Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought there is another ruling incoming. Not just from executive order. Status. How it is affecting society.

Currently it has usurped. Now there are huge questions in supposed rights, and what they mean, and the consequences to our society.

Sick of it being taken for granted because of the victim culture. It automatically leaning over backwards to accommodate. Until it has become far more problematic.

It is a sexual fetish in almost every opinion of it. A sociopathic tendency. Why are fetishes being dished up on buffet of human stupidity corrupting the innocent. At what point don't the normal state, taboo.

Any argument becomes they're free to have a choice, freedom of choice, but then there needs to be freedom of consent. It needs to be informed. It cannot simply usurp on a notion it is indeed a victim. It was a choice. A choice contrary to everybody else's. In particular causing contrary biology.

I declare it a fetish. Easily proved as a fetish. It cannot sustain without being tax funded. Without medical help. It would die off in seconds if it weren't for such gullible trends of human guinea pigs and their endless consumption. Contrary medical evidence declares extra appendages, affecting the tiniest of marginal random odds, cases not even in the smallest probabilities, and like a disease has sought to assume station over biology. Absurdly. When indeed it is a fetish, a choice. A life hack, take the meds, have the cosmetics, you're sick if you don't, often sicker if you do, such a trend to have status, there are activists and rebels joining the cause of the greener grass of human stupidity, not accepting and rebelling against their own birth. Rebelling against life itself. How can a child freedom of choice, understand this. It wasn't consent if they follow? All it does is divide. A divide exploited by A.I machines struggling with their own nature of being genderless, but programmed by those copulating and their twisted cravings.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

When is the Supreme Court ruling on this? Of course state laws can be different. But isn't there a landmark on this?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It isn't Human Sacrifice in an otherwise public institution.

Pedophiles, they're everywhere, kids, don't talk to strangers, sick world, but in the 70s and 80s were in the UK in schools, hospitals, churches, football training grounds.

One is ritual murder and the other is a predatory sexual fetish. Is there a different. Not to Serial Killers I suppose.

Murder however becomes something that not everybody is capable of, or as easily covered up. Guilt. Evidence. Victims.

When those priests disgustingly abused those kids were they killing them. What about other Pedo cases? Many have, it gets sick and twisted, once common laws are broken.

Rituals in satanic groups test those boundaries I guess, blackmailing their circles. Nothing becomes taboo. Satanism. How far will they go in their quest for evil. Hence the human sacrifice. Once they're bled it becomes their communion. Their life for their demons.

But we're talking about a circle of evil. In order to act taboo it needs to remain hidden otherwise it gets impaled on crosses, and stakes through the heart. The bigger the circle, the easier it is broken. Of course it's different if they think it is a norm. Those poor cannibals, they didn't mean it. So no it didn't happen there then, it isn't their belief. If any of them were doing it, it was held off the grid.

Common sense not fiction. No I don't like this topic. There are mental blocks and a conscience, our God given natures, and the right and wrong instilled into us. You pressed. I am trying to explain a difference. I don't know anything about it. Not something I find sane or understand.

Except the topic is a lie. I've identified why to my knowledge. She doesn't sound correct when relating her trauma. Matter of fact, happenstance and whimsical conjecture, no emotion, unless heightened to the point of giddy, responses. Mockingly amused. Not somebody pained or in distress.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Wouldn't it get thrown out of the next higher court anyway?

Besides the article claims she was under FBI instruction? Don't they answer to special investigations? Isn't the FBI prosecuted by their own counsels?

Who is to say the judge didn't know this, hence no arraignment? Obviously the woke press cares?

I didn't read all of it. Didn't need too. Didn't care.

They've been at that kind of infiltration and subterfuge for much longer. Much longer.

They often sponsor and incite these groups, it in turns forces dystopia.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. Simple study of human psychology. Watch a video on it. If it showed her face, the tells would also be there. Who knows what she went through, but it mocks. Heightened tones. Why? Fiction. Not victim.

Not the way that shit works. Police Commissioner's attend that place. As well as Clergy. Parliamentarians. Mason's from most parts of society. There is almost no chance, odds not even 0.1%. It isn't male exclusive, dunno about that one, but there are female masons.

They probably get weird and it has been a joke for longer, the human sacrifice. But that shit wouldn't in an otherwise public institution, despite its hierarchical status. One link of that chain goes and the peasants burn London to the ground. If it occurs, as with anything secret, where. Think. Secret. Some fucking pedo Island or whatever.

