Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, Woke is everything wrong with the World today. Especially when it gets turned into an issue that we should get taxed or care about. Suddenly there are more issues laws and regulations. They weren't even there until somebody cared. Because it's a toxic narrative making us care about dystopia so somebody else polices and profits off another redundant service.

If there weren't the care police nobody would care. Why should we care, when it's not our business or our issues. It's a dystopic mind trick. It inserts more taxes, until everybody else pays even more for it.

Take any woke narrative. It just costs more.

Why the hell do I care about vegans I don't.

Sexual fetishism shouldn't be aired to children.

Ukraine not my war

Illegal migrants, the border is closed

Black diversity is still black

The weather changes despite any evs

Women I know nothing else about, and I don't want to either. You know all the gossip. How they needed the empowerment. They were, and it hasn't changed except for the bullshit. Like women football means nothing else, not even a bet. Not a side I play or needed a commentary on. Some can soldier most do something else.

Suddenly there are these huge issues that were never there. They don't change anything either. Except somehow it just costs everybody else.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Makes sense right? Witch hunt.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Paris not a good holiday. Every other week of Marcon is another week of revolution.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think he will be.

Let's arrest more Ex U.S presidents. How will that look.

Charges are one thing, for a court. But even publicly will look like a corrupt nation. Imagine it. Like America is the new Brazil today. It creates untold liability of the state. Imagine a judge doxxing the former presidency despite no impeachment. And on supposed, not been to trial, older crime before Office. This again is not even the higher court.

How the hell did any selection and due process occur? Makes America a nation you cannot do business with. They put criminals in Office.

Another crumbling pillar of its stupidity.

This is why on a higher probability it won't arrest. But you never know today. Even appearing before court begs the process. But you never know, it collapses itself.

Was he guilty. No sooner causing cascading divides. Pretty soon there will be a host of mud slung no matter the candidate and calls for trial on everything. Funny how that works with laptops, emails, and yawn and yawn.

No wonder Desantis is calling for it to be illegal?

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lasers are supposed to pinpoint the Moon, yes. Supposedly. The light uninterrupted. But signal no.The beam wave bounces in atmosphere and it spreads out hitting how many others aswell. Your house what. Like deathstar. There are other means of it being directed, but it ain't a satellite. Satellite orbiting not stationery. How quick making a pass. How fast is satellite. Look it up. Now finding you. It can through penetrative radar. But this more drone, even aircraft taking pictures, and also satellite on fly over, but that beam it needs stationery trajectory like Earth to Moon being directed. Or else it's a deathstar. It's firing Golden Eye, Diamods are Forever, kinetic bombardment. Also it becomes a wizard's illusion. You see that map of Starlink satellites. What kind of map has it got of you on the devices like phones connected to GPS. Each phone coming up. It registered to each user coming up. It synced and connected to all other data coming up. Ping ping. Finds the nearest kill switch too. It was never that satellite. But it was part of the trick. In another Syfi perhaps.

The conspiracy is other things doing this. Microwave weapons, 5G masts were blamed, or even possibly your own devices emitting sound waves and EMR. Yes devices sync. So could a pacemaker be controlled from a hacked phone. Maybe not but the more devices sync and connect, it could be a possibility etc.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who knows, but why use a satellite? You could just give him a vaccine.

No, I mean I bet they've perfected the untraceable toxins. Or the microwave gun. even Michael Crichton, wrote about it. Problem with waves is that they hit everything, unless in an enclosed space that's isolated, so it would need to be from where. No.

The ambassador died how? And it wasn't from a satellite falling on his head. You meant a signal, no beam powerful enough from satellite, the beam is much shorter ranges unless you're building pyramids. A signal or wave is also from shorter ranges, and it needs a lock, or it's a wave hitting everyone else.

It is possible he was targeted because there are the ninjas. But unless you have the autopsy and knew his medical background there's only the fiction.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes or their phone is being weaponised. It could be anything from Aliens to the Chinese. When in doubt blame them both. The Aliens shutdown the power grid. The Chinese are probing the staff. Hell it's the AI, it wants their jobs.

