Faith = Belief
There are lots of things we believe. And usually because they are supported by evidence.
Ever cast out demons? Pray for someone and they get healed?
God is awesome, and Jesus gives us authority in His name.
Reality is literally subject to Him.
Let's be totally fair. The above rant is almost entirely based on lack of knowledge. It's like judging religion(s) based on popular notions about them as opposed to any sort of investigation.
That out of the way, a cursory search of the word "knowledge" in the New King James translation of the Bible yields 165 results. A good start to getting an actual idea of what's the Bible's stance on the topic of knowledge might be something a person who expresses interest in this topic would want to do.
Now let's get into the weeds on the actual doctrine regarding Adam and Eve.
They were the first humans. They were created without sin. They also lacked wisdom and experience, which is fine. They were naïve. They communed with God on a regular basis. You will find their story in the early part of the book of Genesis in case you want to follow along. But Adam and Eve's sinlessness was not due to any sort of virtue on their part. It was really simple innocence. You with me? We adults probably don't even remember what that's like. But anyway, the problem with innocence is that once it's gone, it's gone for good. You can only be innocent once.
You will see in the story of their fall that the tree with the forbidden fruit was explicitly named "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Does this mean it's bad to have knowledge? No; what it means is that it's impossible to both have knowledge of good and evil AND be innocent at the same time. Once they lost that innocence, they also lost their sinlessness and therefore their communion with God.
So what is the first thing God did for them after they hid from Him in the garden and blamed each other and applied fig leaves to cover their nakedness?
He clothed them in animal skins. Genesis 3:21
There is a principle in Bible study and interpretation that says that the first mention of something is important. This is the first mention of an animal being slain. This is a picture of a blood sacrifice to cover sins.
And so throughout the rest of the Old Testament this topic resurfaces. Abraham and Isaac and the ram that God provided for the sacrifice. The Israelites performing the first Passover ceremony where they must sacrifice a perfect lamb without spot or blemish and apply its blood to the lintel and doorposts of their homes so the destroying angel would spare their first born son. Notice what sign the blood on the lintel and doorposts makes? The sign of the cross.
So onward to Jesus. The previous stories and pictures were preludes and symbols of the real sacrifice. God Himself took on the form of a man, being born of a woman, being tempted in every way that we are, yet without sin, and offered Himself as the atoning sacrifice, the propitiation for all the sins of mankind. Having risen from the dead 3 days later and then appearing to His disciples in many ways and on many occasions, He was then seen to ascend into heaven after giving his disciples instructions to wait on the promise of the Father. After a week or two of waiting (I forget exactly how long), they all received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (Acts chapter 2)
So now we have both knowledge and holiness by grace through faith. And we have authority over all things evil. We walk in the light.
The openly Satanic imagery is a tell. Whether it is on purpose or inadvertent is not as important as the fact that it is quite accurate.
The secret societies engage in a religion that worships Lucifer. Literally. He is their "god." They are open about it, but only within the upper echelons of their society, where there is more revelation about the actual cosmology they subscribe to. To outsiders, the true nature of their beliefs is kept obfuscated and guarded within a shell that is intended to appear that it is innocuous and compatible with Christianity.
It is notable that Zionists look forward to the building of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem, which they believe will be facilitated by their coming Messiah. The Luciferians are also looking to the arrival of their Dark Lord. The two narratives converge in the scriptures of Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 27 and Revelation 13
The "hidden" part is the most significant. The "hand" part is obvious; it refers to power and manipulation.
The Hidden Hand is a reference to the "secret" part of the "secret societies." They only way they can get away with their outrageous plans for the world is by arguing from incredulity. In other words "you have to be crazy believe that (((so-and-so))), .2% of the population, controls the world..." when in fact they do actually control the central banks, the policies of supposedly democratic nations, the entertainment industries, the news networks, the legal system, the education system, etc., all the while the direction of the planet is being coordinated in perfect harmony with the agendas espoused by flagrantly globalist organizations like the UN and the WEF.
The Orwellian language is the most interesting part to me. "Affirm," in this case, meaning the exact opposite. This is such an obvious blunt-force assault on language, and yet the people at large don't seem to take exception to it. Have we all been this cowed in fear by the "educated" class that we willingly cede the plain meaning of words to them without so much as a protest?
We are truly a populace that is occupied by an adversary that is at once both everywhere and impossible to identify. And yet somehow they exercise unfettered power over us.