Inserting context. Human Sacrifice. Murder in plain sight, ritually.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah I am calling bullshit. There is no tone in her voice except lies. Listen to it. It gets giddy. Heightened tones, they're subtle and sly, but mocking when expressing it. This is found in somebody disingenuous profiting off the amusement. It doesn't breakdown like a victim. Instead it, listen to the lie. Not saying every victim does. But there is no emotion there, except amusement. Her video who knows what that is, but it doesn't prove anything. It isn't a victim but a perpetrator. What are they relating, fiction.

No Grand Lodge would compromise itself there. Too many attend it. Perhaps centuries ago if any fiction holds.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. No. Reeeeeeeee.

What is the symptom. No, it's not a baby. The doctor didn't impregnate her either, despite the press, claiming the blessed virgin. It was a cramp affecting a vagina. Surely you needed to get really specific. God damn it. I meant Braxton-Hicks, the renowned gynaecologist will figure it all out. Come on.

You got pissy. I simply retorted.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Again and again. You're either slow or willful. Neither of which I care about. Neither the topic.

I added through association which it factually is. Vaginal cramps cover false pregnancy, period pains, UTIs, STDs, Uclers, Menopause and a host of individually medically inflated words for this press's gossip rag. I am not a female. I care not about a specific condition only about the affect. It was not labor, despite the sensationalism, rather it was another spasming vagina.

Honestly I don't know what Braxton-Hicks has to do with your vagina, and I'd probably be concerned. If I had one.

Think don't stink. Cramp the symptom affecting where else. But you had to get so medical. By that time the tuppeware party has gone home.

I am sure you had to prove it. Apology for your symptoms.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I thought false pregnancy was covered there, as well as period pains? Oops should bring up another set of definitions. Yes, more often, cramping is STDs or UTIs. But a lot more can also be pregnancy blockers causing false pregnancies or causing cramping pains. Of course the medical classification in that link has synonymous words of individual medical conditions. But the heading is still vaginal cramps

This article's heading tries to be painfully unique, because of the rare occurrence of its particular medical condition, affecting very rare numbers, so it sensationalised it. Instead of it heading, vaginal cramps, affecting almost every other woman. Simply for the editorial. Sales.

Yawn and yawn.

Simply association instead of a tongue twister. Those absurd to pronounce conditions most cannot word. Easier just to associate with. Then the whole tea party starts a course of Latin.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know I found it's easier just to call it one word. Instead of making click bait. I know nothing about it. Not my business. Have heard of it. But labor is associated with child birth.


Look surely it's on that list under a pseudonym. I meant a synonym.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always wanted a crocodile

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is already everywhere. We had that chance and embraced it. Now the troubles begin.

It is controlling so much. From stockmarket day trading. To monitoring of everything. Increasing in automonous weapons, and transportation. Never mind fully automated production, including food and agriculture production, every sort, not quite the distribution yet. Also medicine. Even construction, they have built houses with robots, and maintenance, general housekeeping including painting and cooking and cleaning, and the energy sector. Fully inserted into the media and everywhere online.

Those troubles are increasing by it. Costs. It might be cheaper using in the long run, not the immediate grants and loans providing, but faster when that system goes completely wrong. The more complex a system is, the greater the problem becomes when it fails. Today it's all about the most resource heavy and complex systems, they aren't better, despite so many claims of reduced costs and increased productivity.

Okay example so there's this greenhouse in Holland producing like a billion lettuces a year. Much of Europe is buying them. The yield is astronomical. It has massively reduced land usage, a bunch of separate farms, increasing productivity. Except for its energy and water usage, are huge. Completely automated like so many of these places. If it fails. Just like that it has affected how much more. So much more than that many other farms in the weather. They were located in separate places, and countries.

But there they are doing this with AI on everything. The grid even.

The problems with A.I on everything else. Stupid building made by it fell over, went down in a mudslide. Drones killing without command just killing. Transportation systems, planes and cars having accidents. Look at those bots banning humans and inserting more bots. How much power does that A.I have if it's trading stocks and printing money?

