Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yes. It gets completely absurd. They talk for days about bullshit. The build up to the glorious Counter Offensive that will march on the Crimea releasing the Tartars from slavery. It has been probing the lines and taking back big territory and won big ground of all of 1km. But it turns out Russia pushed them right back. How it killed battalions of Russians, losing their commanders because they retreated from the new Ukrainian assaults, but then right away American commander killed in Bakhmut along with 100s of Ukrainians.

I give up. The press literally strains for bullshit instead of reporting fact. Everything pressed by Ukraine is nonsense.

I stopped watching it. Occasionally I catch it on. But it's total bullshit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It has no facts in it. It is pointless speculation, propaganda. No matter the issue covered.

Russia advances, but Ukraine gained ground.

Stop straining for narratives and report something significant.

Hypersonic inserted fictitious numbers, shot down, missile defenses damaged. It factually doesn't matter if it beats them.

As soon as Russia lost commanders, so did Ukraine and affiliates.

Bias unfactual perspectives that have been turned into fantasies. What if Ukraine wins. There is only warfare, it doesn't need stupid narratives.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're chatting shit. That is uncalled for speculation outside of the point raised.

They upgraded their fighters and choppers in many Eastern European countries to newer western equivalents. Hence they donated older Soviet stocks. Older Soviet Anti Aircraft systems are upgrading. Tanks are upgrading. Artillery is upgrading. Some nations have larger orders of new ships and subs of various descriptions. As well as drones and other equipment rockets, shells, etc.

Meanwhile there are huge debates currently on Russian capabilities with the whatever nonsense about hypersonics being shot down. Tanks and other equipment. With Western missile defenses suggested to be beating hypersonics, tell me what happens to those sales. Tanks again were shown and suggested to have problems.

I am not getting into what you assume is better. Rather I am stating facts, bigger spending into the Nato front is occurring. As suggested it isn't donated, it's also upgrading new equipment. Meanwhile factories globally are manufacturing increasing arms and munitions. This has become for both sides, as this conflict continues.

HIMARS, what about other missiles, missile systems. Tanks. Drones. It stands to reason. Outside of capabilities. If I get rid of a warehouse, what do I fill it back up with? It doesn't sit there empty. It sooner opens a new factory. Sell more and replace stock. Read the news. Not simply the propaganda. Donated to the Ukrainian weapons charity's. Hahaha.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Do you think they'll press it. But it is occurring on huge levels, as war machines and production turns. Factories are manufacturing. More are getting involved. I don't know what you've been reading or where. Find it. Start with the MiGs donated, what did these upgrade to f35s? What about the old s300 systems? Now tanks and artillery. What about new ships and subs building? Etc.

Outside of the munitions, shells, and components. These are seeing places like South Korea, Japan manufacture etc.

Tell me about UK's latest package. Industrial scale, factory. Not simply stock. Where is Denmark buying the rockets from? What about Holland, buying the munition. Tell me about German manufacture. What about the new contracts for ships and subs? What about Israeli?

You're not reading much. Russia has similar demands and production, rockets, munitions, drones, components, from quite a few places, and it also has the Chinese producing more.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


No look at it. The solution is what? Tell me how peace occurs? A Berlin wall with nukes either side? What about coastline? Odessa? Is there natural geography, dviding this terrority? Will massive fences, walls be put up, what?

Are we talking about objectifying back to red lines like the Cold War. That nation and terrority doesn't interact with competing territory because it is competition. It's cut off to extents and reasons, so are any other allied pariah affiliates?

Or does it go hot?

The narrative is beating Russia through a merry bunch of fantasists and propagandists. The shit they spew isn't factual, it fantasizes. What if Ukraine could win. Because they simply keep the conflict ongoing with further arms. While the only loser is the Ukraine. It won't beat Russia without it going hot, and a much wider conflict occurring. Seriously. It has lost its claims but it rejects peace because it thinks it can win them back. Literal irony, everything coming out if the Ukraine. Stupidity. Almost as assuming as Russia fully integrating the rest of the Ukraine into its territory.

So a tug of war occurs it has other agendas. Because in the meantime, however, there are much wider geopolitical agendas profiting, aligning, and being motioned. These drive new technology, change supplylines, redistribute trade, finances, sell arms, and cause shortages, etc.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

For science. No.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yea right. Lies. Nonsense. Pathological bullshit.