The only problem with this approach--actually 2 problems--is this:
You'll only end up convincing them that there really is a disease X
The cabal are already working up a vaccine for disease X, even though there is no such thing, which the sheep will gobble up even though it is impossible to develop a vaccine for a virus that doesn't exist yet.
It is always seen as a conspiracy theory when one points out the ways in which new technology can be abused by authoritarian powers.
Those abuses inevitably occur.
This doesn't even require Elon Musk to have any such plans. It only requires the passing of time and the inevitable corruption that such power provides.
Adam and Eve, at that time, lived under a state of innocence. God would regularly visit them, and they had an idyllic life. The nature of the forbidden fruit was actually explicitly laid out in the account of Genesis. It says that the tree was the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil." The tree represented the death of innocence. After they ate of the tree, God provided them with animal skins to replace their fig leaves. Animal skins would have by necessity required the death of an animal--the shedding of blood. The "Law" that came later, under Moses, was the codification of all the things humans would need to do in order to be accepted by God. But there's more. The law, just like the animal skin, was only a symbolic and temporary fix--it did not solve the essential problem. The problem was that man's nature had fallen from innocence.
The ultimate solution God provided to fix this problem was not a temporary or a symbolic one; it was a real solution. The solution was not to bring humanity back to a state of ignorance and naivety or to try to force the appearance of sinlessness onto humanity through a strict system of laws and mere external compliance. The solution was to bring humanity into a state of union with God with eyes wide open, a full communion of the natures of man and God. The solution God provided was that He Himself would take on humanity via incarnation, conquer its faults, be the sacrifice to purge and expiate sin (then literally rise from the dead 3 days later), and that His Spirit would be poured out on all who accept that sacrifice.
You don't need to consult any arcane, secret knowledge to calculate the coming of Messiah. Daniel chapter 9 exposes the exact date. Which date just happens to coincide with the "triumphal entry" of Jesus into Jerusalem aka Palm Sunday. There is no Biblical support for the 6,000 years theory; it is merely a number the Jews feel is special and therefore they evidently think they can bind God to it somehow (which sadly suggests that modern Judaism follows traditions and superstitions as opposed to sound Biblical doctrine).
If you are not familiar with the Jewish calendar, there are plenty of folks who know how to calculate not only years but exact days using it. Here is an article that analyzes Daniel's prophecy fairly well, but there are many more such articles that basically conclude that the date is 32 AD, when Messiah appears but is "cut off" and then there is an age, an era, in which Messiah rules the earth obviously still in the future, as that last bit of Daniel's prophesy has yet to take place (and no clue as to how long the gap might be).
Certainly this plus the fact that portions of the HIV genome were spliced into it as well.
But one must give credence to the very obvious fact that it is the mRNA jabs causing so-called "long Covid" and not the coof.
Developing an anti-drone EMP weapon, preferably with a focal point rather than omnidirectional, should be a priority to us. Their cameras and communication devices should be immediately taken out, and with them most likely their navigation ability will also fail.
The only direct, actionable advice (in the New Testament) is to pray for them. Jesus didn't speak about this specific topic per se. But Paul does talk about government in a number of places...
1 Timothy 2:1-2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
Proverbs 21:1 (this one is Old Testament) The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord...
Now, that seems ineffectual and weak; and it is. Not to get long-winded, but there is a reason for that. God is judging our nation for its sins. One of the most potent judgments is to allow a people to be ruled by evil men.
But. God's judgments upon nations have been historically held back for the sake of His people, and in God's promises to Solomon at the dedication of the temple in 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, He says: "When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
God is looking to HIS OWN people in this time. He's not expecting the whole country to just pull itself up by their bootstraps, but He is expecting His children, who know Him, to live up to their God-given potential.
Quit drinking. Booze deadens your intuition and enslaves you to your lower/animal mind/consciousness.
Go to a Bible-believing Christian church and allow the God of the universe, Who transcends time and space, to reveal Himself to you and set your mind free with His existential truth.
The fact that all claims of it being fake include allegations of Jews putting goy children's blood in their matzas, which does not exist in the document, is proof that it is not fake.
If the only criticism of something is a false flag strawman, that means even its strongest critics cannot find anything legitimate to criticize.
The charge of anti-Semitism alone is enough to scare most away from reading it.
The Universal Antidote The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide
I'm referring to military tech, obtained illegally, with reference to China's military buildup, but yes of course common manufacturing tech also fuels their economic dominance.
