Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They win. Because everybody takes the money. It makes them complict, controlling them. Debt, and servitude. It makes them corruptible. They're loyal to their paycheck, content, to just get paid for providing nothing else, except their greed. Or it corrupts them and they take the dirty money. It doesn't matter if they don't there's always something else that can hang them today if they don't take the money.

Nobody sane voted on mass migration. You have asshole cheerleaders, paid extortion, telling everybody how it's great for them, because they get paid more the more subscriptions there are to their services. Publicly it can all go to hell. Many of these assholes still get paid regardless. Tv. Music. Writers. Media. Polictians. Banks. The more rent collected. The more investment. The more debt. The point is if they're selling climate change is man made. At what fucking point are millions being added into populations causing you got it, their narrative of climate change. Because it's another hoax profiting off rigging the demand of forcing more services they profit and control.

How do banks win. When you're in debt right? How do shareholders win, when shares, what? How do land owners win, rent? How do services win, the more subscribers there are?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. It's to pass laws policing society, so it can profit. It profits by collecting the rent and debt. It profits when there's crime. Why did it get rid of the death penalty. Because there are more services and investment from the penal system. Mixed populations sell more services is the estranged thinking. It divides and conquerors. If the population blames each other it potentially never unites against the powers controlling it. It can pacify both by playing them off. Opposition becomes complict in getting paid to the systems containing it. Look at these political parties they sit there doing nothing else except becoming more corrupt as it inserts yes men loyal to their position and paycheck. Everybody else is removed if they have any other notions.

The whole lack of free speech it being criminalised for thoughts to a screen is simply to control what people say more and more. Until it is telling everybody what to say and watch and read. Silencing all dissent. As it programs an A.I, any A.I cannot distinguish between humans anyway. It can simply restrict humans by replacing them.

Mass migration causes services to become strained. It then profits more off of fixing them. It sells new systems and services forcing investment. Or it collapses forcing them. Ultimately it was to collect rent, and tax, by selling more and more services by increasing population.

Nobody sane voted on it. It makes absolutely zero sense if they're selling climate change is man made. Look no further. But there they are profiting the worse it gets, they'll sell you more at even higher costs.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Because they've spawned the billionaires controlling everybody else.

Cheap industry outsourced creates population booms. Those numbers sold more services, generating profit.

It doesn't matter the slave only the rent. Bingo.

Today it's about services, how many more services, shareholders and investment, regulations and taxes, does it take to turn a product on. A product that can faster be turned off as easily, no sooner are accounts fully clicked off, complete paper trails to your dna, full dossiers to your entire footprint, and financial history. Deplatformed. Or given social scores. It's another pyramid scheme. Everything has been. From Pfizer to tuppeware and the energy companies. They all take the money trickling down. Every single vax prescribed caused your doctor to get paid, the more vaxs, gave shares to the next clown. The next clown authorising it rigged the market.

This topic is kind of ignorant, they profit until they're forced to force their hand. Where they profit regardless. They play both sides. They're the bank. The debt collectors. The investors. Shareholders. Ceo's. Boards of directors.

They profit the worse it gets. The worse it gets the more they sell you, at even higher prices.

Since Covid all they've done is profit more and even off Ukraine.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I remember Trump declasifying the JFK stuff. Also certain redacted UFO documents had also been released. They were largely nonsense. It spawned another Netflix, UFO series, and some dude, a huckster claiming he was part of the UFO program, but he was never employed by the pentagon.

The problem was and is. UFOs after listening and watching that hearing are a hoax.

That was counter Intel. It was a pretty script for a TV audience. It baited the line.

It wants disclosure but offered none. It is still top secret. There is no oversight on contractors. There is no audit of contractors. Clearance can still hide programs from oversight. They'd never know where to look, and after looking, it is still top secret. Half that committee aren't cleared. Those credentials would have to be met before that whistleblower, whistles. His claims baited the line. Claims he never even verified, but simply assumed. The script, since commercial flight in the 1930s there's been the UAP. Gee, go fish. So it wants a law making a central database, handled how by who, in the name of science and intelligence, releasing the codes on all vehicles of every description. So it can oversight them. At the end of the day it was simple dystopia begging funding. Calling for a database where the Men in Black had full access via radar to it, with a hotline to an agency, pursuing the UAP. So they can dispatch, SHIELD. These UAPs are an active menace, and we can reverse engineer them if we're cleared and funded

At this point in history it's under what pretense. Projection assuming advanced capability. Another UN body with more information sharing. Where they all sign up to a one World government creating the Defense League. You too can be part of the UAP hotline, if you provide your drone program codes.

