by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is adrenochrome? You dumb son of a stupid bitch.

It supposedly read the title, adrenal, enhances adrenaline. Like epinephrine. It gets your heart beating again. Adrenaline. Or you drink coffee to get adrenaline. Or you take some stimulants, so you stay awake.

All you've got with adrenochrome is a movie reference. Fear and Loathing in Last Vegas. It made it up. It didn't use epinephrine. Although who knows what they took, they took everything. Commonly used with the O.D. Pulp Fiction. Crank. Adrenochrome became an Internet sensation recently because of the cannibals Human Sacrificing to Moloch on Epstien's Island. Where it became another movie called Adrenochrome. It again was selling cactus juice, probably combined into harvested adrenal glands, or some bullshit.

You got a white paper, its got nothing but shit on it. What's it used for? A movie reference? What's it do? No, what does it do?

If they're making it. It isn't ground up SJWs. I wish. They put the SJW on plane to China. Then they become a pill, powder, what? Not, a stemcell. Fetuses make the best stemcells. Not SJWs.

The adrenal gland doesn't give you adrenaline. But the French probably eat them. In a soup. French people eat everything.

You're saying it was a hormone the pineal gland produces, if you scare the crap out of it. It will flood the body with Adrenchrome, and you'll awake in a cold sweat. No. The pineal gland provides the melatonin for sleeping, along with some serotonin.

Who knows what experiments they conducted on eyes stapled open and subjected to the Disney. But somehow I honestly don't think it created cannibals?

What's adrenochrome. All you got is fiction. What is it medically?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The missiles cost more hence the constant aid package to Israel always including the patriot missiles.

But you never know

This shit was planned, the splashy numbers look real shiny on paper. But as far as potential missile defenses went. It was a case of, and they probably weren't going to shove Thaad near the border, being so close to installations faster weaponizing where Russia has deployed the nukes, and nuclear bombers, and subs etc, since.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They need approval from America. Hence their Nato status. Because it's a joint system from Raytheon as well as Rafael. That's a bargain buy, don't the missiles cost more? Like Patriots or whatever? It isn't laser defence?

The other one is are the Swiss going nuclear? It changes a few dynamics if they do? They aren't obligated by simply hosting nukes. They're a separate power? Have they decided it.

Dislike the dumb title. It's ignorant. Buying weapons is from the best deal or supplier. They're conjoint partners and authorisers on that tech. Not that it matters now with their new status. But I think the cost is wrong, unless it has gotten membership perks?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn't prove anything. It's a formula. For what. What drug is that. What's it even do you could be selling horse tranquillisers. Is it like epinephrine? Nobody takes epinephrine. Unless they're restarting their heart. Besides there's other drugs that turn them into tweakers.

I thought you were talking about what the sacrifice, gives a sadist. The sadist doesn't need drugs. The drug is sadism. It's like little orgasm goes off in their head. A rush. Like the masochist who cuts themselves, whips themself, strangles themself, or whatever, the pain gives them pleasure. A sick pleasure where they don't feel pain because it brings pleasure or guilt. Both probably use stimulants. Coke, mace, ice. Or whatever. Who the fuck actually knows what makes them tick.

Instead of making up bullshit. Need to kill somebody to collect the bullshit off of them, eating their gallbladders. How positively gross that is? Fantasy.

I am sure if humans came in a soylent green and powdered form others would eat them especially if it contained all the woktivists. Imagine eating a pill full of SJWs. A placebo would do that job. As far as older people turning sadistic, it's because they do. Needing the stemcells to stay younger, yes.

Bathing in blood, no gross, eating gall bladders, no gross, brains they're actually quite tasty. Especially the dumb ones.

Humor, I have no idea about this shit. None of it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

French people eat everything

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all part of a magic show.

The camera is driven by A.I. Yes

These are self learning systems working in real-time.

You enter the store, face captured.

Beep beep. Face is now recognised, when you use your payment method or anything else with your I.D.

Hell it's probably spamming your cellphone Bluetooth with the store's reward points. Not quite. Not yet.

Any image is matched to a database with all the captures.

In real-time they're getting so good. All shoppers are faster captured, and recognised, how on their payment methods. I don't think it is a police database of mugshots.

Tell me how that supermarket rewards its customers?

These stores are using far more self checkouts, the cameras are right there. Hell the checkouts are probably on the same supercomputer? The supercomputer data sharing your reward points. And the rest of your shopping data. The receipts of purchases.

In fact many smart systems can read your cards, unless your wallet specifically blocks them.

What is that level of dystopia? Read the article, they're such nice little cameras recognising you. It claims this. The old cameras weren't the facial recognition. All because Dave the security guard forgot who the local urchins were. The supermarket was getting robbed and Dave the security guard forgot to look at the cameras?

I mean how big a network does a supermarket need and why? Was it even getting robbed, or did it simply needed to identify its customers on camera. Why? So Dave the security guard didn't need to have a job, it's got the self service security guards? The A I locks the shop and urchin gets captured? The A.I let's the police know the urchin's address, after issuing an A.I fine?

