Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

you're allowed to believe in 'movements' if you like - I'm not stopping you. You can't name any single 'movement' that's been lasting though, can you? Or one that's accomplished something. No you can't - because they are DESIGNED for a particular use at a particular point in time to accomplish some political or social goal of the elite.

None of them are genuine. You should watch 'Hypernormalization' if you can't sniff the fakery all by yourself.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

So many tories resigned.

The rampant left-wingery was already bad enough under them with all the trans nonsense, being flooded with immigrants, pedo acceptance being snuck onto the statute books, government putting a wedge between kids and their parents by mandate but now they have decimated themselves and leave it open for the even worse Labour party to waltz in. Both are rabid degenerate anti-human, antichrist parties but at least the tories had to pull their punches somewhat to give a pretence of conservatism. Labour, when they get in, will just let rip.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not failed at all - the appearance of failure is just bait. The 'Great Reset' was never designed to work - it was designed to misdirect the masses into the 'Great Awakening' which will be even worse...

Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

yes, I find Probably Alexandras take on things seem to have the ring of truth to me. I've been watching her vids recently and she definitely gave me new insights.

Although, she is not without the odd mistake herself so it's always wise to double check your Bible and concordance along with her. For example she said, in one of her mind game episodes, that the word killed as used in the book of revelation only means to kill figuratively but that's really just a mistake in her grammar. She thinks the concordance reads " To kill outright, figuratively" whereas there's a semi-colon between "to kill outright" and "figuratively" denoting two separate items on the list - two distinct meanings. The other meaning is "figuratively, to destroy". Here's the concordance entry cut n pasted from my e-sword.

Alexandra would have us believe that Revelation 13:15 doesn't give warning that Christians will be killed for refusing to worship the image of the beast. But her work and research is awesome and very reasonable/logical.

G615 ἀποκτείνω apokteinō ap-ok-ti'-no From G575 and κτείνω kteinō (to slay); to kill outright; figuratively to destroy: - put to death, kill, slay. Total KJV occurrences: 75

Janschology 0 points ago +2 / -2

beware! the 'heroes' of this piece are still the bad guys. Satan - dark vs Lucifer - light.

The first beast and the second beast.

The light side is still your enemy in the dualistic game. The light squares on the chessboard are still squares on a chessboard.

Look even at the twitter account that posted this with all his New Age NESARA nonsense. The New Age is Luciferian.

Lucifer is the light-bringer. The 'light' in the Dark to Light process. Still bad guys. We've a way to go yet, tribulations and suffering. The Noahide Laws have not yet been fully implemented as they must.

Janschology 3 points ago +3 / -0

yeah. Qs 'Dark to Light' just references the squares on the masonic chessboard. Control will shift from the dark masonic cabal to the light or luciferian side. Still contained within the same overall corrupt system. The shift from the first beast to the second or, as they might see it - the merging of the masculine with the feminine in their weird androgynous new age nonsense.

Q did say (New) Age of Enlightenment after all, as did Trump. He also referenced the Brave New World, as did Ivanka. He is also super quiet on Jesus. Never criticised Bill Gates even once, which is unsurprising since it was Gates who convinced Trump to 'do something great with vaccines'.

Trump is CLEARLY obsessed with Apollo ie Satan if you look at his penthouse apartment. Also, all the handsigns he does.

Moving from dark to light isn't an improvement. You're moving from dark chess pieces to light chess pieces but its still satanic and you're still being controlled like a piece on a board, subject to all the same overlords... it's a false dichotomy

Janschology 5 points ago +9 / -4

TDS is a double-edged sword. There's also pro-Trump Derangement Syndrome

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's not correct at all. The claim is that the other two girls in the photo are Theresa May and Grybauskaite. The charge of fake is a refutation not a claim.

The burden remains on the claimant.

Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

thats not how burdens of proof work. The burden is on the person making the original claim. So, the OP needs to prove that this photo is actually of the 3 he claims it is of

Janschology 4 points ago +4 / -0

The UK and US are really bedfellows in these things. What's true for one is generally true for the other.

With that in mind, and given that I don't know anything about the US Mil really being a brit, perhaps you could find something in some of the British Armys programmes, like Future Soldier and here as well as Programme CASTLE

Have a look at this article about plans for integrating British soldiers with technology - it'll be the same or even more advanced for the US. Take time to explore some of the links - there is talk about morality pills and suchlike. Pretty dystopian stuff.

I think the US military has been weakened for a more decisive purpose than the one you're suggesting. It's not to stop them from doing something - it's to 'build back better'. I think you just need to let go of any notion that the election was 'stolen' and that Trump and Biden are actual enemies. It's all of a oneness. The double headed phoenix, the hegelian dialectic etc

by DrLeaks
Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not convinced..

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

so what does Q think about Jesus then?

Explain this one: https://qalerts.app/?q=brave+new+world

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you not know how Hegelian Dialectics work?