I am actually curious why every statement made conflicted with previous. Things like they're detecting these things on radar. But it is radar jamming them. The pilot claims that was clearly reported but there's no evidence of the radar being switched off. Publicly that is huge. A hostile is breaching airspace disabling radar.

He says no human pilot can withstand that speed and Gforce, but he wants to pilot one.

Gursch claims they have collected biological non human recovery from the site. Why and how are these crashing. Think. They travel the cosmos to die on Earth? Dumb dumb.

The previous pilot said they had no means to counter them. But somehow they're being shot down? Wait what? No return fire? If it is radar jamming them. It can potentially disable their entire craft. American pilots are dying as a result?

An exercise in bullshit. Projection. More funding buys the above.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your GPS does work in the Ocean. Boats and ships have GPS. Dumbass. Despite your dumbphone not having network coverage. They have GPS in Antarctica. They have Satellites that can provide a laser beam to Antarctica pinpointing locations. Look at Google Earth. There is even attempts of laser beams off of satelittes providing Antarctica and remote locations with energy. Like Antarctica has no daylight for most of the year. So this person travelling across Antarctica the latest, a girl, had GPS so she wouldn't get lost. But okay for a camp in remote locations in extremes they have technology and they are developing technology where satellites can beam in energy.

Stop telling me bullshit. Instead of assuming stupid, look at how stuff actually works.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's nonsense. You don't know what I have read watched or researched.

I don't believe because there's zero evidence of your claims on it. Contrary almost every single claim of flat earthers is ludicrous.

No. I don't take the bait. If there was an ice wall and more Earth beyond on it. The planet would migrate. Look at Africa right now. Look at the history of our planet. They'd be all over it. If it had an advance race on the other side of it we'd be in war. If there is a hollow Earth we'd have discovered it. If we're inside of a snow globe we'd scream our way out. No we wouldn't but everybody on Earth would know about it. Instead of everybody on Earth trying to get to the Moon and beyond. As they have always done historically when looking up at the heavens.

There is curvature, and it is defined in most architecture and engineering accounting for it. We have satellites. We have GPS. This planet rotates in alignment with our cosmos.

The only bigot is you. You're prejudice.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Read what? I don't think this is going anywhere.

It sounds like bullshit because it is. Decorated intelligence officer of the UAP program claims, because of vague reports by his pals, a support group for other pilots experiencing phenomenon, is now propagated by public money, becoming a tik tok sensation, funding other known hucksters, has seen nothing establishing his claims of a top secret reverse engineering programs going back multi decades, but is whistleblowing to Congress for more disclosure. Honk

They wheel out known reports of the grainy objects.

The only thing watched so far is that they were on radar in 2004 in the Nimitz footage off San Diego. This faster conflicted with his next statement that his flight radar was shutdown and that evidence of the radar jamming has disappeared. Honk.

The problem there is obvious. They can detect these things? But mysteriously there is no evidence of them? Hang on. What are they. Grainy little tik tacks. Wait what. Nothing berg.

At this point it's an exercise in bullshit. It won't go anywhere else. They're on break or something, the feed is dead. But here's to nothing from this.

Caught the rest of it, and I am correct. It is going nowhere soon. Any contractors aren't bound by congressional oversight, or even congressional audits. Scrub the above comment on Gursch. I thought he actually whistle blew instead of projecting. Everything, all the juicy stuff is behind closed doors, and it doesn't prove anything. Yet. Or anytime in the future. It remains classified until it releases any info into public interest. And it can stil potentially hide it. As an opinion it was a clever script where his claims are seemingly a counter intel op. Projection. Imagine it today. Advanced technology the USA military has as capability. None of it, has proved aliens either. Contrarily it promotes capability and the need for more security and access to radar from military and corporate. In whose hands? Whoops what went wrong, back to square one. If it does eventually establish the phenomenon, it's possibly another con. I can think of why there'd need to be a World government pursuing space and technology, and sharing all flight information.

