JP_TheKookyShrink 4 points ago +4 / -0

My globeshape brings all the shills to the yard...

JP_TheKookyShrink 1 point ago +3 / -2

If nothing else, it certainly exposed something bigger is going on behind all the posting.

JP_TheKookyShrink 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I don't agree with everything you say, but you're squarely at the bottom of my list of shills here. You and Gyna.

JP_TheKookyShrink 3 points ago +4 / -1

Just an odd topic to jump in on for your first contribution here. Especially now.

Seeing as how you've offered up the fact that you're also a qtard, it makes it even more suspicious.

JP_TheKookyShrink 0 points ago +1 / -1

I was hoping this post would open the way it did based on the title.

Good form, OP. Good form.

JP_TheKookyShrink 2 points ago +2 / -0

The term "gullible christians" is redundant.

It's implied by the simple fact that they fell for adult Santa.

JP_TheKookyShrink -1 points ago +1 / -2

But does correlation = causation here.

I for one don't know.

"Autism" as a diagnosis has only been around for a hundred or so years. How long would it take to spread around to all the doctors and start being used as a diagnosis?

Would that graph mirror the graph of households using gas stoves over roughly the same period of time?

Would the autism graph be better labled "autism recognition growth" over "autism diagnosis growth"?

JP_TheKookyShrink 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Bible describes a flat unmoving earth constantly

Even if that's what the book says in its latest translation, you're ignoring the fact that the Bible was written by "people" that were 3 hairs away from being baboons.

JP_TheKookyShrink 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's funny is I don't see any of that from the "YAYs." Like em or not, they're all casual to obsessive users here. Familiar.

Be a real shame if somebody fought fire with fire.

A damn shame, even.

JP_TheKookyShrink 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rep. Nancy Mace: I along with many Americans have long term effects from COVID. Not only was I a long-hauler, but I have effects from the vaccine.

So, she's a "covid long hauler" and a vaxxie.

JP_TheKookyShrink 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've tried to figure out how this became a political issue and all I can come up with is one side is pro burning fossil fuels/coal/gas and the other side isn't.

If there's something in my home that's been secretly poisoning me since birth, yeah, let's figure out a solution.

If this is just the latest in a never ending cycle of fear and outrage flavored distractions, then let's collectively shut the fuck up about it.

I don't have enough information to make a decision either way so this would be a story I would consider to be barely on my radar.

However, we know that breathing/ingesting these substances is toxic to humans, its safe to say the same is true if you burn them first. So I can see how there might be a nugget of truth here.

JP_TheKookyShrink -5 points ago +3 / -8

Oh no! Poor russians... this is happening in Ukraine, right? The country that Russia is invading? The country that Russia has no business being in? Wow.

It's almost like if they just packed their shit and went home to that Slavic shithole they call a country, they might not be getting gassed.

JP_TheKookyShrink 2 points ago +3 / -1

courage to have a different take on reality.


More like a narcissism/Dunning Kruger combo. I'll make no assumptions about their intellect other than the fact that they ain't astronauts. Or pilots. Or mathematicians. Or physicists.

OK they're janitors, so what.

by DrLeaks
JP_TheKookyShrink 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is Christians pretending to be the victim because people are making fun of them using the villain to the made up story they pay 10% of their earnings to hear over and over and over again.

JP_TheKookyShrink 3 points ago +4 / -1


And to the "muh censorship" crowd, grow up.

I have to say I'm with Clem on this one. Nothing but crickets when it comes to porn, trolls, and the many blessing savior messiah Buddha Krishna PayPal me 100 dollar for investment spirit guy.

This is the most engaging FE thread I've seen.

JP_TheKookyShrink 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well that sure would be convenient, wouldn't it.

The whole thing is made up bullshit for low iq droolers anyway. Just like to highlight the hypocrisy of christcucks.

by DrLeaks
JP_TheKookyShrink 0 points ago +1 / -1



Words are hard, aren't they DrCorporis

JP_TheKookyShrink 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh idk, because it made it even easier to spot their bullshit/exaggeration/fraud/larps/lies/propaganda?

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