Jeez… your magnum opus here 👍🏼👍🏼
Reminder to everyone here that the drugs used to treat "HIV/AIDS" were responsible for the symptoms associated with AIDS. Many gays in the 80s that were told they were HIV+ and did not take any treatment were often very well off, watching their friends take the medication and then wither away.
The heavy hitting arguments are the astrological records that took place more recently than written history states
This is every kid in the midwest. I grew up around guns, and so did my peers. We all know gun maintenance.
How to poison the midwest 101.
This whole thing is nuts.
Space debris can supposedly remain in orbit for a long time before renentering the atmosphere and falling back down. Wether or not space is a LARP, it makes sense: tiny chunks traveling super fast causing damage to other satellites, compounding the issue.
There are other incorrect assumptions shared on this board all the time. FE is no different and easily ignored.
Nay. This place is great for exploring a wide variety of topics. Even though there’s an FE forum, There’s no harm in allowing FE here. Us here are to discuss and ponder everything. Why would you consider FE to be a hindrance to growth? Just ignore the posts and move on. That’s Internet 101.
Also, nay to censorship
Lol. That mall cop is the spitting image of the average Reddit user
Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood.
The premise is that the lithosphere is what actually starts moving, not the pole. The earth’s crust is essentially floating atop a viscous layer that in certain cases can break loose and start rotating. Very strong logic and evidence in the book.
For an extreme pole shift (equator to pole): It would be… shaky? As the whole thing is shifting, there would be many earthquakes, but it’s up in the air as to the size of what magnitude would be.
The most obvious affect, is the literal weather changing where you live. This is underrated, and here’s why:
-Your shelter/house/apartment will now be subject to an entirely different weather pattern. The structure is most likely not built to exist well in a differ t temperature.
I live up north where houses are insulated better, but have no A/C, so our houses would ROAST at a different latitude. A lot of construction elsewhere in the states have external piping, which would freeze, leaving the one buildings with no running water.
Infrastructure is a different issue. Roads are built according the climate they’re existing in right now. I have asphalt roads here I live. They’d become softer and pitted in warmer weather. Concrete roads that exist in hot climates right now, would crack and frost heaven almost immediately once it freezes.
A judge will grow a pair and will set precedent about voter fraud by accepting the facts and evidence we have been providing for years.
A breakthrough in home-generated energy whereby households can produce their own power without relying on solar/wind/batteries.
Cymatics are shown to cure just about everything.
I will learn three new skills
Your ET comment about being in a false reality is the exact premise of gnostics and other philosophies. We are in a prison right now. The real world is beyond us.
The work of Brian Forster reveals that redheads were everywhere pre and post flood. They, the redheads, according to native oral traditions, were the bringers of technology such as: agriculture, medicine, architecture, and religion. I know it wasn’t just redheads, but a vast majority of the pre-flood civilization’s acolytes were red headed.
Their remains can be found and have been found in places like: North America pre dating the “natives,” Peru, Chile, Mexico, Australia, Micronesia, the Himalayas, and Central Asia. Coincidentally, the “natives” of these areas all have their own stories of who these people were; bringers of technology.
I’m terms if the whole “giant” definition, if you’re above 6’ in a land where most are in the low to mid 5’ range, you would be called a giant. Take a Midwest farmboy and put him in the Amazon, and the natives would call him a giant.
We are living in the shadows of this pre-flood worldwide culture
Evidence of true evil, right here, folks.
I cannot imagine the feelings some of these wrongly imprisoned men are going through, all while being held under a psychopath and autocratic government.
Fuck that mayor. I hope these men get their divine justice.
Who is this girl? She’s not even that pretty.
That’s not proof.
Would be hilarious the false flag succeeds
How does it compare to their population growth?
I love this shit.
I remember listening to a podcast if a guy who practices these techniques in his suburban yard, and all of the neighbors kept thinking his wife was a witch because the amount of plants they were able to grow didn’t seem natural.
Was that the doctor?
I haven’t found the answer yet. My guess is it has something to do with the transitionary period between wine and vinegar having some odd characteristics. I really am baffled by it.
Red wine, if carefully made, is a great tool for detoxing and pulling out certain elements. I wouldn’t recommend this procedure based on the little I’ve heard of it, but there are cases of people who swish spoiled wine around their mouth (think of oil-pulling) and seeing odd things get removed from their gums: black specks, strings, mucus… I’ve never tried it myself, but I am certain there are many uses for red wine that are quite medicinal
The Flood from Halo is taking hold 😱
Gravity, electricity, and magnetism are all one in the same force; Acceleration towards a null pressure point in the aether. On a merry-go-round, pressure (acceleration) is created, from it’s center, and outside of it is the null point of which you accelerate towards. Now, everything is magnetic to some degree; that is to say that no matter what matter is composed of, it all accelerates towards the lowest pressure poin In it’s proximity. On a planet, the very center of it is a sustained low-pressure point, exerting great magnetic attraction to everything around it. So being surface-dwelling life forms, we feel the pull from outside-in. Now, the earth spinning which causes it to be the oblate spheroid, where the majority of mass is at the equator, is just an example of rotation causing mass to migrate away from the pull of the lowest pressure point: the center of the earth. At the poles, there is objectively less mass and less (outward) rotational pull, but the force pulling inward keeps you planted on the ground.
Now more on the merry go round, You'd be correct to think that at the very center, you wouldn’t feel a pull at all. But why is the force opposite? Why does a merry go round try to spot you out? This is a matter of scale. There is indeed a null pressure point at the very center, but the rotational speed of the ride is more than enough to try to fling you outwards, easily overcoming the the null point within its center. However, a rotating amusement ride does not possess the power that lives in the center of the earth. What is in the center of the earth is a sustained, low pressure point, of enormous effect, that we feel all the time.
I’m still studying this topic and have not found the correct words to use to describe what exactly this point is and how it is sustained. The answers that academia gives out are not correct, because this is a matter of aether-physics, which they are scared to approach because it will require 300 years of physics to be rethought. That’s why it is slow going trying to find these answers.