Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am debating that you're showing me a graph, and it hasn't showed me enough information.

I need to be able to see over a much longer period to be able to speculate. On current conflict and prior for months.

Ascertaining if there was abnormal activity, away from other local industry. It is quite possible many of the units there have been converted for war. It had quite a big industrial sector.

Then again it might have been incinerator day. They might have fired up the trash compactors.

I find this topic pointless. Incased shells don't give that reading. Not into the atmosphere.

So it is industrial, or weapons testing, or an exhaust.

You're trying to add a narrative I disagree with. You're speculating it was munitions. Except they're incased and they don't show these readings unless perhaps they're detonated in testing, production however can cause readings, so can various vents and exhausts. But how abnormal is it? Your graph hasn't established any other patterns to disapprove or validate your narrative.

by WoodDoe
Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Hahaha. He's trying to figure out how to be gay. Edgy topic.

Logically with instincts they are honed from an environment, and experience, becoming preference.

Hormones can be increased but there's always choice, isn't there?

Unless tell me this. So we take domesticated animals, these are where the greatest bisexuality occurs in mammals, our species. Prevalent. Upon restricting choice, caging them, sometimes we give them a diet boosting hormones, etc, next thing tell me what happens. In the wild seasonally these animals are hormonal, they have fertility cycles. What happens again in more restricted wild environments, intervening, safari's, sometimes urbanisation. But it also happens in these animal hierarchical structures, acts of dominance, or rejection, causing.

Are humans much different? Obviously choice becomes preference.

So what causes it? No experience, no hormones, environmentally a child developing instincts. Until it becomes preference through choice.

These stupid topics aren't clever.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yawn. How many missiles? Constant. A number?

It escalates Russian response. If they get through air defenses.

Obviously by fielding weapons how long before more are fielded by anybody else. Ironically Ukraine feels it worse and this conflict continues to up the ante.

There are much bigger problems in how this conflict unfolds, its criteria, and goals, and agenda. It has left far more room for its bullshit. Any bullshit doesn't stop until the other recognises territory or is defeated. It will continue to escalate as it unfolds.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who knows what caused the readings?

I was down voted in the other topic claiming they were nukes. I entered this topic and it's similar. Although apology for stating it is highly unlikely it was a nuke, and not specifically speculating on radiation readings.

The readings aren't particularly accurate, they are reading what exactly, looking for signatures of precisely what compounds?

Perhaps it is created by industry? Or involved in certain production of?

In any case the source was exploded.

In reality there needs to be graphs showing readings from conflict, and prior, over extensive periods. Otherwise we're speculating on the materials stored.

I really didn't think ammo produced this because it's incased. So it would have to be production, or let's suggest detonation, or an exhaust?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Stop shouting they're nukes. Nukes have a distinct blast wave, the shock wave travels outwards in a cloud. Not simply up. They also have a distinctly white explosion. Brilliant white.

It is not uncommon to get radiation readings on most explosions. Where it will immediately spike and then return to normal levels.

Search YouTube on all nuke tests to confirm. Stop being tards over the mushroom cloud. It happens in many explosions. The explosion, flame, like fire goes upwards, apart from in its immediate inferno, blast radius, producing the mushroom. Especially if it targets an accelerator like fuel or explosives. Even oil rigs, have a mushroom. You seen that?

Nukes create a shock wave extending the impact radius into a cloud spreading out from the blast. Also the explosion is bright like the sun. White. On the bigger tests.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Somebody said something they claimed. Until it has been turned into a story providing a narrative of nothing but propaganda.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

What is weapon? Is there a kalashnikov factory in South Africa. I meant shells, rockets, and bullets. Or is it selling stuff? Stuff then made into weapons. Metals, minerals. Whatever. Or is it weapons manufacturing? Or did it sell surplus?

Yes it's about funding it always is, sovereign or not. A nation trading with two competing geopolitical agendas will vie for status on the best deals. They in turn will leverage.

There is more to this story from UN support, BRICS alignment, as well any other trading, manufacture, and markets.

It is what it is in a polarised globe that isn't completely in agreement presently.

