Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nothing was risk from your comments. You don't challenge. You don't even debate.

You turned this topic into bullshit.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm not mad. Why should I be? I didn't choose the name Traxx. You did, because you're mad. Read it.

At what point have you even attempted topical conversation? In humour or otherwise

Instead you keep saying nonsense.

Until now you're suggesting I'm a robot? Because you're Traxx. The stalking nigger faggot robot. It's got the treads. It makes the skid marks.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was voted before you spammed me, with your utter nonsense. Helping people. What is that? Telling them your bullshit. They don't buy it. It's their fault. No. It's yours.

I don't care if I was or wasn't voted. I make a comment. I didn't ask for bullshit.

But it was your schizophrenia. It got all jealous.

Look at that. Multiple account. Flat Earther.

Some help accusing me of your syndrome.

BTW you have no depth. Living in a fantasy World, isn't depth. Flat Earth. God damn it.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No, you chose the name, stalking nigger faggot. I didn't. I cannot help you there, if it's your personality, and your name.

I didn't really want to discuss it. I didn't ask to be stalked by a nigger faggot.

We could have been friends, if you were polite, but you just had to troll me. Because why is that? You named yourself a stalking nigger faggot.

I cracked a joke at a joke topic. You turned into. Read it. How it's all my fault. It was my fault you insulted me repeatedly. I didn't start those flames. Not once. I gave you ample opportunities, read the page. But you just had to abuse me. Until when I returned it.

You don't even deny why you called yourself a stalking nigger faggot. You're still trying to blame me for it.

It isn't nothing to do with me. Traxx.

You might've denied it. You might have said it's a Spanish truck spelt wrong. You could have said what it meant. Oh no. Instead look at that. It's obvious you have the issues of being Traxx.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You have. You live in a fantasy World.

Anybody else reading the page, go on. Look.

The first thing you said to me.

I explain.

You admit it

Pressed you deny it.

Then you resort to the standard trolling, wahaaa, you're such a victim, because you're so dumb. It's my fault for being a bully. I am repeating what the government says. I don't know shit.

No infant you're clearly deranged. You had to use a multiple account. Why is that. I blocked your last stupid trolling flat earther account. It also cried. Wahaa it's so unfair nobody understands you.

Not once have you produced any credibility apart from schizophrenia.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No dumbass. You're an AD homo. How many times are we gonna do this?

I flamed because your account stunk. I recognised your idiolect. It's not hard. You're operating a multiple account. You're the only clown using AD homo remarks. Prior to that. You're talking crap. The kind of crap a flat earther spews. They're literally autistic. As dumb as they come. They don't come any dumber. You have the flat head syndrome. You got dropped on your head at birth falling out of a prolapsed mule. It causes you to only identify in squares. It must be hard for you.

But you haven't debated any point raised. Like the gulf stream. Why the sea is warmer in the summer.

Then you went and admitted it is atmospheric. After originally with your very flathead denying it was. Then when asked afterwards, prior you said it is atmospheric, read it, now it's back to the flatheaded schizophrenia, denying it. Now that you've been caught out, it's all my fault. No it isn't dumbass.

Stop chatting shit.

Simple tactic, eliminating who I am speaking too. Simpler causing you to trip up. It has nothing to do with anything else.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You have no manners. You're a stalker. Nigger. Homo. Read your manners. Again I am not racist. I didn't start saying hateful things. Read your dumb stalker nigger homo reply to me. What does it says. Read my next reply. Look more insults by you. Read my next reply. More insults by you. Then I called you a faggot nigger stalker. Because you are.

Read your name. The stuff of stalking nigger homos. It says Traxx. Stalker. Check. Nigger. Check. Homo. Check.

Proved by the fact, read it. I didn't name myself these things. You did. You called yourself a stalking nigger faggot. You sit there stalking me. Because you have no manners and are very spiteful. You keep stalking, because you're very queer, and some how you call it racism, because you're a nigger?

