You can prepare for that by stacking and storing food in several locations. Food is cheap enough currently. Let the non's starve and shoot any who comes at you aggressively.
That's it. Fortify and team up with likeminded folks. Get to know your neighbors and figure out who is on the same wavelength. One needs a few good folks as back up. Even learning about your local law enforcement, who they are and if they will be an asset, but mostly just people to avoid.
If things really hit the fan, those most prepared and strong will be the one's folks will follow. Getting physically strong is one thing, training to shoot a gun would be a good asset. blacks have little depth perception compared to whites. Also if you have a level of separation and security blacks are more likely to attack other nonwhites.
I'm not under the illusion we will save 'all' Whites anyhow. There will be a eugenic effect for sure. Something that was just bound to happen either way. save what you can, fortify and rebuild. Hopefully the enemies of the White race will end up in a very bad place at the end of it. Prepare for either scenario anyway. Remember u/HonestTruth, don't forget to have fun.
You can't stop it, unless you wanna be on the corner holding your sign all by yourself.
When the food runs out, the changes will begin to roll. In the collapsing system they cannot control all aspects, so food shortages will be the tool.
You can prepare for that by stacking and storing food in several locations. Food is cheap enough currently. Let the non's starve and shoot any who comes at you aggressively.
Precisely, those that prepare and understand will be the ones to bring about the repair sequence.
That's it. Fortify and team up with likeminded folks. Get to know your neighbors and figure out who is on the same wavelength. One needs a few good folks as back up. Even learning about your local law enforcement, who they are and if they will be an asset, but mostly just people to avoid.
If things really hit the fan, those most prepared and strong will be the one's folks will follow. Getting physically strong is one thing, training to shoot a gun would be a good asset. blacks have little depth perception compared to whites. Also if you have a level of separation and security blacks are more likely to attack other nonwhites.
I'm not under the illusion we will save 'all' Whites anyhow. There will be a eugenic effect for sure. Something that was just bound to happen either way. save what you can, fortify and rebuild. Hopefully the enemies of the White race will end up in a very bad place at the end of it. Prepare for either scenario anyway. Remember u/HonestTruth, don't forget to have fun.
Solid advice champ