Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't understand much of that. The Sun let out flare, yes observatories, satelittes focused on the Sun would record it. Providing an advanced warning. The distance to impact provides some early warning. But for such a flare to even hit Earth directly it would have to be in its path. Then again at an impact angle. The majority miss. The ones that have hit to various degrees recently haven't been particularly significant and have tended to affect parts of the planet. Certain areas and time zones. They have caused various degrees of damage mainly to coms and satellites. Like the interference over the North Pole. Flight is diverted because it affects the readings and equipment.

In a geostorm caused from a directed impact, it can get a lot worse, unshielded electronics are potentially rendered useless. The entire renewable grid. Phones, cars, planes, satellites, etc etc. A nova and it's, debatably, existential.

You're suggesting a few flares hit. One wasn't from the Sun but was from here on Earth. Because of Odin. It weren't no Haarp, it was the Hemp you're smoking? What?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, and there are plenty more. But unlike the context you used.

The greatest victory requires no battle, winning by. It wasn't an enemy having a battle, killing itself.

Terms, truce, negotiation. Peace. Victory if it prevents battle.

His quotes are often taken out of context. There is a book I owned where it went into detail the tactics, or strategy behind the quotes. I need to buy it again. Gave it to a friend. I do this a lot with books. Then I always miss them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Uhm it's a big storm front. You see smaller storm fronts in other places on that map, baltics, which one is the top, Estonia with quite a few strikes. Also much smaller North West Africa.

Yeah it's a big odd. I don't trust that software recording it. It has pooped on the screen. Pooped on it with really old mapping software. You're talking x386, commodore shit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Please use the quote from Sun Tzu? I had read the translation, but I don't remember that paraphrase?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Carbon inflation, affecting the climate? What? The inflation reduction act is measured in emissions? What?

It sounds like bullshit because it is. Carbon doesn't cause inflation. Last time we all checked. Inflation is caused by a gig economy.

The gig or football club economy. Every year it changes manager, merchandise, players, subscriptions, and the entire time it generates debts, and increasing investment for its outsourced shareholders, while forcing the increasing premiums back onto the fans. Causing inflation. There are no trickle down benefits when the price of everything like even playing or watching the sport has become far more than its worth. It has completely outsourced, players, and managment, and shareholders, and ownership, paying them extortion, and almost the entire time it runs up greater debts. A gig economy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I haven't proved your point. I do criticise Russia all the time. Have done in other topics. A conversation not long ago on Finland, and the gulags.

But dumbass, what is happening in the Ukraine. This is a conversation about it.

You'll find anybody criticising a foreign despot, with his little rubber badge of democracy is being imprisoned and tortured and killed.

He hasn't held elections and won't in a conflict, does not intend too either. Later. He wants to be the conquering hero for life, with all those bribes. Tell me his worth now? Every critic of him like yourself has done, is being called a Russian. How is he any different to the villain he cites as a tyrant. He is, he's worse.

Read it. No peace, until? Until what.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

How does that work. What don't you understand.

Russian law is defending its people, Russians, and its military base and territory. Ukraine have rebelliously cited otherwise. How is there peace when wahaa they're not Russians. That's not a Russian base. No sir. It's Ukraine, gimme gimme gimme more guns and aid and security to kill them Russians with, or I'll scream about it.

Read the press. Defiant of any other notions. Tell me who is the agitator, and why they are agitated? Why there is no peace.

Peace is concession, let's negotiate on what's claimed. Otherwise there is only conflict. It certainly isn't demanding that's yours when you had no other sovereignty of it. Crimea. Geographical hardship. Yawn. The World over. Idealism. Bullshit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, I am not Russian. Nothing to do with Russia. Unlike yourself. You're a Russian agitator. You see Russians under your bed, in your closet, and everywhere else.

I care about if you read, was peace. I am under no other pretense. Hence the link. What did I call it. Further what was the comparison linked?

It seems it was never about peace. It isn't about freedom either. Look, it was even offered. Under that pretense of it. They were free, had peace. Until they claimed otherwise. Now it's a conflict. How does it resolve. I am entertaining that link I sent of the Black Knight. It can still get worse. Much worse

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That doesn't make any sense.

If your citizens are being killed. How is it an invasion? It's called a rescue.

If your military base is threatened, and under attack, don't you defend it?

What invasion? A legitimate conflict fought everywhere else on this planet this World over.

The problem you've assumed is that is the Ukraine. When it isn't and wasn't. An imaginary border has not understood the history, geography, or the anthropology. It has simply assumed an imaginary border.

Russia cannot stop at anytime it wants. No. Not until Ukraine stops attacking it. You do realise, all that territory is now Russian, by Russian law, as it was historically. Ukraine can make peace at any time. But it's gonna take a few more limbs it seems, that video formerly linked of the Black Knight.

Or do tell me how it resolves. Read it. That's Zelenskyy's doppelganger stating? Tell me what he has said? Defeat Russia, right? Rejecting peace? At what point was peace a solution.

Lastly I don't care how it resolves. But for the sake of it, your perception is mired. I know of my own nation and its civil wars and border wars. They are no different in the reasons for them. They are the same. It would be no different. Hasn't been any different. The idealism you're assuming is the stuff of propaganda and fairytales. For any peace, the only rule is conceding. Otherwise at what point does the losses justify humanity?

Freedom you've assumed is war. They were free, had peace, until ironically? Tell me this. Read it. Perhaps it could've been better. It always can be better. At what price? What price to humanity.