Tracks, isn't anal, it isn't autism, but you went and turned it into a stalker. Because?

by pkvi
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nothing to do with COVID. Why do you pick up on that. Creation and distribution of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. A hub as demand distribution and supply peaks.

by pkvi
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think you do. Is it the wealthiest Africa nation? The wealthiest in resources is Sudan? But the wealthiest Africa nation is Nigeria? I think it has the most billionaires. I could be mistaken? It isn't always reflective, no.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It does. Look at your last reply, schizo. Always the same with trolls, back to the denial and blame. So easy tripping them up. Go back and ponder.

What causes the gulf streams? The warm water currents are because of.

Go back to schizo school. Learn something. Stopping telling me the bullshit.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn, because you had to be a bug eater. Until now you're feeling guilty.

Look I am even detecting the schizophrenia.

Which is it? Atmosphere does, or doesn't, affect ocean temperature? Not stupidity.

1 minute it's the lies. The next minute it's the acceptance.

Then it's wahaaa, it's all my fault for being insulting. No, you did that already, by denying it. I had to explain it again, and in rudimentary form, even a child could understand.

Until in a change of strategy, it's why does your head hurt. I don't know why, schizo? You did that already with your counter intuitive nonsense.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're a dumb son of a filthy fucking prolasped mule.

3/5mm of surface water? No try again. Tropics ah look the Sea swim, hmmm. Russia Sea brrrrrrr, hypothermia.

Why is the sea warmer in the Summer? Even in Russia. Why is this. The sea noticeably warmer in the summer. 3/5mm. No.

How much cloud cover, how much, sea warm in Africa?

Atmosphere plays a role. The atmosphere increasing in warming. It doesn't affect the sea? Why is sea warmer in tropics?

Dumbass. You're being a mule.

Of course there are heaps of factors also affecting any rise, but we aren't debating those.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Of course it can heat the surface. Sunshine versus none is going to cause warmer temperature. It is why the Ocean is warmer in the tropics. Aside from this are a host of other factors regarding the gulf streams. Cosmic pull. Magma flow. Tilt.

Quite sure if the sun shone significantly on an ice cube it melts. Therefore cloud cover to sun. Weather patterns cause, bingo. Dumbass.

There's also freshwater less density causing increases.

The heading suggests Haarp can heat the Oceans. It could play a factor, but not entirely.

Back to Atmosphere is the sea warmer in the Summer?

I get real tired real fast of bug eaters. You nit picked and I still don't know what you're trying to prove.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Nonsense. How can they confirm this? And why serious question are foreign diplomats still supposedly going to Kiev if this was the case?

At what point serious question has Kiev been hit?

Properly? Since Syria there seems to be new rules of engagement.

Because any other war, traditional concept of warfare not this other game of cat and mouse. An enemy's ability to command the battlefield is destroyed. Command structures are targeted and destroyed. As well as infrastructure.

Instead like Syria, since Syria the Capital isn't targeted. Presidential compounds. Command structures are largely intact. Utilities unless zones of conflict haven't been halted. Meanwhile there are dumber narratives of dignitaries treating directly with Kiev every 5 minutes.

The risk? Sod off.

In fact there is almost nothing logical about the traditional concept of war happening in this conflict. Least of all air superiority.

Understandably it might prove certain risk. Importantly it shows Russia is subservient to different tactics. These seemingly are acquisition of territory to later deal with any existing hierarchy from a notion of truce. Instead of seriously winning any conflict. A prop being used for agenda.

It ain't what those claims are?

Because it is still providing Ukraine with ample resistance. So this war drags driven by other motivations.

Until it's another freaking narrative. A smokescreen duping out its concepts. They are simply the motions of something else.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No homo nigger stalker. I respond in kind to your abuse. Read those flames. You started the insults. Read it. You don't get to choose wahaa like a child you're offended later. You don't get to choose which insults are okay. You've been insulting.

Be polite to begin with. Problem solved. You're the consequence of your own folly. I am not. I make good comments allday. Until I have an idiot like you challenging them. You start throwing flames. So yea fuck off. Or stop being a nigger.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It kinda makes sense. When COVID happened they called for the blueprints for RNA and MRNA vaccines to be able to manufacture them. Same as Asia and a few others. Currently India has been producing the most pharmaceuticals. But demand has been increasing.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

He's going over there to get endorsed. Same as Japan.