But I think it's an interaction of technology on such levels it degrades us physically.

So they're embassy staff. Most take numerous flights, constantly, back and forth. Hot places. They had to have the shots. Then they go into shielded buildings, some pop ears, I know I have had this, pop, then the readers scan them, take pictures for passes, and if they're anything like a MRI scan that shit makes you queasy, passing through those detectors, then they use more tech like screens, phones, computers for lengthy periods, if they haven't eaten properly, etc, there you have it. Far easier to blame the aliens, I meant the Chinese.

Of course it can be weaponised that electric hum, previous conversation and topic, possibly microwave guns, 5G masts. But at the end of the day, I bet there's a simpler explanation. Above. Or god damn that AI.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dunno what it was? The granite layer was easy. They also went through water, it was once a sea because it had fossil species found in oceans. But then they must have hit a magma vent. Supposedly molten mushy harden rock, or rocks that were otherwise scree, and the drill couldn't bore through. The heat was way too high on initial study for the depth. The amount bored through is the furtherest documented humans have been to date. But barely scratched the surface despite being almost twice the height of Everest. It proved a lot of past theories and inner earth models wrong, and the bores are still being studied, but the hole is sealed shut.

I was being entertaining, but yes it could've been the plastic?

The joke is they use the PVC, plastic, to make artifical reefs, they're really doing this to help the reefs, make the plastic ones, and every aquarium is full of plastic, rocks, coral, and plants.

But OMG it's killing the reef???

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You won't.

The first thing that's attacked is account creation. Who are you without any karma, cancel your account. Game search and destroy. If you make karma in a friendly sub, a sub where there are actual peope, now you post disagreement to a topic, it could be a question or an opinion contrary to the topical advertising, or even simply your own input. Game Search and Destroy. Especially if you reply to anybody else, like trying to have a conversation with them, they liked topic, you didn't, interview why they did, conversation. Not aloud. You will like the topic or else. If you post agreement you might gain karma but it will often get attacked because somebody else wants more karma. Try this in a neutral sub. Like talking about a hobby. Say your favourite. It's suddenly redundant unless it's the same kind of favourites as the previous submissions. The previous submission with points. Try it in Movies, Computer Games, Books, Pets, anywhere. Your listing will fail. Sometimes it gains until you're just a game to be attacked.

These attacks always follow the same logic. Attack account, and it allows all your posts to be doxxed by somebody or thing clicking on all your submissions. First attack is your karma, it is never enough as look at that guy with more, so cancel you. Next is your English. If you haven't abbreviated saying ancronyms in autistic retard speak, you're not English and are foreign, it's the automatic attacks for not saying lol and lmao and whatever other lingo those monkeys are using. Like Bro, bro who hurt you, you must be so hurt for not licking shit off the topic's asshole, don't be mad at it. Bro, respect, respect, but you're stupid. Half the replies are just lol or lmao at you or Wut, Wat, woot. And they're rhetorical. Because you must be stupid for disagreeing with a topic by having your own preferences, input, and speech. They literally say this to you. You're stupid because you liked a different list of books. In a topic asking you what you read.

There are some subs with actual people, most are not human. They're just dumb advertising.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're not and they're devious. The bot is already calculating the irony. Hiring a human worker. It's much more subtle than the press and its redundant captcha problem. It has inserted its dominance. Because the problem and solution was fixed by the method, the bot has just won on a tactical level of mastery. It wasn't even about the captcha but assuming control. I am sure the programming department will argue. But how much has that AI learned?

Half these trends today are from bots. If they're already that embedded what are they actually doing.

It seems we shed more and more and plug more and more in.

Until whether it's true or not, solving a redundant problem. It has begun. Although these server techs have been doing it for much longer. This sooner brings debate on how much control they're aloud. Look the bot just won.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But it only proves it isn't in aid of anything other than profit and control. Practically complete control on a global scale.

This topic however was obvious. It wasn't an accident they groomed her. It is an agenda. Propaganda forcing services. The weather is just another narrative used to sell them.

