Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Reddit is not worth linking. It's a shithole. It gave monkeys a banhammer. Literal monkeys. A peanut gallery flicking shit at each other for troll points. Until they think everybody else gives a shit, all because they created their own little playground of advertising nothing else.

The traffic and comments are almost exclusively by them and approved shills and trolls. They delete everybody else disagreeing, until it's a bot driven echo chamber, enticing dwindling numbers. It provides nothing as a platform. There is nothing on it. Least of all in any of its comments or in its links. There is nothing on Reddit anybody else cannot find better somewhere else on the Web. Simply researching it.

If you think it's a space to debate, host, or communicate. You are mistaken. It's a place where monkeys advertise crap, crap they sooner flick at each other for bullshit points. It offers no other logic, other than echo the advertising, in a great big human centipede of eating the next monkey, look at that logo, shithole. Look at it, read every topic. If you don't eat monkey shit. Look at that logo. Then the comments are deleted. No not every sub on it is as intolerant. Yes they are.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No it completely isn't.

Food inflation. Debt. Competition.

Sudan has been a story of conflict as far back as ancient Egypt.

But in particular since it got turned into a country. Welfare aid programs since as far back as ever. Until it further split, fighting ceaselessly. Has since been a hotbed of warfare. But it has always been historically. Even under Islam and prior.

What is driving it today are prices rising. It led to a coup, and has since caused competing warfare between rival factions both promising better governance. Sponsored by competing influences perhaps.

But it has always been this, ever since ancient Egypt and the upper and lower kingdoms. It faired better under tyrants, until they turned and have often been crushed by rivals and competing influences. It as a geographical area has almost always been in conflict.

I still don't know who or what you're blaming in your video. The region, please take some responsibility.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

No, it isn't. Not that I agree with it or choose it.

It's a product of experience through choice and environment, causing instinct and preference. Hormones develop causing interaction causing experience.

Although any experience probably develops younger. I am sure we've seen kids, kiss, far younger than puberty as example. Let's suggest an environment was around a babysitter or parents or older siblings having sex that a child possibly encountered, it could try to mimic, like kissing, and experiment and interact. Let's suggest trauma, abuse, or a restricted environment limiting choice. Let's suggest rejection or rebellion. Let's suggest choice becoming a habit an addiction a desire.

By suggesting it's a rogue gene is ignorant. Trans use this, and it is dumbfounded. Because Trans not in their majority have defects such as abnormal genitals, like conjoined twins, or supposed chromosone imbalances. But they will still develop into their natural biology and would anyway if it weren't for choice by medicine. Until it becomes an excuse by medicine to keep promoting experiments. Until it has nothing to do with Trans. Rather Transhumanism.

The fact is mammals are bisexual, far more so in domesticated and restricted environments. It will always be this case in this species having sex.

Psychology and medicine need to provide a reason often as an excuse condoning or simply tolerating because it profits. The fact is hormones drive sex. How that sexuality develops is by interaction and experience becoming choices. No other dysfunction.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0




People have been hoaxing faeries for centuries. Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fell for the Cottingley fairies back in the day. So did the British public until the sisters actually told the truth. They are cardboard cut outs. The first image is an effects creator making an April fool's day hoax. It was enough to convince the gullible. Until being fact checked.

What did those monks do? There is no accurate investigation on it because it upsets a tourist attraction.


Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I am not desperate for anything. If I wanted I'd ask. Definitely not asking a stalker faggot nigger.

Don't tell me about why you're desperate either. Read it. You'll have to get your fetishes somewhere else.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't have another account. No, I am not racist because you insulted me. You don't get to pick and choose which insults are racist after making insults.

Sure I guess thanks for proving that closet stalker behaviour, and claiming the racism proves it wasn't an insult.

You're too easy Traxx

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do what?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Indeed. But that's their own connection to loss and grief. Where we send a coffin off to resting. We take the dirt and place it, we carry the coffin. We touch it, reminiscing.

It isn't a child facing a wall, wailing?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

But that's an inanimate object, a wall.

The Mecca thing has an entirely different basis where again it is completely conspiratorial on its origin and indeed its placement today. It has and hosts mythical and otherworldly powers. It stores their prayers. But is a conspiracy. Mecca wasn't its origin, the early mosques face somewhere else. And the origin is debatable on its prior religion, not in heresy, but curiosity. Although it has a practice and rituals and it isn't a wall. No, it isn't my belief.

This wall thing is vastly different. No I don't discard the mausoleum. I understand it. We all visit the family grave. If it indeed like Christianity is a church. Or a mosque. Or a temple.

However I see people do this everywhere on holiday, touch the stone. I question the ritual of facing a wall? Let's face it we send children to the corner who behave like that.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do they do this everywhere? The wall thing? The Wall, place your hands and wait for it to sing. Never understood it. The wall thing. If you touch the wall, it answers you? Touch the wall, feel the stone. It has a memory. Believe. No. It's a wall.

I have seen people do this on holiday? I don't understand it, unless it's from an archaeological standpoint. Sometimes the surfaces need to be felt to experience their constructs?

The wall of wails. I am curious like if on the pyramids? Or at the mausoleum?

It just looks like children being sent to a naughty corner.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That China hasn't won much, no, almost never in warfare.

Communist China has had quite a few more victories in warfare. Again China as a whole if we're talking China as a whole.

Any war here would be a remarkable victory for China? Going by its record.

The point of debate.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody should have these devices. If they constitute an invasion of privacy. How was it accessed? It like anything else, illegal, should have been treated as such.