Neo nazis are what you say to the gullible.

Two of these trips done. Why. Seems odd. Extraordinary in fact.

When has Florida been a hotbed of neo nazism. No, Islamist have repeatedly committed that terrorism there.

This bill of course also endorses he's prepared too.

Who knows but it seems odds he's going abroad prior....

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yes foreign programs if they don't have beavis and butthead doing the dubbing. Netflix employs beavis and butthead translating the audio. They even do the fart fx. Somebody gets shot, arghhhhh. I swear.

But you're right they haven't been poisoned by the wokism inserted into everywhere else Spanish, Italian, etc etc. Not all no. But it's getting harder to find content.

There is quite a lot of content. Older pre this decade. Otherwise yes Japan, South Korean and others are great.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are nazis attacking Jews and not Islamists?

These dumb fucking narratives are pulled out of a hat. What's the percentage of that crime?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

No they're not. It doesn't work like that in the Ocean depths. Atmospheric increase also affects Ocean surface temperature to extents. Which is where read the fine print the porn is mongering. What is surface increase and where was it measured globally and at what depth?

But it stands to reason in any cycle of warmer periods and activity like solar, a natural process occurs. Since it has only been recording for all of a heartbeat it's a narrative.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are very clever hoaxes. Buddhists do this. Trick you. Have been in Thailand for a long time. The fae in Thailand have numerous creatures. Think these are supposedly sexual? Other sects in Asia have the sexual wood fairies, with the nectar or something.

Although any myth is that they're otherworldly. Old gods coming to the planet.

They were supposedly sent off for testing to America, no description of carbon dating. Originally thought to be fetuses. And original analyst suggested they were completely plant based. Until Xray showed they had adult organs. But they don't have genitals. Suddenly, all testing stopped and they were returned.

Not everybody can see them in the temple at wat prapangmoun. Photographs are disallowed.

Fae are often bad. Like genies. They might grant blessing but often trick and curse.

Your link means nothing else, the ravings of somebody claiming whatever? It is not proof. It suggests, nothing concrete. Tabloid gossip.

There are much better YouTube videos. Again most are clever hoaxes.

My problem is when were they exhibited? What is the carbon dating reading? Where are the tests if they're another species? Just erratic claims. Not upsetting the hoaxes profiting. Such innocent Buddhists. No.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I cannot watch anything on Netflix unless it's older content. I painfully try to watch new content. But I might as well be being dosed in bleach while being anally raped by propaganda. No not every listing is this bad. Just the majority of its new content. Unwatchable. It has taken all the entertainment out of entertainment, faster inserting nonsensical propaganda. Where it tries to be shit for the sake of being shit. Like it gave the local drama department funding, unrealistically, then it told it to be woke. Every show butchered, abused, bleach poured all over, and anally raped.

I watched Assassin Club last night it wasn't terrible. As far as a popcorn flick. I lie there is some stuff. But it's like panning for gold in a tank full of shit. Turn it on and 2 seconds later, look for something else.

There is still some foreign content that hasn't had the vials of woke poisioning. They're becoming so rare. Older content pre 2019 the day the movies died, they had been for much longer, is still somewhat bearable. It's the damn bullshit narratives and propaganda, the use of the local theatrical class, and the obnoxious socialism. Cannot watch it unless you're getting paid. Netflix should pay people to watch its shit is how bad its shit has become.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. I disagree. It's runoff undoubtedly. Food inflation. Debt. It will spill more, globally, as prices keep rising.

It's always places where conflict is currently in that are fanned first. They're in or no strangers to conflict.

West is retreating. No point staying until it stabilises.

But Sudan has always been that hotbed for thousands of years.

Okay in the last few decades, it split into separate countries, and they have been in constant warfare. Prior to any split the same.

Yes regionally there is the competition, Chinese base, nearby, Russian proposal. Different creditors and sponsors. But it isn't the half of it. Where the region has just been harsh. If it finds peace it's because a warlord gifted it. Seriously. Not quite but as far back as everybody recalls has been this about Sudan. Those aid programs go back to the 50s and they go back further, with the creation of Oxfam. Sudan was the first place right?

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