What was disclosed was almost nothing but projection. Gursch can make "claims" but Congress would still be chasing its tail establishing those claims by going to any other contractors and corps and through security clearance. All that it has provided is there are supposed claims. They haven't proved anything. Projection of advanced capability. What is it? It claims non human. What is that? A drone? E.T? Any access remains top secret despite further funding investigating supposed phenomenon requesting access.

What could come from this is drones are now all logged. Codes. It clearly reacts to supposed UAPs from a central database. It could try to project bluebeam creating a UN aviation authority.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No problem. Believe what you want but don't blame people for not believing you. I am interested in all beliefs, despite of my jokes, until they tell me I am wrong for not believing them.

I don't believe in Flat Earth because I have seen no evidence of it.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't need to woke anything.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Blocked. Don't talk to me. You're the retard. Only you. It's only you. You don't get to make up crap, and call everybody else stupid for not believing you.

You're in a cult of stupid. Everybody else is the problem for not believing you calling everybody else liars.

How do you even wake up. On drugs I bet. Sell them to somebody else. Dumbass

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They weren't maintained and had the outer limestone, brilliant white sheen, documented by Greek historians, stolen, to make mosques, it was also pillaged by others. The capstones were also taken. Supposedly solid gold.

All evidence suggests massive climate change took place in Egypt and the Sahara.

At what point, think, did these people build their shit out in a desert. Changing religion and desecration took place. But not to the extent of a desert. Yes it blew in like a dustbowl rust town. But the sphinx was buried until Napoleon. He didn't break its nose either. The Valley of the Kings. Come on, fertile nile. Their belief was they went too? It wasn't a desert.

I don't care much about it. Except that they are a phenomenon not explained with bronze tools. Despite the history channel's attempts.

As per the other pyramid linked in Indonesia. It is presumably far older. It hasn't been fully proved, hit the textbooks. But it's there. If proved it means there was a civilization building pyramids prior to the Greenland crater. That means the pyramids are older.

It means an ancient prediluvian civilization. How advanced. Who really cares. But they weren't monkeys.

Already established with https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%B6bekli_Tepe. And https://www.dailystar.co.uk/travel/travel-news/mexico-cave-cenote-quintana-roo-16840017 https://mexicounexplained.com/cenotes-of-the-maya/

What do they provide, today, not much other than a grave. But remarkably those structures have outlived almost everything else. They're still a wonder of our World. A source of its origin.

The fascination comes with their alignment. Along leylines set into alignment under our cosmic constellations. What were they trying to say? Why did they believe what they did, placing into alignment structures that heralded the stars? Are we invasive. Or did we come from monkeys, evolving? Who really cares. Except a reset occurred. It is becoming fundamentally harder to disprove.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a documentary you haven't watched. Instead you're mouthing off against it, without watching it. No. Discovery or other documentary channels are source of knowledge. A series of documentaries with a heap of read the wiki commenting on it. They stress tested and ran scenarios. It covers impact, nova, ice age, oceans, nature etc.

Smart people don't spew ignorance about something they haven't watched.

The pyramids are already 5k years old according to the concentric narrative. We're in a topic arguing they're older. Skyscrapers, dumbass, are already being replaced.

Here's a pyramid that's much older https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunung_Padang.

When I link a wiki, it's a reference. Not a protest.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You haven't proved anything. It makes you stupid. I don't need to join that club. It's sad to see somebody deny everything that others have proved, proved, and are taught.

I believe a lot of what we're taught is garbage, today. Dinosaurs for example.

But the Earth being a flat is something that's utterly ludicrous. And I honestly don't care what is, when it's constantly spinning.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't believe in UFOs. Why do aliens shit in the woods? Every single time there's an alien it's taking a shit in the woods. Seriously they come all the way to earth to take a shit? At what point are they scaring the crap out of people by taking a shit in the woods? The highlight of an advanced race is shitting in the woods scaring people.

Every single time in history an advanced race has met primitives it has conquered them. At what point haven't they. Because we aren't a threat. We haven't proved anything. As soon as we do, we're conquered. They'll extract taxes or something. What on Earth do they want? Worship. No. What?

So why on Earth are the aliens shitting in the woods?