There are its hotspots, these will continue too. Look at Pakistan presently. Sudan. Others. Food prices, energy prices, trade becomes threatened.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Funding reasons. All that investment. Besides he's probably been paid. Also looking for political reasons. They're bad guys vote mehhhhh. Who knows and who really cares.

South Africa are Brics and in one way or another are trading with Russia, to what extent remains speculation.

It's a narrative. Everything about the Ukraine is a narrative. Somebody said something they claimed. Everything. There aren't any other facts.

Ukraine coverage is as bad as word of mouth. It got passed down for generations as stories, each story adding in their own descriptions and context. Until becoming politics.

If one outlet appears to air something more factual they use 10 tabloids debunking it and they're also owned or were taken from the same source. It was also speculation or an estimate.

Somebody said something they claimed.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hahahaha. Arrest the WEF. They're fake news.

Please citizen arrest the WEF. Nobody asked them. They aren't our laws. We'd probably all be better off without them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes and no and yes. But outside of this why did they need to be hosted on a free speech platform. Ironically it is only to curtail speech. Solution exclude them off it. Same as the journos and the press manipulating a bunch of dumb narratives.

Yes naively, it doesn't work like this. A shame indeed. It will only be a tool of dystopia.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes but funding is corporate advertisers. Government provided a tax break. It charging to advertise business.

There is no reason why it needed to host government. No reason it needed to host Press either.

Although it might get taxed.

It turned into bullshit the more government and press used it. No sooner did it become dystopia.

They really didn't need an outlet on it. They have their own coverage. Because they're broadcasting on it, no sooner did it manipulate the people discussing their bullshit. Let's face it, there's only bullshit when those two are involved. Until now it's full of bots and stupid narratives and pointless laws suppressing any form of dissent. All because it's their platform when it hosted them. It never needed to be outside of a tax break.

Until you have to ask what Twitter even provides and thinks too. It for the most part is another pointless media operation from government and current events where people flick shit at a wall and it polices them.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I can link the Russians suggesting it was fuel and lubricant facilities. Also munitions and rockets storage.

There were separate attacks on the area at least two or more hits.

Nukes, all you got is the shroom plume. Happens in most significant detonations. But there was no larger blastwaves out.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ban all form of government and press outlet.

Unless citizen coverage of live streams that are legal.

Individuals can post if they aren't acting in a position of government or press.

Finally there might be a platform without the constant bullshit of dystopia.

At what point did they seize it, is the only question asked. At no point does a successful platform need them on it.

Keeping all other advertising outside of it.

It's actually quite ironic. Why does a free speech platform need government on it. Why does a free press platform need press on it. Sadly they have completely turned it into something else. Both never needed to be there. They had their own media regardless.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

How about, you get rid of all political and press from twitter.

Ban any press, except citizens, ban all government unless acting as civilians.

Keeping all advertising.

Twitter solved. Government and Press can get their own platform.

If they were specifically excluded from Twitter. There wouldn't be bullshit.

As it is not it will continue to be their platform wielded specifically for their own ends. It will always be an outlet of dystopia driving agenda.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Bullshit. He probably deserved to die for making up shit. That kind of shit comes from a disturbed mind. Yes. Somebody imagining their words? Sick person indeed.

If he has evidence instead of allegations it would be everywhere and on the Web. Where does he make up those numbers from? He just invented them. Where is his evidence? How did he acquire it? He would've been complict. Disgusting.

No, it's bullshit right. Bullshit from a deranged mind.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It checks out as possibly being an oil facility. It is also as a town with rail and transport links to kiev and odessa from lviv, it also has an airport, and as an oblast had been relatively away from combat. It also had a few factories, depots. These might have been converted into warfare.

Definitely in use for operations.

As far as a tactical nuke. No. I doubt it. The blast didn't spread out.

Replying previously didn't read the link, missed it. Rather debated Ukraine with nukes or nukes deployed.

Easy searching stuff. I am speculating slightly. But it's not hard to summarise.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, as I said the milking factory in Texas this year, had a shroom cloud. Or the fertiliser plant etc.

What you saw in that explosion was it igniting, the red blast, it was an acceleration caused by munitions or often fuel. Causing increased incineration. The glowing red. On a tactical nuke there'd be the shock wave. The blast wave spreading out and possibly a white flash, or the dust pushing out. Not just up.