What was the point of A.I cameras? How do they actually recognise you? Clearly it doesn't stop the urchins. The last cameras didn't either.

The cameras are recognising you by? A local police database. That not the urchin. That's not the urchin. Oh shit robbed again, it's on camera this time? I mean come on.

No sooner does it want to phase out the cash. You will be captured. What?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have raised the similarities repeatedly. At this point I am talking to a retard.

All you have shat out is ignorant stupid trolls. Over and over. You're not on topic. I was. You responded to me, becoming stupider and stupider.

You were rude to me. I didn't ask you for shit. We haven't had any semblance of discourse. None. There is an idiot trying to tell me there is no comparison. When in fact there is every comparison. But an idiot doesn't process it. Why, they're autistic.

English isn't your first language. At all.. You aren't English. We did that already. It is the problem with ignorance it accuses everybody else of the fundamental things it is not and guilty of. They are in fact your ability to comprehend, understand, and rationalise. Or hold any reasonable debate. Explain explain, talking to a retard. They refuse to add anything else. Same bullshit. No understanding. Autism.

What ethnicity are you? Answer. American. You're an ethnic. You aren't English. You're probably even more distant than that. Suddenly you're being cognitive, not at all, it's called autism, claiming somebody else isn't English, when you're not. No actual wonder everything else has had the same lack of thought and input. It is dumbfounding absurdity. There is also the lack of education present. Who won WW1, you must have read it off a corncob. So utterly off topic, where every single time you've opened your cornpone mouth to me, read it. It has been wrong. So you submit a dumb argument over and over on who won WW1, so you can refute any comparison?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is not the topic. You're literally autistic. How is who won WW1 relevant to this topic. But you're telling me to stay on topic. Why do dumb people do this? They accuse somebody else of the thing they're guilty of. It's Autism.

We were discussing the weapons and tactics of how any current warfare is reminiscent.

Not the victors. This war could have none. Nukes. Or did you think a nuclear power will surrender. They might withdraw. Except that's their historic border. Meaning a loss. Except that's not very probable. So this war drags on, territory capture, and territory held. Causing far more seiges, and fortified lines. As it bleeds an opponent degrading their manpower and munitions and expenditure. In similarities. Never mind a few other strikingly similar coincidences.

But it shows the gaps in your education. You didn't take apart the tool, studying the mechanics. Instead you have diverted a thought, a submission of mine into USA USA. I don't know what you're trying to prove. You have trolled repeatedly. How many times. It's tedious.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they didn't. At all. Programmers did. It's analytic. It's not based on science. It's based on statistics. The statistic isn't scientific. Read it. Failing to conceive in a period of 12 months of non protected sex. It's not a diagnosis or even a treatment. It's a number crunched out of a butthole.

Take your own advice dumbass. And tell us why you're impotent?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read the fucking links. I am not angry no. Just tired of your stupidity. I am speaking to somebody who cannot process information. It was rather obvious. But somehow you struggle? Tediously

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not data by scientists. It's data by a computer. The same software doing COVID infections. Has produced an estimate that has no scientific basis. The science being a medical diagnosis.

Or answer me why you're an impotent fool? You're telling me to trust the science. I don't trust the data. Clearly it's because you're impotent?

Would you like to talk about it? Were you born impotent, or did it develop later in life? When did you notice your impotency? Now your account name makes sense.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Dutch made some and even the Germans. Prior to WW1. They were about. Czar Nicholas just made his on the border. In defense of the Germans. Big Bertha. Whoops.

Because they were in the Civil war and prior. Rendered obsolete by longer ranged artillery.

Although not completey obsolete because any fortifications were sooner back up in WW2 with even bigger guns, until the tech changed to missiles.

I have had enough of your irrational answers.

Artillery isn't static dumbass except when it's in a fortification.

But if your army has no range, flight was bullshit in WW1, it did facial damage. Because most attempts were shot down. Until bombers in WW2, and many of them got shot down. It had no real mechanisation. Trucks with no capacity, crank shaft, as larger armies still used cavalry and deployed numbers, against changing technology. Tanks faired terribly, stuck in the mud, but had more armour and mounted guns, as mines were sooner deployed. Guns were rifles and carbine, no automation. Unless mounted machine gun turrets.

The railway like the canal was still in full usage as capacity haulage.

You are using what. What is your main gun. Artillery. It gained range, bigger guns, and it also became mechanised.

Men won WW1. Yes many died because the tactics rapidly changed. They won with what.

Read something stop quoting me crap.

You replied to me. And any reminiscing. Because I am not wrong. I never am it's something I'll debate. Until learning otherwise. It is painfully reminiscent today. There was no real Blitzkrieg. Territorial capture. It has faster led to the artillery seige. It is seemingly faster exchanging troops, and otherwise dragging on strategy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No you are. You're dumber than a sack of shit.

You attacked me first. You mouth stupid little things. All you have done is mouth stupid little things.

You accuse me of not reading. No you haven't. You haven't even processed.

