Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Bible defines sin as transgression of Gods law. Demons are fallen angels who are trapped here on earth after being cast out of heaven. They work to do several things. First is to obfuscate the truth of the Bible and the path to salvation. Second is to tempt and deceive human beings into surrendering themselves to their own selfish desires so they sin and are then condemned. The ultimate goal is to prove that God is unreasonable and His laws aren’t just and can’t be kept. By proving this, they hope to escape their own judgement and have their own separate kingdom. On the other side of things, The Father in heaven has enacted the plan of salvation through His son Jesus in order to prove that the law can indeed be kept and that it is a law of love and liberty. All this while also saving the humans who have been caught up in the conflict in order to demonstrate His love, patience, and mercy.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Papacy is the big bad. That institution is the first beast of Revelation.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

The peace and rest you pine for can only be found in Christ. The Bible promises that when you rest in Christ, He will give you the strength and character to persevere through the hardships and trials that come your way. If you are honest about your search for truth, you will inevitably find the truth of the Bible. Once you accept it, you will have the peace you’re looking for and you will also know what you need to do. The anxiety will go away and will be replaced with hope.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

The man was indeed a satanist 😂. A mason telling you their worship of Lucifer isn’t devil worship is like a socialist telling you their political ideology is completely different from communism.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe. It is written that “extreme weather events” caused by Satan will occur far more frequently in the last days and eventually, angels holding back Satans wrath will withdraw Gods spirit of mercy from the planet for the last bit and Satan basically gets free reign to work his power and sway the hearts of men without any interference for a little while. These people will be allowed to do what they are doing up until the end before Christ finally steps back in and says stop.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s not quite as bad as this guy is making it out to be. They still have to pass their boards and they still have to make it through residency. While we are seeing much higher dropout rates than before, the actual important specialties still hold to a standard. Basically, they’re letting more idiots in for brownie points, but they get filtered out when they can’t hack it.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. I would think that 2 million would be the low end and the real number was much higher.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where does that statistic come from?

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Taken from an old article:

On October 15, 1844, one week before the Great Disappointment, a boy was born into a pious Lutheran family in Germany. His name was Friedrich, Friedrich Nietzsche, and the infant would age into one of modernity’s most influential atheists. Believing that the Christian God was dying in the West, Nietzsche railed against the Christian religion’s continued moral influence, deriding it as a “slave morality,” the morality of the weak, who, in an attempt to protect themselves from the stronger, concocted silly notions like “love your enemies.” For Nietzsche, modernity needed to get beyond antiquated notions of “good and evil”; a character in one of his books (Thus Spake Zarathustra) declared, “Smash the old law tablets!” meaning, of course, the Ten Commandments.

The year 1844 was also important for Karl Marx, the founder of Communism. Called the “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844,” this work had been written by Marx that year, even if not published until 1927 by the Soviet Union. The manuscripts show the early development of Marx’s ideology, in which he argued for a totally materialist reality that moved through various economic stages until the workers of the world would unite, overthrow their capitalist oppressors, and create a Communist utopia on earth.

The year 1844 was an important one for Charles Darwin, too, for in it he wrote to his wife, “I have just finished my sketch of my species theory. If, as I believe, my theory is true and if it be accepted even by one competent judge, it will be a considerable step in science.” In what has become known as “The Essay of 1844,” Darwin produced one of the earliest expressions of his evolutionary theory, even if it was not then made public. Only in 1859, with the publication of On the Origin of Species, did Darwin publicly promulgate his view that all life on earth originated from a common ancestor by natural and chance processes alone.

Forgive me, but I don’t think it mere coincidence that this year, 1844, was the fulfillment of the 2300-day prophecy of Daniel 8:14; and the same year that, out of the leftovers of the Great Disappointment, seeds were planted that would burgeon into a worldwide movement that would repudiate the guts of Marxist, Nietzschean, and Darwinian ideology.

Contra Marx, the Seventh-day Adventist movement proclaimed that the great controversy between Christ and Satan, not a materialist dialectic, explained the flow of history, which would end, not in a human-made Communist utopia but in the supernatural establishment of God’s eternal kingdom. Contra Darwin, the Seventh-day Adventist movement taught that life originated, not in the natural and chance processes of random mutation and natural selection, but by the power of the Creator God, who in six days created life on earth and rested on the seventh. Contra Nietzsche, the Seventh-day Adventist movement proclaimed not only that God exists but that His universal code of morality, the Ten Commandments (the “old law tablets”), remains God’s ultimate standard of judgment and is binding on all humanity

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey all. Tonight we will be examining where America fits into Bible prophecy.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can’t remember if it was one person or multiple people as it’s been a few years since I went through it. This stuff is interesting for sure, but I would strongly suggest you first learn the Bible’s explanation for what this stuff is. Once you know the general story beats, you quickly start to see the same major points repeated over and over again in any channeled writings. They always contradict the Bible.