If they can travel the universe they can see us, without taking a shit in the woods. The idea is not being detected. When they are, we're a threat, right. If they're sitting in the woods, the government already knows what they are. As we haven't gone to war, or treated the alien shitting menace seriously. They're conjecture. A means of dystopia. If you invest in UFOs it buys more bullshit.

Proof please. Otherwise everything else except aliens are a UFO.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It wasn't made by Netflix. It's on Netflix. It was on the discovery channel. It's now possibly on Netflix. Or you can stream it.

Don't fuck with me. Asshole.

A smart person, goes and checks it out. They don't spew ignorance. What harm is there in looking. It is actually a fascinating watch.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stop it, you're in a cult of silly. Proof. There is only speculation. The proof you've provided is redundant. Curvature is accounted for in every structural design. Bridges, railroads, even our coms, and GPS.

The figures you've spewed aren't mathematical like chartered surveyors and architects all using science and math.

I am neither. One of them would bone crunch you in two minutes. They account for curvature. I have linked on this account in the past, when they were using lasers for Cern, and making modern tunnels like the eurotunnel, or metro.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. Watch a series possibly on Netflix about it. Life after people. They used structural engineers, scientists, etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_After_People

Skyscrapers are made out of garbage. They're already being replaced. Not even 100 years later. Like almost every post war building. An investment scam. Torn down thrown up. Made of crap. Sure they say crap like how these buildings will last 1000 years. The only skyscraper that can possibly is the AT&T building/NSA beep. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/33_Thomas_Street . Or even nature, plants, insects. They eat that shit.

Otherwise they're a heap of shit.

Here's a rundown on some shit. But it is conjecture. https://stacker.com/environment/how-long-it-takes-50-common-items-decompose Conjecture because it hasn't fully accounted every environmental condition. Things like extreme cold, heat, oceans. Meanwhile almost all that stuff is changing to materials that degrade.

Glass for example, in an ocean, becomes a coloured stone? They did this at a glass factory threw the glass bottles into the sea. What is found on the beach are colored stones people turn into beads for necklaces. Yea it's still glass but it's changed from being that bottle, yes. That bottle shatters if you try too wear it, or make it into a bead. The glass degrades turning back into sand and it ain't even been that long. Decades.

What about plastic in an impact scenario. Or volcano. Melted.

Anyhow watch that series linked. About 10-15k years the extent of humans. Only because of reinforced steel bridges. Full degradation, dust. A planetary fart. 15k years.

Sure idiots from the lost tribe of Mickey Mouse, might restart better. Have better means than our ancients. Hell they'd be trading in nuka cola caps or something. But the fact is if a Greenland crater occurs, it doesn't take much for that stuff to be gone. Rather than a pyramid.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nigger tier propaganda for the what if crowd of we need more funding to sell more UFOs

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

How long, years, does civilization erase off a reset? An extinction level event reseting civilization.

A skyscraper, today, would be dust in about 1000 years. No trace. A mole hill of stone with some metal content.

An iPhone lasts what buried in the earth, completely gone, they did this supposedly. Like 30-70 years?

Things like the Golden Gate bridge last longer pontentially 10k. So what ten thousand years is the extent of all traces of humanity. Until niggers come along and make monkeys and dinosaurs.

The only thing that survives longer is a pyramid. Stone.

Any conspiracy suggests, the tools that made them faster didn't work. So in an extinction level event, the grid goes down, a nova, impact. No electricity. Complete fried. Only 1 to 5% surviving it. Today we've killed ourselves. Everything on a grid that goes lights out in that scenario. Information stored into a system that is gone in a blink. Pretty soon it's Mad Max, the lost children of Lord of the Flies. Member member Disney and Mickey Mouse, he was a god that lived in the pyramids. But there they are reinventing the wheel, as any tools become weapons, ploughs, or saddles. It doesn't work it's destroyed reused as rudimentary objects. Any language has changed it doesn't understand any artifacts found. These perhaps become esoteric knowledge. Perhaps a few even completely leave the planet, leaving the dumbest.

Hell our own history has done this repeatedly, burnt all the books, put entire populations to the sword. Reworded origin turning it into religions outlawing and purging all remnants of its former history.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are polar opposites. Until there is no center. A fucking narrative used for providing a description, marginalising people who disagree with ideology and law and the systems controlling them. Neither truly exist apart from in the heads of people.