Trace this all back to William Jefferson Clinton's landmark giveaway to China in 2000.
It's the perfect marriage between US corruption and Chinese long strategy. The US's corruption all points back to a common denominator: globalism. Which so happens to fit China's ambition to play a pivotal role in just such a system, a system in which national sovereignties are obviated and unelected bureaucrats rule by fiat.
Chicken and egg conundrum? Is global Communism fueling China's rise, or is China assisting global Communism's rise? Are US politicians on China's payroll the US's issue or China's issue?
I haven't done anything wrong to China. But a short time after China ran over its own citizens and slaughtered unknown hundreds of them in Tiananmen Square for protesting for democratic reforms, a president I didn't vote for granted them Most Favored Nation Status and admitted them into the WTO.
This move began the wholesale migration of all US manufacturing jobs to China and the hollowing out of the middle class of my country. China has been regularly stealing our technology such that it has used its monumental trade surpluses to invest in a massive military buildup and has realistic plans to become the world's dominant super power.
China is leveraging a virus grown and released within its own borders to decimate Western economies with full buy-ins by Western politicians bought and paid for with China's massive trade surplus money.
And I'm somehow supposed to feel guilty that China might be used as a scapegoat because the country I live in steals my votes and my tax dollars and sells out my interests to China while spreading chaos and destruction in the Middle East and destroys the social cohesion in my own homeland.
No. Fuck China.
On the contrary; we wouldn't have need to do any of that, and therefore we would have ended up on the continuation of Trump's prosperity trend as of today, which would in reality be the best financial and quality of life this nation has ever experienced in its entire history.
(Instead we are on the brink of the worst catastrophe)
I've noticed a telling bias, a monolithic blind spot, in many of the responses here.
The tendency for non-religious people to pretend that atheism and materialism is the defacto correct and "true" tenet, and that anything beyond what is "provable" via the scientific method is by definition "false" and also worthy of derision and ridicule.
I posit that the doctrine of materialism is itself both self contradictory and patently and provably wrong on every level.
First of all, you don't even perceive the universe itself, nor do you understand it. What you actually perceive is quite limited to your senses and immediate surroundings and makes up only the tiniest fraction of your understanding. The "universe" you live in is actually a mental construct. So the very "thing" (your mind) that you are using to deny the existence of anything extra-material is itself not a material "thing" at all. Your mind is consciousness. There is no physical or measurable or provable substance of "mind," and yet it is everything to you, everything that makes you who you are. Without it, your body would be essentially dead and worthless.
The Mental Universe
Our reality is literally constructed out of our BELIEFS.
So before you mock the concept of faith, remember that. We actually understand almost nothing of what we presume to be true. Do we understand gravity? Magnetism? Light? We know they "work," and we proceed accordingly, on faith. Because all of the explanations of what they are, really are assumptions with little more than big words and math added to them, and that has to be good enough. Because in 99.99% of all useful applications, those assumptions work, and the .01% of the time they don't work is not anything we're likely to encounter in our daily lives. Even theoretical physics is a long way from defining a unified theory, much less proving one. Because the universe is more complex than can be expressed in any theory.
Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems
We make due with disjointed fragments of theories, because they work in the majority of cases, and we specialize in categories of knowledge even if other categories might seem contradictory at times.
But in the realm of the mind, we don't have math or easily "provable" theses so much as we have principles that we can choose to apply or ignore at our own peril. We can experiment and adopt these principles in our lives and see the results for ourselves. We can observe the outcomes of people who reject these principles. We can observe the dysfunction of society increasing as it collectively rejects these principles.
It is important to keep in mind that we live essentially in the spiritual realm. That spooky word "spirit" that is so easy to denigrate is our true reality. How we can manage to sleepwalk through life pretending to live in the physical world and ignore the most vital and fundamental part of our nature? By living in a collectively-manufactured "reality." Our individual mental constructs consciously adopt those of the society around us, so that we can pretend to live in an external world that is agreed upon by all of its participants. The virtual, "external" world, and its collectively agreed-upon rules, is necessary for us to engage with one another and to survive as a species, but it is still an illusion. It is created by faith.
Whereas the spiritual world, which is the basic foundational bedrock of our existence, is actually reality. It is perceived only in the realm of the mind, therefore is not "provable" via the physical sciences, and has very clear and absolute principles. These can only be understood through experiencing them, and they, just as every other realm of existence, are approached through faith.
Faith is not a bad word.