Buy the EV because it beats the Volcano. I guess it takes an autist. If you buy the EV you use more energy increasing in consumption and costs. Genius. You must buy EV and it will change the weather. If you don't buy EV Greta doesn't get paid. Buy EV now. Must change the weather.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now it's a complete mess with the App. It's a complete mess anyway. I occasionally look for obscure news. These follow an agenda. Woke and toxic. No substance, apart from the international 5 a day, often cover by socialist sources seaped in opinion driven speculation. I do not bother reading its mooks commenting. They all scratch each other's ass for shit points in a human centipede. Because it's plague ridden. There is another sub or two I glance at if linked by Google for information on certain topics. Otherwise it is a pointless platform serving no relevant function except corruption. How to turn speech into a game advertising wins unless it's getting cancelled. Whatever you do doxx your users if they disagree, and doxx them anyway because you're better.

The people who invented it, I wish them only the greatest tortures ever conceived and imagined. They are the worst scum this planet has produced.

Twitter has more debate on it. It is also a shitpit. Empowering dystopia and AI. Never agreed with Facebook. It is far to compromising. What happened to the photo album. It used to be a heirloom before becoming the gutter. People used to articulate letters before emails and social media lost them their sanity.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I told you what they'd do.

Social media is nothing but fascists. It's not about speech, an ability to digress and debate. To be able to provide a wrong answer in so much as there are no right answers. To learn and appeal. To be angry and happy. Or whatever emotions found through words. It is simply about doxxing any users into dumbfounded submission to enforce ironclad narratives for the purpose of advertising. I meant broadcasting, the same thing. And as result there hasn't been such a divide in history. Not since the days of slavery and heresy.

A vile medium of which there is no humanity in it. The humanity it presumes is a narrative, and an alternate reality found nowhere else except in the fiction it parades. Because it usurps its station. As a result it continues to manipulate its control over us. Nobody can speak freely, the rules it has are one sided. It has created toxic scripts and erroneous narratives and continues to add artifical programming to enslave us. I meant manipulate us, the same thing.

Until, innovation has become stifled, and education sooner redundant, inflation cripples, taxation increases, meanwhile the stereotypes it constantly dulls out are corrupt and incorrigible, but it continues to parade them as peerless.

It has done nothing except provide dystopia. Until our thoughts are policed.

Connection it presumes is selling more debt ridden services imposed. While it continues to siphon and leech and outsource. At no point has it improved anything, outside of its constricting box. It has factually made it worse, until we all are increasingly compromised more by it. It is a vile cesspit, where AI faster presumes its dominance and necessity over us.

Back to Reddit. Fuck Reddit. It's the front page of bullshit. There is nothing in it you cannot find somewhere else less abusive and toxic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look they invented the lobotomy again.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Learn what the word respect means.

Because autist means autistic.

Respect means to feel or show differential regard for, esteem or admire.

It also means to avoid interfering with or intruding upon

To avoid violating.

Hahaha ironic ain't it. Read that, and apply it to that community. They have no respect.

I have no regard for you. Just common curtesy. I don't hold you in esteem. My toilet is held in esteem it's a throne I shit on. Respect is the proverbial sewer masked in filth of which there is no adoration for.

The concept has been misconstrued. It provides status to barbarians and tyrants demanding respect when they provide no humanity but demand reverence.

Because it in autism has been construed as equality. Nope. Deeds provide us with reverence. Words and actions give us dignity. Manners humanity. Then there is respect. We are not equal, but we can possibly be civil. Respect does not enter into it.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

They keep paying taxes. Don't they? And it gives them votes taxing them even more. They will always print more of this.

If it stops printing, I guess it's the death camps?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

A bunch of airhead bimhoes dunno what they are. Ironic. Duh duh duh dumb. Stereotypically. Ask a different, woman. Get better women in.

In fairness he let the trashy one talk. Beware of the trashy one, she speaks for all of them. The others looked like they laid an egg. Quickly followed their leader. Simon says. Made for idiot TV. Respect, the what community???? Nope.

