Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

No. They were about profit, and control.

Lockdown caused inflation it sooner caused taxation. Until that price has profited wealth immensely. Now it wheels out new tech costing far more.

It had a heap of other strategy, geopolitically, as supply lines reshuffled. But it caused huge profits, and the fallout has triggered a bunch of dominoes.

Trans mean shit. They're an experiment. It uses them. The agenda behind them implements clones, ai, robots and a bunch of other tech where you ceed your rights. It gets its foot in the door through guinea pigs.

When AI gets cloned into latex people. What are they referred to as? What rights do they have? It's an intelligence right?

What have trans done? Look at your rights? You have no natural biology.

Brainwashing. An agenda forcing compliance and control for profit. Trans literally cost what per head to the medical industry. Massive. They also force new procedures and medicine. Rights granted currently are forcing through an agenda, it has a narrative where AI faster becomes adopted. What do you call an AI. Trans are obviously still their biology.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can it see it being used wrong. Completely wrong. Exercise is what people need. But technology has made them lazy. And the food has made them fat. Look it simply profits off it.

The hell knows what they had on Boris. That stinks. But it's something else. Anybody who had public support gets thrown under the bus. They invent bullshit to suppress everyone else. There was more dirt that made that stick. Lockdown rules in a nation of nounces. Because there are only charlatans today. They get paid to do nothing else, except cause dystopia for the status quo. A bunch of globo homos doxxing them. It's utterly ironic. The sham that's being offered as our elect today.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Better get a hunger suppression vaccine for it, and it requires repeated doses.

The side affects are bulimia and starvation and veganism.

Fat people are now on the menu. I think this is why they ousted Boris? Anti fat suppressants.

Ep0ch 9 points ago +9 / -0

The establishment. I wonder what else the establishment censors for him?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. You're attributing everything, the entire universe on the Jews. But I wouldn't give them all that credit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahahahaha. I can see why you're being moody. You don't like the Danes.

Okay it was Alexander the Great. I mean how did that turn out. He obviously influenced the Mongols.

But you argued it wasn't the Greeks. Despite the Greek missionaries converting St.Olga.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drones part of 6th gen. Look into 6th gen.

Currently 6th Gen is huge. Everybody is competing in prototypes, with America already working on 7th gen. Don't quote it's likely re-entry. But the leading frontrunners are all using not just one drone, but a formation alongside each fighter, with countermeasures capable of deploying others, swarm, and plasma. The fighters have multiple roles. The Drones they use offer huge performance upgrades, suggestive countermeasures, decoy, strike, surveilance, electronic jamming and electronic warfare. But in the leading 6th Gen models are a core system to its very enhanced AI.

I see this at a showcasing airshow, it's obviously drones not UFOs.

Not necessarily 6TH Gen perhaps it's simply taking snaps.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn. Jews aren't responsible for the former pantheon.

The Talmud was written in Babylon. It ironically revisionalised its origin.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes Viking tribes dominated the area, during the period I refer too. They have been found all over the region with settlements in the Balitics and Western Russia as far in as Siberia.

Wasn't it also St.Olga who united the Northern and Southern Slavs?

But her grandson Vladimir moved Christendom into Moscow centralising it.

Prior to the Mongols, the Tartars sacked Moscow.

The first Czars were the Ivans. After that the defeat of the Mongols, Russia quickly formed, and from other great Czars expanding influence and its borders. Etc.

We were talking about the Church, Christianity founding Russia.

I had thought there was something more, previously, but it has been a very long time since revisiting this topic. Something more?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. There are devout, and there are sects or cults of something established, often practicing everything else under the sun. You have no other argument.

It's not about normals, and freaks. It's about fact.

You're attributing everything as the adopted practice, but that isn't factual.

Not that I care, because I really don't. You have your opinion. Topically however it's problematic, hence my anecdote.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It didn't come from the Jews is my point. It has almost nothing to do with Jews.

Jews practice monotheism.