The WEF are promoting EVs, and renewable energy, plus every other thing Musk is directly connected into by business/s. They pay his wages, they're investors into him.

Meanwhile Twitter and the rest of social media have been weaponising their agenda, the climate change, the WEF are gonna fix. Hahahaha. They profited off of what, making their money. Literally oil gas consumption services etc. So what changed? They found a way to make even greater profit and have even more control.

Look no further at social media plus every other connected service.

At what fucking point was Musk naive about them? Vaccination? No what?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Although is it. Or is it simply forcing weapons through in order to contain it back to competing powers and red lines? As new industry and tech forces through?

War is easier you know your enemy.

This there's a piggy/proxy in the middle and we're being fed a bunch of bullshit narratives into paying more for it.

Yes it has far wider geopolitical implications as hotspots emerge, and prices soar. But unless hell breaks loose instead of entrenched lines of artillery fire and random blitzs.

This will continue to ride out on otherwise agenda.

What is the solution, wider war, or does it go back to a colder war? It just needed a tug of war to convince everybody else gullible enough?

Contain, how do you all that integration, trade, and competing arms, some are even going nuclear. I know have a tug of war. But does it go hot? Not yet in any case. It's profiting. While it reaps competitive agendas.

Who really knows. It stinks of bacon.

by WoodDoe
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's a conversation ender, you're struggling with the gay thoughts.

I cannot help you there at all. Maybe talk to gay person.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

NATO are rearming. The war has flobbed off a bunch of older gear. Tested a lot more gear, and got war production producing, manufacturing. Almost all Eastern Europe got rid of their old MiGs. Their former s300 batteries. Tanks. Replacing them for newer tech. Production and output has increased. These are big purchases and spending and upgrades. Missile defenses, tanks, artillery, jets, even ships, and subs.

Outside of donations. It in turn sells more globally outside of members.

The poster is somewhat naive. There is attrition and Ukraine are kind of shit at it. It's what, dragging this out, from a proxy it can drop at a hat, or win, or what not. In the meantime they're making billions. Food, Energy. Outside of weapons upgrading. The press coverage of this conflict is even more ridiculous. But as far as agenda goes there's bigger hoodwinks happening as EVs and renewables and tech push through.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Haha, you're a dumbass. You have a jewish nigger fetish. You lust for the jewish nigger. Everytime you speak you're fantasising about them. Why is this? Don't tell me.

Here you're jewish nigger derangement syndrome has clearly affected your rationality. You've invented a mythical racism. The lost tribe of jewish niggers are ruling the Ukraine. It sounds ridiculous.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They can drink the queer beer made out of garbage.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Another bullshit topic adding in the mythology.

Tedious conjecture, where you've invented a mythical race of elves.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you cannot. Unless that stupid media stops. Then it will just do it anyway. Only paid critics shouting its narrative get promoted. Because fuck what the audience had to say. They're racists. Instead of its absurd insertion.

I think here enough is enough. That blowback is from the whole lot. Literally cannot watch this crap on today. It is prejudice, hypocritical, not factual, and absurd. It isn't making any other bullshit. It keeps doing this. When does it get the point. It's the racist.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think it is far more nefarious. Far more nefarious. It is digital slavery. It is social I.D profiling at infancy from a very evil A.I. it is establishing genders why for what record and on what profiles?

I use this term digital slavery it is everywhere now. Who would've bought computers as boomers if they'd known what they'd cause today, full profiling, full data collection. How many millennials would've used social media if they knew an insult would land them in jail. Nobody would've, nobody. Instead digital slavery has been inserted incrementally, in stages, granting more and more control to those who weaponise its agendas.

The entire time more laws and agendas usurp our rights.

The entire Trans thing, is Transhumanism. They're a patsy. A little band of rats being led by pied piper. It has a very dark agenda indeed, nothing to do with a medical experiment, simply about an insertion policing society for profit and control. It being fed to babies is to social profile them. It by A.I reading off a social I.D with all that dossier accessible. You can then summarise that profit, psychology, social engineering per head.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1



It's racist, not to watch a racist movie. The movie is racist. Unfactual, prejudice, unhistoric, absurd.

Suddenly, reeeeeeeeeee. Had enough of it. Enough of stupid narratives.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Fuck off.