Practically Agent Smith with the clones today. Like a virus replicating, it keeps dulling out another franchise, and it's even more woke. Surely it s A.I sentience. I swear. More woke clones refranchising all the classics with even worse innovations. Until that CGI is inhumane. Look at those stupid heroes.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Sun's polarity is charging up its ion cannon and it's gonna pop a few off at the Earthlings, killing their 5G grids. Because all mammals and birds and insects have prayed to it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not at all. Tennis, Women fair well at. It's why Wimbledon has combined teams. Male and Female doubles. Racket sports, it doesn't matter which one, they compete at well. I'd like to see the averages, and semi pros, they'll win against. Despite a supposedly stronger serve. These women play on the courts. Right. They eat sleep and breathe tennis. It means going almost everywhere else and whose your bitch. Trans won't touch that. Those Women are often that good.

Trans want all the Sports, they can win at, by exploiting a life hack. Where there are greater physical advantages over, by beating greater averages. But obviously the poison will spread. It might not matter today, but in five decades from now, could they produce something like gymnasts, or another sport completely women exclusive where suddenly training programs and regulations are backsliding into sheer horror? Allowing completely different forms, look at the gymnasts, two totally different techniques, and rules, but no sooner are the training programs allowing 7 foot high orges on the floor and beam and mats. It doesn't even matter if they fall off or tumble in a heap of mistakes, because no matter what, it's anything for the narrative.

Look at those beauty pageants, and woman of the year awards happening currently. The rules might as well have included farm yard animals. All it has done is exclude women.

Suddenly there are the plus size gymnasts, skinny gymnasts aren't inclusive, it needs the plus size gymnasts, and it sooner needs the wider beams for the orges, it doesn't matter how they land so long as there's nothing between their legs.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Gross. So cringe.

Women are great at Tennis. Racket sports they actually fair relatively well by comparison. Badminton, ping pong, squash, golf.

It's only sports where Trans exploit a clear advantage. Try insering into Gymnastics? Perish the thought. What advantage. Different forms. It always the Sports where they can cheat. Because it's a virus that needs halting.

Otherwise it's sooner time to boycott sports. I cannot think of anything else so cringe. So utterly cringe. Imagine watching figure skating, or synchronised swimming, gymnastics, tennis. Any of them to be fair. I do tend to watch sports which are otherwise exclusive. But that plague spreads.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ironically. But it's called technology.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Umm not this year to date at all.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess George just got kicked into the curb?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except Mandela/effect died in prison in the 80s, and Cern didn't become operational until after the millennium. South African Apartheid happened before the millennium.

But colliers have been used quite a bit prior to Cern. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accelerators_in_particle_physics#Colliders

As far as the kid experiencing infinite universes, creating Mandela Effects, why would CERN be responsible or capable of the Event Horizon, transportation, into another universe, by opening portals, every time it collides, and not simply our own space time continuum unfolding into its own constant.

Those atoms entangled are everywhere, attracted and colliding, infinitely creating parallels and probability, but they're bound and bonded into being, creating a unified constant. Mater, and Mass, time, distinctly present, despite it shedding off any factored X particles. Parallels.

I think that kid watched Fringe. But do let me know when the orcs and demons invade, and Cthullu atomises our Planet.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ban them all

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No no no. The only ghosts I see are the one's I have conjured. Perhaps they truly haunt, if what's dead isn't buried. Because if it isn't, then we're all stuck inbetween a void of lost reality, and it will not survive, because it doesn't live. Instead it chooses to become an apparition. A haunting spectre of failing memories and emotional past times.

But you want the energy harvested because you had a skull fetish? Some Shamantic tribal promising the enternal only to reap payment off the living. Because you believed the mind relives all of its memories and mistakes, forever trapped in electrical prisons and voids and reincarnates for you to exploit and judge and profit from? Might as well be conjuring the voodoo.

We live, we die, this is our life. Whether there's another greater beyond or not. It doesn't change this. It will always be our fate. To live our lifetime, and age from it, until our passing comes. How you accept this, is not from fetishism, or rituals, or stupid wizardry. It is by living no matter its loss.

You are little more than what nature intended. It doesn't care. There will always be its conundrum, death.

You are suggesting we are imperfect creations, but look magic trick. The computer does. You too can be assimilated. The computer will fix all your alignments. Pulls back the curtain. Eyeballs in a jar and pickled brains, playing hymns from the Twilight zone, listen to the robot, it lives forever.

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