If it traces back, it traces back to even older religions. They have some common ancestry, and it isn't the bible.

My argument is why are you doing this. It's oxymoronic. You give Jews credit for everything, but strangely you hate them? Literal redundancy. It's so absurd it makes no rational sense.

I am factually saying it didn't come from them. Because it factually didn't. I hate nobody else. But I am not about to accredit the entire universe to them. It didn't come from them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

Yawn. Utterly boring. You believe what you want. They don't.

Go into your local synagogue, and proclaim it. How about a mosque. Tell me what happens? Nope you won't even get that far.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're retarded. Like entry level autistic.

The Pantheon was Greek, Norse, Roman, Egyptian, Summerian, Celtic. It's called polytheism, multiple deities, "Gods" not monotheism one deity, "God".

Jews aren't responsible for global history. Much more came from the Greeks. Islam isn't either.

Did you gain all your knowledge from one book? So why have you associated everything with a secular religion/s?

Monotheism traces back to polytheism where it broke away from the pantheon destroying other gods as ungodly. However many former practices were far more widespread and it simply incorporated them.

As far as Moses is concerned, he didn't even exist. He traces back to Summerian, Sargon of Akkad, and a common story found all over the Ancient World. Rome, Egypt, India, Assyria, Japan etc etc. They all shared a similar tale. It didn't come from no Jews. Jews simply used a common story to found Jerusalem. It was the flavour of the day. They all were doing it. It has something to do with astrology, and it has nothing to do with a baby floating down a fucking river.

Like the green man. It came from the former mythology within a pantheon of former gods, worshipping things like the harvest and fertility etc. Each pantheon, or temple, called it something else. Until somebody else thought to tax them all. No no no you will pay even more for it. This is why we worship one God. Taxes. But I'm sure you believe in something else.

Jews didn't even exist until all of a couple centuries ago. They were known as Hebrews.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What the fuck? No. Jews didn't create the pantheon. Jews didn't create all the superheroes.

At what point do Jews have other gods? Listen to yourself. It's autism at entry level.

Jews have monotheism. One god. It isn't representative of other deities. There are angels and demons.

Here is where the Hulk came from. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Giant With a touch of irradiated Jerkyll and Hyde. It needed more flare than Popeye.

As far as the old gods go, yawn. You've linked nothing but conjecture.


It traces back to the pantheons before it, having origins that are far older and were more widespread. Druidic, Summerian, Norse, Greek, Roman and possibly even Egyptian. Didn't check them all. So sick of the Jews did it. Or how it was Islam. It gets incorporated into religion, as a guide, mentor, fatherly figure, references in Islam something Moses, because it's far harder removing former worship, so it simply incorporated it. Until it became this other fable.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That nuclear war simulator is bullshit. It is not the way it occurs or programmed to occur.

It would be ironic if it were that localised. It won't be. Data from the what? It hasn't even put all the locations of the nukes in properly. At what point is it only a Nato exchange? Hahahaha.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no idea I am reading through it. But I am correct on the Church and the third Rome influencing and establishing Russia. Where we have St.Olga, and Christianity spreading to the Viking tribes who were the neolithic people in the Russian area. Her grandson Vladmir who spread it throughout Russia establishing Moscow as its center.

I thought it was somebody else higher up. In the dark ages. But St.Olga is there. She was Queen of Kiev converting to Christianity. Her grandson Vladmir really spread it establishing Moscow as what some would call the third Rome.

It was Greek missionaries from Constantiople converting St.Olga.

I had this confused thinking a Holy Roman Emperor had more influence from a seat in Prussia not Constantinople.

Of course it was Ivan I and Ivan the terrible who were the first Czars beating back the Mongols establishing Russia into the principality it became.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Reddit is nothing but bullshit. Stop linking it.

Anybody who doesn't fit their narrative is dehumanised. It has been this way on social media since it inserted manipulating bullshit narratives.

Hypocritically are Trans dehumanising? Hahaha

Is the black little mermaid racist?