There is no correct news. There hasn't been correct news since the news started airing the same 5 headlines globally. This occurred with the rise of the Internet. Late 90s. You can flick news channels the headlines are all the same. Why is this in a globe of 8 billion. Because stinkheads like you manipulate it. The news is nothing but propaganda infused, agenda driven nonsense, garbage coverage. It doesn't even inform today. There is no impartial coverage. There are subtle differences in local coverage, this tends to contain more actual news. But it stinks.

Take the news off Twitter. It is crap and it stinks. Or make write only channels if it needed actual coverage of actual events in real time.

Twitter ain't a News App, everybody has this. If it needed actual coverage of real time events, make write only channels. The rest is garbage. No point in even reading it. It cherry picks coverage. It then writes up little fantasies. Meanwhile it polices everybody commenting. Total freaking shite.

Stupid down vote. It's obvious. Broadcast only channels should be enforced. Or fuck Twitter thinking it's the news. It isn't broadcasting to anybody else. Cannot comment on it anyway. Am I right. Look at her suggestion. She just wants to preach little stupid narratives. As she polices everybody else not buying it. If the press wants to do this it should be live coverage only from official sources, broadcasting as read only. Otherwise people should comment about whatever the fuck they like. If the press weren't there, spewing propaganda, they literally could.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Okay apology. Moderation and knowing your limits. It is advised not banned. I hate the online gambling industry. But a gentleman's game and wager is a sport of Kings.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Have you been to Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait? Etc etc. No. Shut up. Spouting spurious statements.

I provided evidence. You're ignoring. Almost every Arab I know is a huge gambler. I play poker. Not so much currently. Hate what online gambling has done. But they're everywhere when I do play.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

That hasn't forbid. As I said look at the evidence. Casinos are in most Arab countries. Who are also huge horse breeders, some of the finest thoroughbreds for horse racing, and camel breeders for camel racing. Meanwhile so many own football clubs, wagering. In fact it isn't uncommon to find gambling in every hotel in the Mideast.

Alcohol however isn't promoted and many Arab countries have much stricter laws regarding it.

You've taken a passage and have suggested it means forbidden. No it doesn't. It advises. Same advice on Gamblers Anon.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It doesn't forbid gambling.

Tell me this sport about camels, camel racing.

Tell me about Arabian stallions.

Tell me about the casino industry

Tell me about football clubs

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Disgusting. It is promoting the sexuality of children and infants.

This provides no benefit to that age, and instead sexualises them for whose gratification? It is disturbing there are any kind of attempts at this conversation at that age. It is intrusive and unproductive.

The curriculum needs to provide an education by law and practice. It should be at an appropriate age of learning and development. Not at infancy which prior to education is parental responsibility and upbringing, and again having their say on what that education teaches their children.

I think these institutions need to take a big huge step back. Stop this conversation completely. It isn't beneficial. It instead is marginalising children into genders. Of which they haven't developed.

by WoodDoe
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why are you acting gay? Why did you want to find out about gays? I am not a shill, the topic is shilling gays.

I added an opinion it actually contradicts some of their community claims. These are stating it is genetic.

I find it unproven and contrary.

You wanted conspiracies into pheromones or hormones in the water causing your lust for gays? Or the subliminal programming?

I refuted this. Or please tell us why you're gay? Dumbass

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I disagree. If munitions are in constant storage that reading will be high. Yes? Unless a base uses shielding, but those munitions will be transporting anyway. Can you provide readings from areas hosting bases with nukes or storing shells that supposedly produce radiation? It's the only way to confirm your theory. You could do this in Russia, or Europe, Asia, perhaps? Near an active nuclear base using transports. As an example we'd see this reading in Svastapol? Not quite but maybe. When it outfits the Fleet.

No that graph hasn't showed much going back 1 month prior. As I said months, prior to conflict and during conflict. I am speculating parts of the industrial sector got turned into war facilities. They go through periods of inactivity. If it is industry. You've done the same on citing munition transport.

We are trying to establish a few things. If industry causes it. If it is those munitions. If it is detonation. If it is an exhaust.

Another theory you haven't used is if there was a prior attack on the city, prior to the main explosions, the x2 hits in question. This often happens, an attack prior, testing air defenses.

Otherwise who knows. I am sticking with, encased shells don't provide that reading.

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