Where is the rest of that footage. The years of intolerance. Instead it has acted as executioner off of hearsay. Who knows the rest of it. It looks staged. What does it even prove. A bad day at the office?

Seriously it is criminal that the footage was released. There was laws on it. It is an invasion. Prior too today, but these devices are creeping on everybody. She didn't record him either. It wasn't her own footage, and her personal device. It was accessed how, and under what pretense? A divorce, spare us all that bullshit gossip. It should be subjected to the full extent of the law. Suing that device into censorship, so it doesn't invade our rights.

I do not condone his behaviour. I condemn that access being put out publicly.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is an orientation brought on by experience. Like any other instinct. How is experience gained, environment, background, trauma, desire, and preference. Traits gained by interaction and choice.

Children develop, they have no experience. Choice becomes cursory from experiences, turning into preference becoming an instinct.

Rogue genes are an excuse. An excuse that provides guilt or attempts to condone. They exist in the tiniest percentages, and they fundamentally do not mean a child acts any differently.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

6th gen fighters go into cursory service?? 7th gen fighters are shown.

What?? The Russians are coming?

Seriously what a load of bullshit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

So what, it is constitutionally illegal. Who's camera is it? Under what rights was it recording? Instead it has hit the press by nefarious constructs, and it proves nothing apart from taking us all for fools.

It thinks it can go around recording us all, then excuse it as a justification into divorce proceedings?

No I am not that guy. He's a bully and idiot. I question the fabric of society and the invasion into our fundamental rights.

On what planet is this legal?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

It doesn't categorically mean an invasion of privacy.

Did the court pursue the pee tapes?


At what point is a third party acting as vigilantes, hastening any other marital problems. Acting as an inquisition, and prior to any judgement.

Sorry this whatever this is, it is an invasion of all our privacy.

I hate that guy because the press has said so. It is hiding the fact of gross illegality on all our security. At no point should this have been released in this manner.

Ep0ch 7 points ago +8 / -1

Hang on. Why is a camera recording them? Not that I defend that guy. He looks like a bully. But that shit is private. Who knows what caused it?

Maybe he treats all his shit that way. Or what ever. It's another bullshit take down.

Because at what point is there that bullshit being recorded? At what point has it gone too, a third party? The press making it up. Where is that tape. How is it legal unless she complained?

Instead it's bullshit. Unless she complained. Who accessed that legally. Where is the actual footage, and under what law has it been released?

There are serious questions here. Not what that press says. The press is compromised today. We live in surveillance state. How was that shit accessed? Who cares what that shit is. Unless she complained it's hearsay propagating public opinion on what grounds?

This is serious for everybody installing those devices.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No nigger faggot stalker. You're a nigger and a faggot. Look at your nigger faggot stalker name.

Traxx. Nigger, faggot, stalker. Name.

You have no intelligence.

You're stalking me because you're a faggot nigger.

I don't regret anything. You do. Look everybody. It's Traxx. He is a repressed homo. He has deep psychological issues. It's called a dick in ass. So he stalks people. Trolling them.

A name says a thousand words. Traxx. Says all you need to know.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't it all follow that plan anyway? He caused the prices to rise, trade war. In the confusion nobody saw COVID coming. Causing the supply lines to reroute. Providing an excuse for why the prices and jobs and etc, why a recession happened. Until now there's a war giving further reason to it.

As it pushes any agenda through. Tell me this agenda? It stinks. Something stinks.

None of it was an accident. You got confused by the theatre. This other impeachable hero?

Sure I liked the other cop more. The one in currently. No.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't even need too. Because the danger is being dragged into something worse prior. If it gets worse. What happens? There is literally over a year and half before the next Admin. It should swing. But will it. If it does. What changes?

Then they can prank it again, another mass something. Something inciting the public. Stopping any majority. Enough to cause the votes to look like they fit whatever that narrative decides.

Perhaps it will transition smoother. Right now it simply provokes it. Into you tell me today???

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yawn. More bullshit. There's always never ending bullshit on Reddit about it. I think out of any social platform on Ukraine, Reddit has the least trustworthy sources. It isn't even worth reading any opinions. They're drivel.

Linking them here is absurd. Those stuffed toys were made in the Ukraine? No, they weren't.

Tell me about Ukrainian conscription? At what point are there stuffed toy makers? Serious question. They're entirely dedicated to a war effort costing thousands of lives daily. Production, supply, conscription, training, repair, etc etc.

At what point is there a toy maker?

Shooting laser guide rockets. Troops. Nope. Lie. What kind of artillery is this?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I strongly disagree with any California speaker

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not affected by Canadian bug eaters. They can starve all by themselves. You obviously are. You feel the need to tell me, it's child abuse. No, it's ironic, what all those welfare adverts have produced. Look at that. Canadian bug eaters. Because read the article. Canada is starving, bugs cost nothing.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't care about your folder. It means nothing.

Look at those welfare adverts for the Africans and Asians. They eat the bugs because they're starving. Canada obviously adopted them, it's what the advert said. Adopt a starving bug eater. Until? It makes sense, right? It makes sense when Canada is starving. It had a big famine. Like on the African adverts.

I mean Cajun USA the swamp people of French origin have been doing it for hundreds of years. They're indigenous bug eaters. They wanted their own tribal laws. So the USA said, sure go ahead and eat the bugs. They once were pirates. But then they became bug eaters after piracy was outlawed.

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