Are loading borders full of immigrants humanity or catastrophe?

Does electricity work in the weather?

Not one of their bullshit narratives make any fucking sense. Not one. Yet you're called a bunch of names if you don't buy it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn there are far more factors than wahaaaa Ukraine sneaked on the dam and launched an undocumented strike. Where is the evidences? Where is the gain? Why objectively?

The factors are heavily skewed as Russian probability.

Turkic script?

Or Summerian, Hindu sanskrit?

Thank you for the history.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frogs are gay. But they shouldn't be in the water.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They won't. It drags the rest of Nato into it. Ukraine is not going to get granted membership either. Not until the conflict has resolved.

Clandestine they are anyway as pro Ukrainian. But flying their own national and Nato flag. No.

Nobody sane voted on escalation. Direct Nato involvement. No.

These are simply Summit talking points. Isn't it due like next week.

The fact is many have personnel already operating in Ukraine for various reasons. But it isn't classed as direct involvement. For Poland or whatever Nato to enter Ukraine as Poland or whatever Nato, Poland is declaring war on Russia. Has Nato? What about the Baltics? At that point how do nuclear powers respond?

Quickly dismissed as another talking point rejected. Or what happens. Nukes are either real or they're a child's toy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What the fuck is that crap. I didn't ask you to fill in the blanks.

Bullet points. They were explanatory. You can add bullet points, hence I stated there's probably more, and I did it quickly. I didn't need the freaking nonsense.


Now add some factors of why, and how.

It was named after him. Tell me about his ties to the church? However we are talking all the way up the Baltics, western Russia. Chunks of Eastern Europe. Who was this holy roman emperor?

Yes the sanskrit is the planet's oldest language apart from some that is undeciphered because it has no known context. There are a few instances of this. Possibly even in Russia. As well as the Mediterranean, MesoAmerica, etc. Prior to that are glyphs and carvings of various descriptions.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt he will go anywhere. But I doubt he'll be president.

The only thing this is doing is setting up another Biden presidency. Simple divide and conqueror.

Campaigning likely isn't recoverable. Prison is not the exercise of this. It would be ridiculous to sentence, as a historic first, and a president for having classified documents. He had classification and access already. The documents, he was able to remove, and they were not stored properly on his property. Hahahaha. Mickey Mouse.

Why could he remove the documents if he couldn't store them properly. Hahahaha. Bullshit.

The parking ticket inspectorate has nothing better to do. A bunch of nonsense. Next time send the parking inspector immediately after change of office for all the government issued memorabilia.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're like a retard child arguing crap.


  1. Russian controlled it. Had full access to it.

  2. Russia built it. Knew it needed maintenance. Maintained it.

  3. Russia attacked it. Destroying the road and railroad running over it.

  4. Russia defensively has a better position by the immediate bridge and approach being inaccessible

  5. Russia controlled the first settlements flooded

  6. Ukraine attacked it

  7. Ukraine controls the upper dam

There are probably more. I am doing this quickly

Who gains and why?

What are you spewing. It's inundated drivel. Complete baloney. Nonsense and ignorance. Rome was attacked by Islam, and it moved capital East. This isn't Constantinople. Much of Russia shaped when this occurred. Pushing back the Mongols. Although prior to it, Ukraine and all around the Black Sea was Roman. The Black Sea settlements are far far far older, Bulgaria etc. We are talking conspiracies here, not the concentric paradigm. So is Russia. Georgian wine making dates back 10,000 years. Seashells found in Siberia from Southern India date back almost as old.

As far as your bullshit is concerned stop it. Look up places in Western Russia from Moscow to St.Petersburg. Saint. You fucking melon.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Factors provide numbers based on probability, odds. Not dumb luck. It was no accident if it was expected. It was expected because it had been attacked, and suggested. It was an occurrence that was no surprise. Who gains and why?

No, the Holy Roman Empire moved capital where, tell me about this Russian? Dumbass.

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