Jordan1234 3 points ago +3 / -0

The hearts of men grow cold in the last days. Humanity, being of a sinful nature, has a default state of total depravity. Any sense of goodness in you actually comes from God pleading with you to do right. If you are losing your empathy, try to remind yourself of the state of the world and how everyone is potentially capable of good and evil. Hate the sin, not the sinner. Don’t let your heart be hardened. Keep it soft and fleshy.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, you also have to consider that we’re working with the idea that there is an infinitely powerful and present God at work in this story. There probably was some inbreeding. Either way, God would be capable of preventing any excessive genetic abnormalities out of necessity. We won’t know the whole story until it’s all over though.

Jordan1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q is a psyop. The Bible tells us to trust God and His word and not men. Q tells us to trust “the plan”. The Bible states that Christ is the savior, man can’t save himself. Q says the followers are saving the world. When you look at a lot of the posts from Q and other popular media personalities surrounding it, you notice that they all use a bunch of occult and new age terminology. It’s a deception.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

That book was “channeled” and it has the same story beats that any other false teachings have when you go through it. The Bible tells you what to look out for when discerning what is from God and what is from the devil and his angels. Quit asking some chatbot for information when you can go read it for yourself.

Jordan1234 3 points ago +4 / -1

I didn’t downvote you. There’s a big problem with your approach if you aren’t doing the study yourself to verify the teachings given to you by others. Are you seriously going to just do a quick google search and call it a day? Did you even watch the presentation?

It’s ok if you don’t believe me now. I’m telling you that the mark will center around sabbath worship so that you can recognize it when it comes. Currently, the true issue of the sabbath and the mark is being obscured. Very soon, you will see the powers of this world start to talk openly about the need for a weekly day of rest. The papacy is already advocating for an eco-sabbath every week on Sundays for the whole world to come together and combat climate change. The best deceptions are the ones that aren’t even on peoples radar. I bring this to your attention so that you can remember the warnings if you live to see the mark roll out.

Jordan1234 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. Scripture states that no one can know the specific date or hour because it is the Father’s authority to announce it. The very next passage however states that the people who know scripture and prophecy will recognize the signs and will be prepared for the second coming. Those who aren’t rooted in scripture will be caught completely off guard and will be totally surprised by the second coming. For them, it’s stated that the second coming will be like a thief in the night in the sense that it will seem to come out of nowhere. Here’s the biblical reference:

5 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-6

Jordan1234 5 points ago +6 / -1

Nowhere does it say that no one will know what the mark of the beast is.

Jordan1234 0 points ago +1 / -1

It’s hard to claim that. Noah would’ve come from an earlier version of humanity that would have a much higher degree of inherent genetic diversity. Just as you can get many dog breeds from their common wolf ancestor, Noah and his family likely carried all the necessary alleles to allow their progeny to adapt to whatever environment they came across.

Jordan1234 3 points ago +3 / -0

Noah and his wife survived along with his three sons and their wives. There isn’t much given in terms of specifics but we can understand that everything is degenerating due to sin over time. Humans now aren’t as robust as they were back then. It’s possible that the human genome was more resistant to the dangers of inbreeding at the time or God personally helped out with successful gestations for a while, manually preventing certain issues from coming about until the population was sufficiently replaced. We really don’t know.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

Top loader master race 😗

Jordan1234 8 points ago +9 / -1

Satan creates a counterfeit of Gods kingdom and it’s structure. It’s always an inversion or a substitution. In scripture, it’s Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Satan replaces this with Father, Mother, Son worship.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

Makes sense when you realize the destroyers of civilization have a lot of aging dads in their ranks.

Jordan1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would think that RFK is merely being trotted out as a way to cover all bases. That way, people are given a seemingly wide selection of “non-establishment” candidates to choose from. It doesn’t really matter who gets in.

by DrLeaks
Jordan1234 1 point ago +2 / -1

Cool. I’m of the opinion that the aliens are fake, but they are actually spiritual entities and this is all Bible prophecy playing out. Satan and his fallen angels reappear near the very end, pretending to be ascended masters and aliens to attempt to unite the world against God and legitimize the mark of the beast. I’ll post some stuff about it this weekend.

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