Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it still has monetary value dumbass. Cash has value despite the Internet or electricity going off. Unlike your heap of shitcoin. It doesn't work.

When everything goes off. How does trade work, valuables, resources. Shitcoin has no value.

It is the slowest transaction and transfer on the planet. By the time it has, it has cost more or less. A shitcon.

Lastly we are on this forum called conspiracy and you are peddling it. Despite it being fundamentally against nature itself. It needs how many more parts to work. I hate millennials. They make no sense just nonsense.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No you. What happens when the lights go out. I can think of it happening in thousands of scenarios. Now your currency is crap. It is anyway on transaction times. It is anyway on no fix rate. It is a gimmick. Money held in a fucking cloud. It isn't a bank. How do get money out of phone. You really don't. Money has value it is exchanged. That is something else. You use money buy it. A service selling something that costs more for less. It needs far more parts to exchange. What are you left with. Money stuck in a phone. Phone does that it costs money.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are hairs on that turd

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

No, they're not.

It is the most stupid currency imaginable.

Nothing in your hand and online. Like every other scam jacker.

How do get money out of phone. Phone don't work, no money. The dumbest.

At what fucking point. Seriously even monkeys are smarter.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

These were made in China. Used to cause and brainwash communism. Seriously they made children as young as 4 years old wear them in schools. It monitored the child. They sent shocks to the child who started day dreaming, showing less brain activity. They have lights on them, Green, Orange, and Red. If it fell out of Green activity, shocks happened. Red they were further punished. The children in school had to register green activity. It had the highest statistic for best grades and memory. Same devices. Monitors brain activity. The communist regime used it, sending data, and cycles compared to grades, back to the hive.

They also used them to indoctrinate communism making anybody accused go to these schools with them. Sends mild shocks to your brain if it wanders by having decreasing activity, if it cannot repeat any memory, and if it fell into red, they'd, in the schools publicly humiliate them, telling the class the child is retarded, sending them into corner and worse, combined into the shocks. The lights everybody can see except the wearer. It was fixed to their heads.

Zap, zap, zap. Shocking you. For not have healthy brain activity. What they considered healthy brain activity. Basically a green light they had to focus on maintaining. If the lights changed the shocks got worse. Meant posture, no decreased vitals, also god knows. They weren't accurate because they might have stopped it, in the majority used. It came out recently prior to Covid in quite a few schools there.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Threatens to sue. Hahahaha. Judge arrest him. It will backfire.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not peaceful. It could have the nukes on it. It could be painting targets laser locking co-ordinates and sites..

And I told you Roswell was the Chinese. Look.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Disgusting costly and non nutrious.

At what point today is that a solution? It is with Dr.evil. A megalomaniac. How much more will they pay him for something costing them far more.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Humans are becoming much dumber since computers. I cannot think of a dumber human than today. Since the rise of computers.

A.I is already replacing intelligence. The few smarter people are sooner apologising to the dumb. Or are programming A.I to be smarter. Skills are being replaced by computation. What has it bred? Programming not innovation. Unless innovation was putting everything into a computer.

The waste and greed has become unprecedented since computers. The most wasteful resource consuming products on the planet operating on some of the smallest lifetimes. These aren't repaired and are only replaced with more consumption. Are systems better because all they do is cost more using far more services and parts to operate. Systems, take the system, utilities, public, credit, transport have also become worse and are at increasing capacity and struggling to operate efficiently.

Education from computers has taught people how to cancel, gossip, and most of all do nothing else apart from stream almost nothing clever.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

They don't need a reason today. All they need is gossip.

We are back to feudalism. Somebody makes up false charges then they get you to sign the confession. Otherwise you're imprisoned awaiting execution. Look there's the confession. Now executed.

You will always be guilty because somebody else said you were. Real simple. Hence they're all accusing you of something. Wokism, cancellation, thought crimes.

It's called the Internet, look, you're all guilty.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They want you loving material things more. Money, possessions. Then you're indebted and servile. Until corrupted.

Love is a meaningless concept, it is emphatuation, greed, servitude, sometimes an energy. Often it is reliance on somebody for something they cannot provided and ignore or choose to will when desired. It is trust, it is hope, until faithless, but how if loved. Because it is only what you love. An ocean of fickle fancy and folly. A pet loves more than humans because it is a bond not broken unless by bad ownership, it is bound by an unspoken bond, your duty towards it. But you didn't want to love a dog? A pet, because most do. Does a dance and turns tricks wagging its butt, following you about. No. You wanted agreement and devotion. The same as a child until it finds its own loves.

Topically there is strength without love. Because strength does not love. It is stronger than love. Duty and service and commitment do not mean love but can often be expressed as acts of instead of simple professionalism. Professionalism lacking by the ignorant who are not dilligent and are undutiful. Again courage isn't love it is commitment, a duty to achieve and prevail.

