HonestTruth 3 points ago +5 / -2

Sure, but people need to realize there are no hero, fake jew shit.

Consult history, pull one up.

by pkvi
HonestTruth 7 points ago +8 / -1

Not like I ever listened to the guy, obvious criminal cia plant.

he is clearly part of all of this stuff.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yea, I cannot prove it or anything, It has been said both ways from many people.

But, what I use to accept it I can reveal:

1.) Both sides of all conflicts are operated by the same party

2.) Way too much overlap in desired outcome to not be from the same origin

3.) The recipe to his creation was spot on, 100% intentional as the years wore on

4.) We see the same thing playing out here again, the rise of debauchery and mental sickness

5.) The funding for the military action of Germany came from the same place it is coming from today

6.) Jews were not persecuted as we are led to believe, instead they were 'filtered' and stored all around the world to produce families and hold positions of power.

7.) Operation paperclip took all the jew nazi from his war camp and installed them in the surviving countries

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

lol, hitler was a jew, created by the jew to push zionism.

Now we have a new hitler it is selensky pushing all the whites to die.

I think given your comments you truly know nothing and are just a simp leftist talking shit.

Criminals the lot, all going to end up with the same result that history brings to these criminals over and over and over.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +4 / -2

Do you expect him to call out the jew and be the next hitler they been promising for years?

HonestTruth 2 points ago +3 / -1

Eat shit kike, you are wrong as usual, lying and uninformed, you know nothing.

I would never apologize for producing facts that your weak small jew brain cannot comprehend, you are a criminal and a disgusting example of what a mental disease looks like. all the posts you write are just garbage jew lies.

Eat shit criminal, Beat it loser.

HonestTruth -2 points ago +1 / -3

lol, as the entire western armies are being wtfpwned on the battlefield of life?

As the western economies collapse and Russia and China and Iran begin to form the new world order, you think he is upset?

This is the end of nato, the demise of the criminal khazarians that took over the west with criminal actions and manipulation of simple minded fools like you.

Beat it scrub, your posts are so retarded it is amazing you can form the incoherent lying sentences at all with such a weak mentality.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +4 / -2

Eat more shit, cause that is how you like it dirty infected leftist, mental disease is revealed in each and every post you make, you are a disease upon this forum, a disgusting filthy lying sack of shit.

Useless, you will never get anything good from me, your account is a disgusting reveal on your criminal mind, this is my last response to you loser.

Beat it.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

You are a useless piece of shit, don't bother writing comments to me you lying sack of jew shit.

Everything you say is a lie, you are as stupid as history has proven, over and over again the criminals continue to try but fail, continual failure, exposure then death.

Nobody puts up with criminals, ever.

now beat it loser criminal.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +5 / -2

haha, nice and with a fraction of the names to make it easy to start.

The criminals have infected everything.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

Some significant truth buried in your rant here, nice stuff.

While not 100% correct (who could be?) I like the details.

Pretty accurate overall, worth the read, Thanks!

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

that this "tamga of Khazaria" also can't be found anywhere except this meme?

this "sigil of Moloch" is fake and can't be found anywhere else

You are a useless piece of shit, don't bother writing comments to me you lying sack of jew shit.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

given the total number of assholes you have had your tongue up, divided by the amount you liked it, I would say the odds are good.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

Oy Vey! Indeed no criminals exist that like to lie and downplay everything.

Carry on criminal.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

Many despicable criminal kikes would line up for the chance, who are you trying to kid.

HonestTruth 5 points ago +6 / -1

more stupid shit from a retarded criminal, you think you have the wit to respond to me?

What would be the need to elaborate? This picture is complete.

You have nothing, the level of weakness in your comments is deplorable, you are a testament to the simplicity and uselessness of your criminal type.

Not even capable of meaningful banter, you are continually brushed aside, like a weak brainless fruit fly.

Typical reddit leftist zealot of fake virtue, you likely have a variety of mental disease operating your psyche to continually desire to be put in the place you deserve to be in.

A useless pile of shit is your status, useless drivel with 0 comprehension of basic communication.

Beat it loser

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

The United States must conduct serious soul-searching. It must critically examine what it has done, let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.

Round One, So now they would need to assert a response to denial of this demand in order to be taken seriously, hopefully with a timeline.

Otherwise, they have been saying this for years and not much will change.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Solid advice champ

HonestTruth 2 points ago +2 / -0

Precisely, those that prepare and understand will be the ones to bring about the repair sequence.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +5 / -1

You can't stop it, unless you wanna be on the corner holding your sign all by yourself.

When the food runs out, the changes will begin to roll. In the collapsing system they cannot control all aspects, so food shortages will be the tool.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

When you realize that in history these criminals have been working to eradicate any means of survival, the picture should be clear.

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