The shroom plume happens on most blasts/explosions and there where the impact has hit an accelerator of something ignitable.

Munitions tend to spark, like fireworks, you'd hear a series of bangs, but it depends on the containment and the blast.

The reason I asked for location, to do a search, but these are harder with warfare operations hiding Intel. But it's possible it was a fuel depot, factory, and storage.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

They're not tactical nukes. That's a lot of munitions and fuel. Like the train depot prior. These are big storages, or factories, or depots.

But there's no fallout there. We he'd hear no end of it if there was. It would be plastered on the news everywhere. Instead no news coverage on it suggests? It was that kind of storage factory facility for arms and fuel.

That kind of explosion happens on gas/fertiliser facilities. We've seen similar in let's suggest Texas. I suspect it was probably more war related than civilian utility.

Hits like these probably propell defenders. They'll have to prove they're unaffected.

Where was this site, oblast, region?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, a bigger network globally. But CNN are also capitalising on it. Like they did in his presidency.

These townhalls there's no real danger, in fact it prepares him for debates.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nobody else. It has more fun making then I do watching. It steals the taxes. And it goes in for the con, it bombards critic reviews, offers rigged fake scores by manipulating the internet. It seeks a premium off faking it. The numbers hit somebody else getting mugged. Until you'd have to pay people to watch it. Like staple people's eyes open in a classroom, making them write stupid assignments about it. It has reached this point today.

It has become so utterly awful. Filled with pointless narratives and propaganda. It is the worst. It offers almost no entertainment. It was lazily scripted for the narrative, until the plots and stories are so bad. The narrative amounts to a bible basher, jehovah witness at your door who won't go away and instead intrudes on your peace.

This has become Television and Film currently from 2020. Excluding a few hits. But they're often so bad compared to previous decades. No time, just dulled out on a conveyor belt of fastfood franchise, how many more times can they play it, loaded full of CGI or stories and acting so absurd they make no sense.

Netflix has become, until as a rule if it has a picture on its billboard of a female or non white actor on it. Don't watch it. Unless it's foreign. What went wrong. Look at that content.

What's worse are these freaking films getting longer and longer 2.30-3hours long, and all they are is a shitty superhero movie with nothing panaromic, except nonsense CGI, and a story of me me me powers.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No I am not. I asked what the fuck this shitty unfactual bullshit crap is. It's racism. It is the epitome of privileged racism. It has usurped a role in bias and prejudice. It considered itself to be of what status?

All of ten seconds ago it was you're racists for wearing a blackface. Now look at this feces. By the same rules. It is racist. It serves no point. It isn't historic, accurate, or anything else.

Humanity Netflix has none. It seeks profit. Tell me who is buying that script? They used to pelt rotten veg at actors, they actually did much worse, it wasn't uncommon for actors and minstrels to get boiled, hanged, and drawn into 4 quarters. Today it's racist not to let rotten actors do what they want. But they're being hypocrites. They're the racists. They think they can change history because they played some obnoxious part, rewriting the script into total bullshit. How is it humanity? Them getting paid. In fact it's often taxes. Art spare us.

It is complete nonsense. I am really struggling to understand it. Who is watching it? It so bad like almost every film this decade 2020. The decade previous was also becoming worse. It has stopped being entertaining. It decides to run shitty propaganda instead of making entertainment. As a result it is hypocritical, unentertaining, completely nonsense.

I watch Netflix, for older content in an accessible library. For foreign content. I don't watch much original or new content on it. It is largely unwatchable like most films from 2020. They're so bad. Excluding a few.

I tried watching new film. Guy Ritchie's Covenant last night. It was abysmal. The narrative was insanity. Unfactual. Absurd. Idiotic. Almost watchable if it wasn't battering you over the head with nonsense. It made no sense from a war perspective either apart from a few scenes. All of sudden the propaganda has given it a big huge rating. The film was medicore at best. The incredible journey doesn't work like that. Lassie goes home. Soldiers use way points and forward stations. While Taliban patrolled so did the Coalition. Tedious. Calls in that airstrike on a dam. It was practically unwatchable. Lazily written for a narrative.

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