What's love. Seriously? A word often meaning something else. I'm sure you expressed desire while quoting another's musings. They expressed something, it wasn't love, in seeking the adoration of others who provided them with platitude.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't feed your dogs Purina either.


Very bad.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is the destruction of religion that has caused a lack matrimony and family.

It is the increased consumption and greed that has caused a lack of birth.

Basically today land ownership is the least in history. Romania has the greatest household ownership in Europe as one of its poorest nations. Landowners are the wealthiest, gaining far more rent. Corps own more land than Kings. While Kings collect rents. To own land is mostly wealth inherited. But wealth lost today in lack of dowry. Marriages in eyes of God and community lasting more than Western averages of about 3-7 years. Because Celebs have killed matrimony. The gossip pays them more to fornicate, and divorce also works the system. Kids today needing far more to live than ever. Each kid needs a separate home. While the elderly are no longer cared for by their families, shoved into pension systems to die. Instead of on their land, households passed down for generations. The system, education, simply providing debt instead of once working the land. Services costing more debt on every service sold. The land shrinking the more population it adds, homes are becoming some of the smallest abominations, flats on these condos going taller, instead of the natural landscape, that were once heritages.

Banks have destroyed civilization. They're the only winners off the debt incurred. The mortgage, the educational bonds, the credit and finance. Until you pay more for less and less. We are back to feudalism.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. The spatter analyst same CSI use today is wrong. Read the press. It suggest it was imprinted, painted. Where is the spatter from the spear of destiny. The spear to his gut which killed him.

Why would a piece of it be amended? Because of contamination. But it was also sent for further dating. Where some dating claims it's far older than Christ, 3k years ago. Although most puts it around the 1300s. The other anomaly is the embalming herbs, plant residue mixed into the blood, some of these plant compounds are on species that don't exist regionally, from North America and Africa.

It is an elaborate hoax. Where indeed was the body.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What was debunked. The debunk wasn't debunked. Hence no more debunking. You has faith.

Let's suggest it was Jesus than he didn't resurrect either. Big problem.

But I do believe it was debunked. I read this years ago. Carbon dating out. Forget which DNA. Years ago. I haven't bothered to link. But I can to refresh my memory if you need this info.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Azerbaijan has one of the Planet's first oil fields from the Caspian. Libya and Texas/California are possibly older. It pipes non Russian oil and gas from the Caspian. As it is regionally Azerbaijani. The pipeline isn't technically Russian, it is huge, owned by which Western Corp. One of the bigger pipelines from former Russia.

It funded the Nobel peace prize. The Nobel brothers made a vast fortune off of the oil fields there. Like Rockfeller in America. Before and during establishing the Peace Prize.

Stalin protected the Caspian oil fields before becoming premier of Russia prior to WW2. The Germans lost to Russia trying to capture it.

As far as those interests possibly go. It has that huge pipeline, which James Bond, it is with Pierce Brosnan? He gets in the pipe, it was going to be exploded.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

No it was debunked. As either an inquisition victim possibly female dna. Or a dead crusader. The carbon dating is massively out putting it in the 13 or 1400s.

It emphatically is nothing else. After it had been debunked look it up, those hits. I am sure your story holds merit, the church didn't want anybody undermining it. Because to the believer it only wanted validity of which there was none.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

How come Canada has snakes? "Reptiles need constant heating". Umm Canada gets pretty cold, it gets hot in the summer, but where did the snakes go when it snows?

Interesting, but reptilian mind control for desertification is far fetched.

Despite America being an Orc stronghold. Orcs need deserts. They're not happy unless you're building them a well in the desert. Not happy unless they're coming through the dark portal. There is obvious Orcish mind control today.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +4 / -6

It has been debunked as a hoax. It also contains a woman's dna. Or that of far more recent carbon dating. It is a hoax.

An inquisition victim. Possibly a woman or so was thought. But the carbon dating puts it a few centuries old.

It has always been a hoax for decades.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like they posed for the camera. What the fuck is that? How does that occur on a break in. How? It stinks like bullshit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is that bullshit?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am gonna say no. Sure they're fishing boats but these are now armed and have spy shit.

The CCP has been weaponizing its fishing fleets. They often fish in protected waters. Hence transponders off. Or they swarm. Did it to a few nations like Japan and others. What happens when a thousand fishing vessels turn up? Hundreds, and some are armed, and some have other improvements on them like spy vessels. Problem becomes which one do you shoot, and how do you potentially stop a thousand "fishing vessels"? Isn't that near the Galapagos Islands, in a protected zone?

That says 17000. Jesus Christ. No. They're nefarious. Over fishing. If only.

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