GREED_IS_GOOD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone who believes the moon landing still is a fucking retard or scared of reality. It is soy boy faggotry to not objectively look at reality and accept the truth. You have been lied to get the fuck over it.

GREED_IS_GOOD 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think it's flat!

How can something with hills and mountains be "flat?"

I just don't think it's a spinning ball!

Not 100% either way. It's a shame NASA won't prove anything to us with a real photograph of a so called spinning ball! 65 years and hundreds of billions of dollars and no real photo. Oh well.

Try not to let it bother you so much at the end of the day does it really matter that you don't know if it's "flat" or a "globe"?

I don't think so. Have a great day mister!

GREED_IS_GOOD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't reply to him its his job literally.

He gets paid to post. He gets paid when people reply.

Only small amounts of shekels but still.

Ignore completely.

GREED_IS_GOOD 0 points ago +1 / -1

What's funny you don't know how tik tok works?

Edit: give me something to find a theory etc, I'll find it on there for you.

GREED_IS_GOOD -1 points ago +1 / -2

Because tik tok is based as fuck if you are in the correct algos.

One of the best tools. Hardly any censorship.

Many truther channels.

by pkvi
GREED_IS_GOOD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've noticed many aspects of modern life are filled with


Heavy Metal nano particles


Fake sugars

Chemical dyes


It's probabs fine though doc says trusting the science is key when I get my 5th booster.

I hope to trust the science again when I cut my penis and testicles off.

GREED_IS_GOOD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry to hear.

If I was in that situation, I would do other things mentioned here starting with diet immediately.

Try to fast a while and then start a keto diet immediately.

No liquor because it is liver.

Liver detox. Someone else mentioned.

I would also look into a parasite detox. Black walnut I've read or ivrmctn.

I'm in no way a professional only going by other comments and things I've read.

GREED_IS_GOOD 4 points ago +4 / -0

In the 0rthodox jewish faith, a mohel, a male religious figure who is sometimes a doctor, sometimes a rabbi, and sometimes both, performs the bris.Oral suction circumcision is a hygienic measure that involves placing the mohel's mouth directly on the infant's genital wound to draw blood away from the cut.

Infact infant's have contracted genital herpes from this practice.

So yes. They do.

GREED_IS_GOOD 2 points ago +2 / -0

The truth always leads you to the Jews.

It's just what happens when you awaken.

Deniers are not awake.

They can seethe and deny all they want.

They can team up with bots and shills and downvote.

They can refuse to see truth.

It was always the jews.

They created everyone's reality by swindling and changing all the truths of history.

People must research the fake reality out.

GREED_IS_GOOD 3 points ago +4 / -1

Jews get exiled everywhere they go. Then go spread evil in the next place. It's centuries old facts. Up until the early 1900's and the formation of 'ADL'. They hate everybody.

GREED_IS_GOOD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Musk is NotASpaceAgency 2.0

How can anyone fully trust somebody openly trying to force a man made object into "space".

Despite the things I like about him and the twitter bs I don't think the SpaceX bullshit should be overlooked.

Neuralink...like come on.

It is to me like he just wants to become nwo. He wants it his way though.

Look into his mother and father. Red flags everywhere.

As for RFK , just distraction. I can't see any other reason. Although I agree with some things he says.

Mockingbird definitely lost effectiveness in basic terms of where it started, Tell lie Vision sets, books. (Rockefeller books anyone).?

Plants, defectors, ops everywhere constantly keeping people on the next thing. Podcasts.

But it moved and grew arguably stronger in social media and has no sign it has slowed or stopped.

GREED_IS_GOOD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, now that's good, a Hollywood movie...

Sort of like Titanic.

Funny how there is said to be a letter from a shipbuilder stating certain things about olympic and titanic etc. Sometime around 1996. I think it must have been gaining traction.

Boom late 1997 most expensive film to date ever produced. Titanic by the (James Cameron)

GREED_IS_GOOD 2 points ago +3 / -1

Is he like just figuring all this stuff out now as 50+ year old man in the Kennedy family?

Keeps saying shit literally anyone with a functioning brain has known for years upon years.

It's so odd.

Guy is a joke, fraud imo.

Nothing about it makes sense.

Like his book everyone praises that every good "conspiracy theorist" could have wrote but they don't have Kennedy as the last name.

GREED_IS_GOOD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember when he was on the masked singer show, and that Asian guy from Hangover and Robin Thicke were so "outraged".

Lol fucking manufactured BS distractions.

GREED_IS_GOOD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh okay, I'm not sure.

Seems like that is his website.

Great video though.

GREED_IS_GOOD 0 points ago +1 / -1

As far as I know yes, I seen this video from another anon here a while ago.

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