Stupid little nigger narratives used to police people.

What exists is dissatisfaction with societal problems, and there are extremists caused by ideology and political views.

These people don't see themselves as anything else. They don't shout they're far right, they think they're center, but they'll blame the far left. The far left assume they're center and will blame the far right. Both cause radicals and extremists. Narratives used to pass laws and control a society that there is no equality, only hypocrisy and prejudice. Of course they say they're liberals and nationalists, because of the political parties representing them. These profit no matter what redundant laws and taxes they pass.

There is no unity. A snake eating its tail. Unity doesn't profit. The bank and its debt collectors win. Laws passed taxing you and protecting those who profit no matter the ideology.

Aaron Swartz was a nigger. He made a system that curtailed humanity. Reddit is the biggest piece of dystopia ever invented. It is full of nigger tier retards spewing non stop garbage for the purpose of echoing advertising causing dystopia. The easiest piece of dystopia ever invented. It literally cancels all dissent. All because that nigger thought to control speech from it. He specifically made a platform for controlling speech from. Where he was the god of speech, in a game of trolls, trolling for points. Where he won that game by being the biggest monkey on it. Listen too, otherwise you're all downvoted. Forums didn't have votes until Reddit, and that nigger came along. What are they voting on. It ain't free speech if there's karma. He was a nigger. I am glad he was cancelled. There's always bigger fish who eat dumb niggers who think they're the Messiah. Instead they'll faster stop free speech, stating they're the only religion, because everything else is cancelled altogether, there's only dystopia, the inquisition, thanks to his nigger, slave, platform.

Reddit is such a nigger platform. It uses gangs of trolls policing every word. Try this, cause dissent against Zelenskyy. Say one thing bad about Zelenskyy. You're immediately cancelled. Say one thing bad about niggers. Say one thing against climate change. Say one thing in dissent of any topic. At what point did Reddit ever have free speech. At what point was it ever a solution. It simply caused dystopia. Until now you cannot have any other opinion than the advertising. It is often state run propaganda.

Aaron Swartz was a nigger.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because it generates productivity. It potentially gets itself out of debt by the next services generated and the next means of industry. No. But it tries. Although it doesn't. It simply provides more power for those who profit off rigging the demand.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the weather. The tech being paraded will not change the weather that there is no accurate science on. It simply causes profit and provides control for those rigging it. They invasely profit far more than ever. Invasely control humanity into systems profiting astronomically.

Everybody driving EVs does what? All those EVs using let's suggest Windows operating software, cause a billionaire like Gates to gain revenue off every sale. Not quite Gates, but okay. He gains off all that electricity going into your home and it using his software. The services needed to drive them, a bunch of charge points, cause and rig investment. A bunch of shareholders, investing. A bunch of new infrastructure and new production. They're a hot potato of instant profit and productivity. You all need new cars today right now. If you don't buy them, God will be very angry. Look at the weather. It's the worse it has ever been if we all say so, because y'all must buy EVs. The climate change narrative rigs services generating demand for new products and services providing billionaires, banks, and corps far more control over you.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the weather. The weather changes anyway, all by itself. When it changes, it affects more people the more they've populated. They're affected by the weather the more they've populated. A bank profits more the more the weather affects people. Like religion used too. When your house is mortgaged does the bank profit. So if your house is destroyed by the weather surely the bank profits. What about if y'all buy new cars. Hahaha. It has nothing to do with anything else. The bank and debt collectors and investors profit no matter how bad it gets. They profit more the worse it gets.

Any narrative cannot affect the weather, it can simply profit off it. The weather will continue to change. Weather changes. The science cannot accurately predict what will occur, or to what extent it will occur. Whether or not it's simply a blimp, a period of activity in a solar/planetary cycle. Or whether it's all gonna kill us all.

They aren't serious about anything other than profit. Seriously why is migration being promoted if there's climate change? All these people migrating are populating causing man made climate change? You broke the internet. They're promoting wokism in climate change. What went wrong. They're allowing all these migrants into Europe affecting the weather. Climate change is man made, they did this. Migrants caused the Wildfires in Greece and Spain and France, in California, and in Sweden, yes. Millions of population being added by migration. It causes climate change? So why is there the migration, increasing population? The worse it gets the more they sell you. The more people buying more services and debt profit. There's more investment adding mixed population producing more services.