Again really simple. There is no science. None. This is data. How was that data acquired. An average or estimate. It isn't accurate if it's a projection. That data hasn't even quantified impotency.

Read it. What does it say, couples having non protected intercourse in a year. What the fuck does that even mean. They're diagnosed. No.

It's pure apeshit.

Go back to retard school. Come back with proper figures. They simply do not correlate into other data Googled or otherwise or as credible.

Are you impotent. Come on let's do this poll? There are six in here. 1 of us is right. Look we probaby have that answer. Trust the science?

In the words of Shakespeare, You impotent fool. King Lear? Perhaps

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's absolutely remarkable. Shocking. But something is very wrong there. Comparing previous data.

Who knows.


Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck off ape it's above your head. I read your name. It's autism. You minced out some dumb superhero. Atom is kool. You aren't. You're a nigger.

Or did you want to talk properly?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Use your retard brain. Because it is a global source. I could link American and at least 20 press outlets with it.

I don't trust the data it's this new pandemic planner crap.

Prior look read the link 2015. Almost as good a global indicator. Verified provider. Less than 50 million couples globally, it was average but it was probably more statistical. So what went wrong. Suddenly you're talking worse than cancer stats. The wording is completely speculative. Have they been diagnosed as impotent. No it doesn't even claim that. Does it. Begging the questions of if it's just couples not conceiving????

Combined into a lessening lack of birthrates. These peaked in COVID.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except those are the UK statistics. Approx 1 in 7, on the NHS website. Again the NHS website has tricksy wording. Around 17% reportedly. Do these apply for IVFs because they're incapable. No. They're inflated numbers based on? An average.

But when we rewind to 2015 in other global statistics that figure is tiny. Insignificant.

If we look at the fertility rates and population births. I wonder. Some I've linked.

I don't trust the BBC much. The WHO less.

There is tricksy wording. Couples not conceiving in 12 months via unprotected intercourse??? Umm umm.

The fact is it was just published 2023 and it is speculative as a Global figure.

Look at the 2015 figure.

The BBC is a pile of. Especially recently. But I can link at least 20 other outlets publicising it. It's the WHO figure.

I think this is a bunch of freaking software. Like COVID infections. It's an average of a few factors. But that increase has certainly increased recently.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're an ape. Nonce off.

Read the links dumbass.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

These things are scenarios invented years in advance. They rarely deviate. Lockstep. A matter of fact. Any existing members signed off on it already on strategic proposal. It then has to get publicly implemented.

Or convince me otherwise. Finland has been hosting Nato for how many decades? A matter of urgency implements it. Less than a year. Simple optics. Every member agrees. Planned yes. Strategy.

Who really cares..

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Possibly yes. Funnily it has just been published. Seemingly it conflicts with other data, fertility data.

That's a staggering figure. As bad as cancer. Worse. It is also a disease. If indeed people cannot reproduce.

I am still trying to understand that global average. Why is it brand new press.

Obviously vaccines play a role. Because it conflicts with data prior to COVID. Straight from the WHO. Unsurprisingly

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at this 2015 statistic. Above. Less than 50 million couples globally predominately in regions with higher birthrates. That data again compiled by averages. Suddenly today whoosh.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

At what monkey point. Because you're chatting shit. Didn't you understand the poison gases in the shells fired by the artillery overruning the trenches. The allies in particular the British fired the most chemical weapons in WW1.

Nothing won WW1 apart from surrender and truce. It might've lasted years longer.

You never answered which Baltic State and which starfort? You presumed it was a static defense. What's a trench and trench line? Pretty static. They're a fortified line. They halted supposed mechanisation. Tanks stuck in mud. Trucks no roads to a trench line, and not the same capacity. Where they sooner laid railroads to the front.

Suddenly look it starts agreeing. Artillery. It was the only real weapon. BiPlanes, no accuracy, hand dropped bombs, tanks problematic and breaking, guns not the same range as artillery, or were automatic outside of static machinegun turrets.

More men at it. Yes indeed. Against an artillery causing a larger no man's land.

Can you tell me of a particular hill that only lost because it surrendered. Its artillery was impossible to get close too?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're chatting shit. Your opinion is otherwise stupid.

The Big Bertha, German Artillery rendered Czar Nicholas's Starfort obsolete. But you don't know history do you. He only just built it. Pop quiz. Which Baltic state?

The railroad was pivotal to the supply of munitions and the moving of wounded back from the front lines.

Munitions like all the gas used in shells to overrun the trenches.

Yes no man's land, fields of mud, and barbwire, and rows of trenches prevented the calvary flank, and the charge which tried repeatedly to get through the static, no assault rifles, machine gun nests. Equivalent of gattling guns but smaller. There was carbine rifles but they were hardly automatic. The tank was quite static sustaining more hits, but far more problematic, more broke down, than actually achieved victory. It's artillery that won the war, artillery firing shells of poison gases.

The war in all likelihood could've lasted longer but those causalities were really climbing as disease faster spread on the battlefield.

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