the egg salad at Langley or both
Not a bit it's way suspect. He was straight up threatened.