If cows cause climate change. Why haven't they killed all the wild animals in Africa. All those herds of buffalo, wilderbeasts, zebras, elephants, gazelles. They are farting clouds of climate change affecting the entire planet. Seriously. If cows cause climate change, why haven't they killed all the wild animals? Why haven't they outlawed pets? Cows don't automate. Farms are taxed, and told exactly what to grow. Wild animals provide land the government owns, it faster populates anyway.

If the Ocean is rising why is the majority of wind farms in the sea? It isn't. If it does, when the electricity goes off you pay more anyway. You pay more the more electricity you use. It's the beauty of renewable using more electricity. You pay more. Every single car using more electricity costs you more causing more profit and investment. It needs more renewable. More consumption.

Nothing but bullshit. Banks, investors, debt collectors win no matter what. They win more the more they force you to buy it. The worse it gets, the more they sell you.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why is this forum full of nigger tier retards? Every post has been heavily seeped into autism, only niggers could've produced? It is purposely retarded in here. Never seen such a closed minded community of autists. It is worse than reddit on this forum. The same level of stupid, breathing, out of it. Cult like echoing.

Russia blowing up grain, increases grain prices. It trades its surplus that has been sanctioned back onto the world market, because there is the demand. The grain deal wasn't upheld, sanctions on Russian agriculture weren't lifted as per the terms of it. The UN making the deal, offered lip service. Most of the Ukrainian grain flooded European markets causing their farmers to become affected by the cheaper prices. Now demand has peaked. It would've anyway. It has been. Ukrainian harvest has done what this year? More and more so. As far more of the country becomes embroiled into war.

Hell even America, like Poland, and everybody else profits off the higher prices. They have been already. Most food distribution corps, like energy corps, have been making multi billions off the higher prices since this conflict.

Propaganda for retards starts crying about how the World starves. This conflict has precipitated agenda. I don't know how complict Russia are in all of it. The timing became perfect for the narrative of those exploiting climate change.

Meanwhile ironically, all Ukraine does is beg for war. Never seen such bullshit being promoted, as a country begging for war, and it mouthing how it will beat a much bigger army if it propagates funding by killing itself. Where Zelenskyy is paraded as the Messiah, when he's a common butcher. Ukraine was free, now it isn't, it had peace, now it begs for war. Disgustingly. Ukraine continues to provoke escalation. Until how does it resolve. Ironically funding could be dropped next change of political party Europe over and nothing would've changed. Ukraine would've caused nothing else. Or it drags itself into a much larger war because it indebts itself into another narrative that it is winning against what? Pay higher taxation and inflation and you too can fund a proxy in a recession. No, fuck off. It means absolutely nothing else. Except by those who are using it for an agenda.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

You made an ad homo attack. It was full of glowie nigger talk. Nukes aren't for real, because you don't believe in them. Absurd.

We aren't at war right now. Why? Seriously why. It would be easier than your bullshit conjecture. Where lot's of people write fantasy and fiction. They get paid to oppose any narrative. But you've got to be stupid if you think they are simply a what if.

Simple fact this warfare currently, it would be easier to destroy Russia's army directly rather than getting idiots killed. Why aren't they. It would be much simpler to fight that war conventionally. They want too, could. What's stopping them eliminating Russia's troops in the Ukraine, and destroying its military? You fucking spud. Who cares about WW2. Right now. The argument look.

Well it triggers a chain of events, where China could enter and a few others. But it would be a conventional war, according to yourself. Why not, if nukes aren't real? Come on. It would be easier, much easier.

So yea monkey you're full of shit. Completely retarded. They obviously exist, no questions.

The simple fact we aren't in a direct war with Russia proves it. Proves undeniably, there are nukes not bullshit. It would be simpler as Nato and collation to fight that war if nukes weren't involved. It would be the gulf war, Iraq the first time, it invaded Kuwait. That war would be simple. Tactically destroy military. Except you dumb idiot, there are nukes.

I don't read about niggers. They write fallacies. Once upon a time when civilization was hunter gathers, when it all came out of Africa. Before it had the nukes, and reminisce; Nukes aren't real.

Your argument is conjecture. Mine on the other hand is obvious.

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