Jenna Talackova, Lara Trump, Ivana Trump, Stormy Daniels - all trannies.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner - Chabad Lubavitch Jews who plan to one day decapitate Christians. Trumps continual handsigns. MAGA being the fifth and highest degree in the church of Satan, Trump trying to restore tha statue of Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason and author of Morals and Dogma. Another of Trumps personal heroes and his pastor growing up, Norman Vinvent Peale, being a 33rd Degree Freemason, Trump ran Crimson Contagion in the run up to the plandemic. Trump ditched his vacccine safety commission on the say so of Gates who advised him to 'do something great' with vaccines. Trump then went on to push the FDA into permitting authorisation of untested experimental and highhly damaging vaccines of which he is immensely proud - he also set up the infrastructure for health surveillance. Trump never finished the wall. His actions lead to all these hordes coming over the border. You all thought it was to keep immigrants out whereas in reality he's constructing you a prison - those walls are to keep you all IN. Trump says highly inappropriate and frankly deeplky disturbing things about his daughter.

Trump led the Jan 6 victims on, saying he would be with them at the Capitol only to cut and run and permitted them to languish in prison for ages. Roger Stone is a tranny-loving, depraved pervert.

Rudi Giuliani is a serial cross-dresser. Trump never arrested Hilary and even shushed his crod up after the election when they began chanting 'lock her up'. Trump claims to be religious but cannot say a single passage out of the Bible. He has also never aksed God for forgiveness. His biblical favourite concept is an eye for an eye ie vengeance. Clearly he's not Christian but favours Jews or more precisly those who call themselves Jews but are not ie the Synagogue of Satan.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

professing to be wise, they became fools.

Pride comes before a fall.

Stop sniffing your own farts and blowing your own trumpet. You simply would rather ascribe all differences in perspective to people not being as smart as you or knowing as much as you. Well guess what? Everyone you meet knows things that you don't. Stop being proud.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

that's not Q mentioning Jesus. That's a set prayer. Jesus is conspicuously absent from the Q posts.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

"Stop lying. You can't win with lies"

posts about God/Christians when I specifically asked why Q never mentions Jesus.

Rather than simply acknowledge and give a reason you try to deflect. That's dishonesty aka lies borne of a lack of an answer that would allow you to satisfactorily maintain your faith in Q. Q is a new age movement, thats why.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

In order to maintain your faith in the obvious deception that is Qanion, you HAVE to try convicne yourself that all oopponents are of lesser intellect and just don't 'get it'. It's a self-preservation mechanism whereas in reality we both know that you don't know the first thing about me and are in no place to judge my intelligence whatsoever.

I could be as dumb as a box of rocks, I could be sharp as a tack and I could be ANYWHERE in between. You just don't know but look at what you have to reduce yourself to.

Q is Sunstein. Trump is loyal to Israel and is ALL-IN on the tranny world order. You already know it in the back of your mind. Don't let PRIDE get in the way...

Janschology 0 points ago +2 / -2

You just comfort yourself by telling yourself that anybody opposed to Q or anyone who thinks Q is bullshit must be somehow brainwashed. Whereas people like me think it is you lot who are brainwashed. You have to ignore an ungodly amount of contradictory information to maintain your beliefs.

I used to follow Q. As you can see I was banned from there. I have read Qs words. Why does Q reference the Brave New World in glowing terms? Just like Ivanka did during COVID.

Why does Q never mention Jesus? Why is Q never critical of Bill Gates? Why didn't Q warn of the plandemic ahead of time?

Janschology 1 point ago +3 / -2

TV junkie? Me?

I never watch TV. Ever.

Sorry mate - you've been deceived by the exact same type of PsyOp that our governments run on foreign populations in order to radicalise them and demoralise them and cause civil unrest etc as a pretext for military 'intervention'/domination.

Just accept it. Also, just accept that no-one outside of the GAW circlejerk gives a fuck about that lame bromide 'There is Q there are anons' distinction that you all parrot.

Qanon is shorthand for your whole sect - that is leader + doctrine + believers - whether you like it or not.

You lot sound like the pronoun bunch when you air that tired old correction.

Janschology 0 points ago +2 / -2

lolol someone should send this to GAW - I can't as I'm permabanned.

I tried to tell all the mods to read Cass Sunsteins paper 'Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cure' from 2008. It outlines a plan/suggestion for governments to do EXACTLY what this video says - cognitively infiltrate the places where conspiracy theories percolate and then steer them using behavioural science which Sunstein is famous for, into supporting the actions of government.

And, like the lady says, all the Qtards are absolutely salivating for the military to declare martial law - to be ruled over by tyrannical trannies and homosexuals with absolutely devastating weaponry, including CBRN weaponry...

Also, look what became of Mr Sunstein - he headed up the UKs Behavioural Insights Team which the UK then exported round the world and which is responsible for delivering all the fearporn etc.

Let them see this but they'll just say "Disinformation is necessary'. If they are still enamoured by Q at this stage then they are too far gone. Irretrievable. Sad really, because their heart is in the right place.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

exactly. And further proof, were it needed, that the entire Democrat/Republican dichotomy exists exclusively in the hearts and minds of the captive audience which is the citizenry.

In the upper echelons there is only one overarching viewpoint.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

100% true. I was fooled by Trump myself for quite a while but not being American I wasn't as invested in it all as folk might be.

There's a steadfast refusal on the part of Trump supporters and Qanons to countenance anything critical of Trump at all - even in the face of indisputable evidence.

I'm glad you brought TDS up. TDS was a two-sided coin. The frothing anti-Trumpers were suffering from it but, then, the avid pro-Trumpers are also completely deranged in a lot of their beliefs (particularly the Qanon set). BNoth sides have a derangement syndrome centred upon Trump - they just come at it from different angles!

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