I tried for a while but going from a life of zero stress and no worries to having to worry about my next paycheck and having to rebuild some form of retirement that I already worked so hard for causes me such emotional pain now idk it's hard to try and enjoy anything I can "make back" through labor now.
It's like the last 12 years of my adult working life was for nothing and time I will never get back. Time I didn't enjoy at all because of the work it took to get where I was.
Not being able to now provide the life I created and further invisioned for my wife and family is actually the worst part of it all. I wanted to be successful for them not me. That hits the hardest.
Woe is me though. Thanks for the positivity.
I chased shit stocks and kept loading more money "averaging down" on stocks that won't ever come back thinking I was getting good buys. One of the main ones I was in reverse split. There is lots of scams out there. This one was akin to "cooking the books." IPO at over $20B valuation now sitting at $100M - $200M went from somehow bringing in billions per year to low hundred millions and stringing investors along and has never had a positive quarter since IPO in 3ish years. Insiders and execs raped every retail shareholder. Shit shouldn't even be legal or allowed to happen on "regulated exchanges" like NYSE or NASDAQ but it does. The rich scumbags win either way so why would they care.
Should I have cut my losses? Yeah but never in a hundred years did I think that would happen. I sit everyday, all day wondering why I didn't cut my losses.
I lost almost all my money in the market after the scamdemic run up. I don't care what happens in life now as it was a lot of money and I worked hard as fuck to make it. (Lost gains and almost all my own money). I'm bitter but bring on the pain. I dont have the energy to get back what I lost. And I'd rather watch the world burn now because I'm poor and trapped like they want me. (Lost $400K. Around $275K was money I slaved for and saved on my own, while not experiencing anything the money could actually do for me to bring enjoyment.) I'm 95% blackpilled because of this experience. Fuck life anyway in this beast system.
Knowing there is a firmament and we can't leave is the main thing. I'm not going to argue with faggot Schillsteins about if the earth is flat or round.
It's not a spinning ball and we can't get to space.
NASA is fake and gay and stealing money. It always has been a money laundering scheme for the little hat gang. They are liars and theives. Always have been.
They hate God.
I love God and praise King Jesus.
This doesn't prove anything.
Fake flight that nobody has been on.
The only good jew is one that accepts Jesus Christ as messiah.
That's not many.
Up to 5 years?
5 years. This mother fucking rat deserves the firing squad.
Ruined so many in the middle class, shut down small businesses, depression, lockdowns, caused recession all over the world, not even getting into the vaxx.
Death penalty.
I've watched this whole documentary. It was great. Hopefully new comers won't listen to the shill accounts here.
Anyone who believes the moon landing still is a fucking retard or scared of reality. It is soy boy faggotry to not objectively look at reality and accept the truth. You have been lied to get the fuck over it.
I don't think it's flat!
How can something with hills and mountains be "flat?"
I just don't think it's a spinning ball!
Not 100% either way. It's a shame NASA won't prove anything to us with a real photograph of a so called spinning ball! 65 years and hundreds of billions of dollars and no real photo. Oh well.
Try not to let it bother you so much at the end of the day does it really matter that you don't know if it's "flat" or a "globe"?
I don't think so. Have a great day mister!
Don't reply to him its his job literally.
He gets paid to post. He gets paid when people reply.
Only small amounts of shekels but still.
Ignore completely.
I think you are on to something.
What's funny you don't know how tik tok works?
Edit: give me something to find a theory etc, I'll find it on there for you.
Because tik tok is based as fuck if you are in the correct algos.
One of the best tools. Hardly any censorship.
Many truther channels.
Facts are facts!
I've noticed many aspects of modern life are filled with
Heavy Metal nano particles
Fake sugars
Chemical dyes
It's probabs fine though doc says trusting the science is key when I get my 5th booster.
I hope to trust the science again when I cut my penis and testicles off.
Sorry to hear.
If I was in that situation, I would do other things mentioned here starting with diet immediately.
Try to fast a while and then start a keto diet immediately.
No liquor because it is liver.
Liver detox. Someone else mentioned.
I would also look into a parasite detox. Black walnut I've read or ivrmctn.
I'm in no way a professional only going by other comments and things I've read.
Yes it would be accurate.
In the 0rthodox jewish faith, a mohel, a male religious figure who is sometimes a doctor, sometimes a rabbi, and sometimes both, performs the bris.Oral suction circumcision is a hygienic measure that involves placing the mohel's mouth directly on the infant's genital wound to draw blood away from the cut.
Infact infant's have contracted genital herpes from this practice.
So yes. They do.
The truth always leads you to the Jews.
It's just what happens when you awaken.
Deniers are not awake.
They can seethe and deny all they want.
They can team up with bots and shills and downvote.
They can refuse to see truth.
It was always the jews.
They created everyone's reality by swindling and changing all the truths of history.
People must research the fake reality out.
Globetards and moonboys are all low IQ crybabies or literal shills.
It's not a spinning ball.