HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm pretty sure they all missed your sarcasm. I laughed like hell.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, I was just thinking, don't forget topicals. A few $1 bottles of hydrogen peroxide and filling a wound with generic Neosporin topped off with a clean bandage twice a day will keep you from needing the pills for cuts and punctures. I've got some really gnarly scars from home surgery that any normie would have stitched.

Last week my husband was showing our 7 yo how the plasma cutter had a failsafe that would only work on metal. Guess what, the product was oversold. My son was mortified. Husband is a little worse for wear, but otherwise fine. The word "dumbass" was muttered.

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

The trick to getting antibiotics is telemedicine for sinus infection and acne, and you can hit two or three of them in a relatively short amount of time. The conditions are common, antibiotics aren't controlled, and you can usually get a lot of refills. Then research the amount you would need for when you need the shit for real. Cephelaxin for example is available in low dose for acne, but I've also been prescribed it in high dosage after surgery and for sepsis. Pay out of pocket, you don't want your insurance company nosing in on this. Use different pharmacies and GoodRX if needed, antibiotics are cheap through the big brand stores by themselves though. Myself, I've just been collecting and saving my extras, expired they'll still last 10-12 years.

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I pay 100% of my medical insurance. When the new year kicked over they upped it from $407 a week to $639 a week. They did NOT inform me of the price change until it was too late to opt out.

HerAlterEgo 5 points ago +5 / -0

The kind of cancer HPV gives you (like 36 kinds) is basically a skin cancer that is easily rectified when found with cryogenic freezing. It's not pleasant, but it is an outpatient procedure on a slow growth cancer type. For sexually active people not in a long-term monogamous relationship one should be getting a yearly checkup anyways to catch it (annual pap). After in a monogamous relationship, it's still possible to trigger up to two decades after infection (and you wouldn't even know it, this is the STD you truly can get from a toilet seat). That's why obgyns recommend those women get a pap every 3 years. Of course, if a wart shows up on your junk you should go get it fixed, some doctors say it's just cosmetic for men, but OTC wart-off will solve the problem with about two weeks of tenderness. Point being, don't take the Gardasil shot or give it to your kids, it's not as life and death as the pharma-shills make it out to be. Once again the vaccine injury risk is higher than the disease risk.

HerAlterEgo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I apologize, I thought taxes were theft. 😂

Giveth, taketh away?

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Give unto Caeser what is Caesar's...

HerAlterEgo 8 points ago +8 / -0


My employer mandated the vax to everyone in July. I have a IUD and hadn't had a period in 6 years. I go into the office every other Thursday. I had a period every two weeks though September when my Ivermectin came in. Thank God gov Abbott executive ordered no more employer mandates in October. As consultant I didn't jab. 6 of my boosted coworkers got covid in January. Kids' school has called me for 5 exposures between them since August, we never got sick, had it early in 2020.

My mother went to her crochet group last May where one of the hens sitting next to her was clucking on about getting her vax two days earlier. My father took my mother to the ER five days later when she wouldn't stop uncontrollably shaking. Her first visit to a doctor since 1988. They "found nothing wrong". She had a post-menopausal menses. She's still fucked up, fatigue, anger, confusion, it's getting better, but not very much and very slowly. Prion disease will eventually kill you.

My two sisters got jabbed, they have both now been diagnosed with POTS, and one is dealing with an enlarged liver for the past 8 months. She doesn't drink. I've had Bell's Palsy since 1985. My grandmother (Mom's Mom) took one dose and is now periocardio-effusion/myelitis (sp?). It seems it runs on the women's side of the family.

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

My mother once worked a contract for Keebler. Don't ask about their roof above the bake lines.

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

After my Great Grandfather came back from WWI it became family legacy to keep the kids out of the military. As the story goes, the second he came back he got rid of his gun, insisted to never have one in the house, never spoke about the war or visited a doctor again. Said they all "guessed" at their job. He succumbed to diabetes in 1968. That's not to say he abhored guns, he just didn't want one in the house. My father owns a gun store.

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

... but isn't it the aerobic activity killing the athletes? A little bit of Goldie Locks syndrome, don't you think?

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 4 points ago +4 / -0

My father went to great lengths to keep his four kids (including myself) from being recruited (suckered) into the military. "It's a rich man's war, and a poor man's fight".

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a downvote brigade going round here lately. Seems to go in groups of four or five. I suspect one vindictive woman/emo-lib with five email accounts. Would be cool to start checking IPs. I upvote every time I see it just on principle.

Edit: And literally the next thread "glowing red hot" said the exact same thing, except groups of 6. Maybe the four-fiver grew ego and got another account recently.

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Semen does. 😚

HerAlterEgo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Freeze the grains for 24 hours to kill insect eggs before putting them into storage bins. I've thrown away bags of flour before.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's only helpful for those who push onto others for the vaccine.

Forcing this information on the people who took it to keep their jobs and just fit in with society will only make them feel bad/worse/more regret, and make you look bad too. One of my sisters jabbed her two older kids, 5 and 8. It's too late for them now, but beating her on the head about it is only going to ostracize me from seeing them. Some might say good riddance, buy I'd at least like to see them again before they go.

HerAlterEgo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Getting through it will be tougher than it sounds. Mass starvation is coming. Stock up on shelf-stables and ammo to protect it.

I've been seeing a number of correlations between covid measures and communist/marxist/xi protocol to destroy a nation. The next step after relaxing for a minute to make them think they're winning is to blindside them with something twice as hard. I've been bookmarking links to various international medication sources to combat things like smallpox. Just waiting for that next shoe to drop.

HerAlterEgo 5 points ago +5 / -0

This will be an epic backfire the second they realize truckers are visiting their site to easily find support. lmao dumbshit lefties stepping on their own dicks again.

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