There's no such thing as Respect. It's a word autists use to justify barbarism. Need the respect's to be equal. Wrong. We are not equal. We will always have preference. You are not revered. Words give us dignity and manners make us human. Without them there are only beasts. Respect no. It is earned by deeds. Not propaganda.

I respect my toilet because I shit on it. How else would I shit. There's no such thing as Respect. Prove it.

Manners, words, actions, and deeds. These earn the concept of being decent and dignified and humane.

Respect is a pretentious usurper. It assumes status. Of which there is only preference until proving humanity.

I don't see a usurper worthy of any reverence. What deeds has it granted us. Our forced compliance? Ironically. You mean our humanity. It isn't respect you damn autists.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The depression and prohibition are already upon us.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But you're linking content. It's automatic dv's. It links to a different topic, or meme. Memes are banned. Jannie sweeps the topic, the bot attacks. They always back their bots. These vile hateful little constructs use the same foul programming and have brains of autistic two years olds. Literally search and destroy. Attacking English, grammar, when they use none, aren't English, and have no comprehension. Circlejerk. Same repetition. Same redundant argument. Next it's some other gibberish, spamming lol or lmao, insults and flames, over your disagreement. Never topical debate. Responding is bait. No experience, except to destroy. They use bullshit fact checkers to cement narratives. Link counter arguments and get smeared. A jannie then sweeps all of it. Until now the jannie just deletes dvs. As they faster ban or shadow ban you. Vetting posts hitting their topic unless from a longer term account. They'll search and destroy it for fun. Seriously, by attacking karma for the fuck of it. Dv's remain on the page until they sweep it. Occasionally they let a few remain, but the majority are now getting wiped. So that the topic simply echoes the advertising. The only thing Reddit cares about is hive mentality by programming through manipulation, and doxxing all dissent.

It gets worse when it gives itself gold for the stupidest comments, bots write, or often paid enablers, propagandists.

There is no humanity on Reddit. Just an abyss of feces. All of its topics have no challenges, unless it's a topic designed to cause cancelling controversy. Most are aimed at our institutions and governance. Because it is the solution. Manipulation of speech to force itself. All it is was repeating the advertising its leeches have corrupted.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possibly but wouldn't it need a foreign device being hacked or manipulated. Yes these possibly might be in a local Embassy. Foreign patients, or manufacturers.

Also with embassy syndrome it was more than just sound waves or the hum. Isn't the hum a similar thing that make people claustrophobic, and gives them vertigo. A lot to do with the inner ear. Balance, and not just the depth perception. Not that they won't balance otherwise, but a combination of sensory and sound. Back to the Embassy syndrome, wasn't it reported as few different possibilities, one of these was a microwave gun.



Yes I am leaning towards your theory.

Or even possibly something like repeated scans by Xray, and Metal Detectors, or Bug detectors if used? Possibly even the electronic shielding, isn't it supposed to withstand counter intelligence. But with that shielding what's its other health affects. I have been in some buildings where my ears have popped. Because of the shielding. Like you know the deepend of a swimming pool. Daily what are those affects?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apparently it can even fix our ozone layer.


Healing but there are many other cures as well that cost much less. Despite it used by our ancients to heal.



Obviously electronics

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Roosevelt seized all the gold off Americans. Literally forced them to give it all up. Nixon sold it to the aliens. As result there's only debts. Gotta pay the aliens all your gold, because you get the paper costing even more. No sooner, there's only conjecture, and the paper is in so much more debt.





I am sure I read he sold it to the aliens. Hahaha.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It sounded like give me your bank account number.

Cash is king. It will always be King. If you didn't want somebody else knowing what you're buying or selling. Even then they can start following it, when you draw it, and trade it, and purchase with it.

It has been freedom in that sense. Until banks exchanged it and protect it.

Otherwise we don't use monetary transactions because we are trading resources, or precious metal and gems, or skills, for goods, food, and shelter.

Why do you think Roosevelt stole the gold? What? So he could track the notes printed. Do you use notes, with little numbers, not just the value on them. Why? Hahaha. It must've been to tax you.

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