Hate4_Zetetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hey I do like your vibe, but you're style makes it hard for people to follow along. I know you mean well. Care too much probably. But I don't get you most of the time. This post....what is that all supposed to mean in 13 seconds? That's about how long a good minded, well intended person would read before they know the rest is not for them.

Hate4_Zetetics -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't know. Expose is kind of one of those things that you can't really measure by how often. It's measured by how much. And that can be done with a few bullet points.

I like real people here. I have learned some stuff. But I don't think I'm on a public forum. I know we are participating in some form of programming and mental management.

I like that you can't really get booted from here for your ideas. GAW and TD are total mind fucked people there, and mods are strict as fuck to keep those sheepole in their happy place.

Good luck getting booted from here though, misfits is all that is here. But don't go posting the earth isn't a globe or you'll be mod attacked and your posts will be sunk.

There are a few .wins that get extreme for me though. Angry little fuckers out there.

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

Science is such bullshit sometimes.

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

That migrant with a knife looks like a rape victim. 🤡 World

Hate4_Zetetics 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why is there a post score thern? I may not know how this works because I admit I kinda don't care. But these guys aren't normal, for sure.

Do you think the internet is for you?

Don't be nieve. This group is a bunch of defectos that would poison the Donald ot GAW. That's why anyone who is real here, is also banned from those mind fucks.

And guess what. Those guys aren't banned from TD or GAW, are they? None of the regular posters are.

Wake up, this site is a tool for tools. I used to think I could find like minded people here, I thought I might find someone who at least knows we aren't in space, on a globe, and could see the bigger picture of where we really are

But no, if I even mentioned that shit, tallesttard attacks me

Hate4_Zetetics -3 points ago +1 / -4

Imagine being this easily triggered

Hate4_Zetetics -1 points ago +1 / -2

Evolution doesn't make sense to me now that I know we aren't really on a globe, or in space.

Hate4_Zetetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

He wasn't really talking politicians, but more about men being better than women. Being in denial of that is common. Cant do anything about boys that are scared of girls.

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a mute button?

I don'i really can't figure out free will. I've talked to him on various accounts for years. These days he is easier to understand. Sometimes though....it's so much that it feels like a strangly trained GPT, lately I don't see that as much

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe sometimes, you respond and you are just on a different level. Some of it just rambles and doesn't make sense. I guess I can't show you any language model that would talk so wierd, but who knows what's possible.

A. the All Precievable cannot be deceived, but my perception can be. I am not all Precievable.

B. Nature doesn't. Mans interpretation and observation search for what nature might tell us, but it's not nature's fault for making a false statement.

Still world of deception. Massively and to almost no end, practically everything most people believe is science is actually programing.

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you argue against climate change, they will point to these deaths and call you a monster for not believing the narrative. Like the 6Million thing.

Hate4_Zetetics 3 points ago +4 / -1

You're in a dead forum that no one really looks at. The billions of people on this world and you see a few comments here.

It doesn't matter. Free will of choice is probably algorithm, language model, it depends who is controlling the account. This is a world of deception. Of course those shitheads are watch you and this site, corralling us and keeping you from going father

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

What you are saying is just dogma, not proof. And the shitheads in charge now, are the same back when they gave us the bible.

Human bodie existance here can be explained by other reasons than just yours

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't give me something I wouldnt appreciate? Guy, I've been down that path too. I've even gone down the path where I hated people that would say something like, "there isn't anything you can teach me." But now I'm open to it, but I just haven't been impressed with anything religions offer. Wierd biblical stories about pigs and pearls to help you speak code to those who knows is just more language separation. All the dichotomies in this place are also excellent red flags, and you can live a free, spiritual life, at anytime. It's an amazing experience, if you live it up. It's also easy to squander or sacrifice, over devote or under appreciate. Everything in moderation, especially advice, and religion, actually...everything said to you, ever. This place isn't what you think it is and most we are deceived as societies.

Hate4_Zetetics -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sorry, man, you take it literal. I should have said it more directly in contrast to your original claim. You said it was obvious we have a creator. And I said there is nothing obvious (that we have a creator).

Also, just because it's not obvious that we do not have a creator, doesn't mean we were not created. Also, it doesn't me we must have evolved.

You could just be a left over lab experiment, or, we all could be bred for economic slavery, and originated from some biological factory.

Divinity can be considered since it cannot be rejected, but it's not obvious. Dogma makes it feel obvious, I can say from experience, I've been on several different ends of this argument on my life.

I think it's most likely that we are bred for economic slavery, mostly. Some of us are bred into secret societies that police the population above the supposedly sovereign nations, which are just human management groups.

Experiments, biological resources, sex slavery, labor slavery are also bred. All within full knowledge and even at the help of government. Voting is fake for sure, probably in most, if not all important elections world wide. We know viruses were always a hoax, and nukes, and veggies are actually bad for us... basically this place is totally bullshit. professional sports are rigged, schools teach fake history and fake science. Weather is a weapon, along with DEWs from fake space because satellite are actually hanging from advanced weather balloons.

This isn't a real conspiracy site....is it?

Hate4_Zetetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

Realizing that we aren't on a planet in space. From that, it becomes obvious that there must be higher power above our governments, and that all checks out, explains most stupid politics, fake nukes, fake moon landings, and then all the fake science about veggies, viruses or global warming, you can see the levers and controls that are keeping us contained and dumb.

God is an easier self governor than most religions because a single deity and single source is easier to manage, they knew that when they made this bible, and the story about the son of god crap. They can also use religions to cause wars, migrations, population changes, influence and so much more through the church.

You probably feel compelled or programed to help show the light. I'm ok, thanks

Hate4_Zetetics 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's because you value the bible over your common man, this can only be done by information dominance.

It's programing for your sub conscious to regurgitate on any que that threatens your the construct they developed and you molded to you, and accepted.

I was christian a long time, I remember the response that I would give, just like you said. I know the word of God is the truth, right? It's just repetition that develops response that you feel comes from your intuition, but it's actually conditioning.

Don't bother believing me or anyone, just be totally honest and fearless of your thoughts. Think for yourself without fear. And then you can know what you know. Believing anything is just a weak spot in your knowledge.

Hate4_Zetetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

That fact we have a creator is not obvious. You don't even know if you put here, or if we are from here. Nothing at all is obvious that we had a devine creator. Just theories. Maybe we were made in a lab, you don't know and no one could.

Dichotomy is a Hallmark. Thus not all dichotomies are psyops but all psyops involve Dichotomy. By function, it's the easiest way to high jack and program. Just look at you. No way you'd consider rejecting God and religion, you have faith. It's beyond reason. Not logical, based on content, written by man.

Hate4_Zetetics 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are not any witness who confirms the bible. It's not source for much. Little accuracy here there, but mostly just a tool to fool ya

Hate4_Zetetics -1 points ago +1 / -2

Jesus is fake, so is God and all religions. They are constructs of control.

Dichotomized choices are the Hallmark of psyops. I choose to fully reject brainwashing. Any programing. No bible telling the way is right. It's all bs

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