It's the little tranny down voter. Quick charge. You're free.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Look it up. People were shot in the coup. People in positions of power were arrested. Odesa didn't back the coup and a host of other places originally, it sent the army in. Then it installed a secret police. Who are fully operating now. Accusations are enough to cause imprisonment, and death. They use meat wagons frequently and forcibly draft people. People as young as 15 and as old as 60, and girls. They have different bands on status. They amount to training. I don't know those colors, but yeah one is fodder, the others are veterans.

These stories are in Western media. Of ordinary people sent to die in ditches. Sent to a front line that throws them away. They're simply given a gun. After all of two days off to a ditch.

As far as that draft goes I can provide the exact quote Zelenskyy used or you can look it up. It amounts to capital punishment. Meanwhile he halted girl refugees, because they're being given conscription. Not all are on the front no. I heard they started a rape night and state brothels. It keeps morale high.

I haven't proved anything, I am not Russian. What propaganda? Facts.

Instead read it. The topic. Look. Blind. It isn't idealism either it's corruption.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They had a violent coup dumbass. People died.

Half the country separated. Sided with Russia. It removed Russians in Odesa, and in many places, they had governance, and didn't back the coup. Installing loyalsts. It imprisoned them. It installed a Stazi. A secret police who round up Russians. Now these military police are everywhere, papers, job. They get a meat wagon and put people in it, drafting them. Teenagers, even 15 and 17 year olds, girls as well. Luhansk and Donetsk, tried to fully break away. Ukraine has been in conflict since. Crimea was Russian. Look nuclear bases. 90% Russian.

It gets much worse now. Full on acts of barbarity and depravity against its own population. Torture, mutilation, rape, capital punishment all because of accusations of being Russian. What's that crime, not knowing a modern dialect? Worse, now it's not being drafted. You're trying to protect your girlfriend. She's also getting drafted. Sent into an army that rapes her, and sends her to get raped. Yourself they give you a gun after you pulled its triggered and immediately 5 minutes later they send you into a ditch. You can shoot at the artillery with it, guard the ditch. You had a respected job, you were anything, like a teacher. Your girlfriend was as well. If you try to flee, you're beaten, shot, and hanged. You survive a few weeks of hell, before being blown up by artillery, you lost your dick, both legs, and are paralysed. You find out what happened to your girlfriend, she was raped at the Ukrainian training camp, and then they sent her out on patrol, and she was killed by a mine.

Thousands of stories like this, thousands, and thousands. Thousands of graves, fields and fields and fields of graves.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Are you clinically insane? Subjugated by Russia. No. That wasn't the goal. That's bullshit madness. Has Russia destroyed Kiev? At what point like any other warfare isn't Kiev obliterated completely? Does Russia want Kiev? It left it to the point warmarkers can visit it. All they do is give it more guns. At what point isn't it annihilated? What because Russia can't? No. Because it isn't Russia's goal. But at this rate you tell me?

Ukraine had a violent coup where it overthrew its government. It has been in conflict since. Any conflict amounts to being a border dispute created in rebellion, funded by warmarkers. Intent on a larger conflict with Russia.

An open border existing for hundreds of years, granted by Russia, within it is a mixed population of Russians.

Suddenly today Ukraine assumes it is something else, and it can defeat Russia, and historic Russian occupancy to achieve it.

Ukraine never existed as what it claims without Russia. It seeks war to achieve what it claims. As a result it is bloody, and unbowed. Defiant to any peace process. Because it is corrupted. It is being armed by billions and it is buying nothing but loss of life and territory in Ukraine. Instead of committing to peace as it was tabled and offered prior numerously. It seeks what was never its.

Yes geographically it isn't ideal for Ukraine. Violent uprisings never are. But there is big huge nuclear bases by a nuclear power in a region that was always Russian. It seeks by conflict to remove it. It hypocritically demands recognition of its own separation but refuses Russians seeking the same.

It's far worse than that currently. It is as uncivilised as the depths of human barbarism and savagery.

It is sending its citizens to war, not a professional army, not even a trained army, the population to war, to achieve a goal of killing Russians. It is as brutal and barbaric and uncivilised as you can ever imagine.

For decades Ukraine had peace. Ironically. Until it seeks? Peace? No. It sought conflict. It begs for conflict today.

Call it for it is. Lastly I don't care. I am not fighting Russia. If my nation was I'd support it. What I don't support is this insanity. It isn't peace. It's the opposite. It isn't fighting for peace. Read it that press

This dumb website now has two lil niggers down voting me. It's probably the same tranny on a multiple account. What the fuck is wrong with site? Why do sites like this promote it. Get rid of down votes. They aren't free speech. Their lil stupid niggers, trolling. It makes no difference. Except it causes dystopia. Those dumb lil niggers don't want me posting. But they expect too. Absurd, tranny logic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I am on a smartphone. It fucks up so many words, autocorrect. Makes up bullshit. Plus typing is impossible.

It requires editing. It's easier to post and then correct typos. Otherwise moving the cursor is impossible.

I am aware the conflict. A border dispute from a rebellion funded by arms maker's is unprecedented.

Ukraine if you can read answering your question have absurd goals.

Can you read where I said they unrealistically, billions and billions of aid, tens and tens and tens of thousands of dead, and critically wounded, millions displaced, expect to defeat Russia. All because they're rejecting a legitimate peace process.

They've created an artifical border fermenting rebellion. Rebellion towards peace itself. They're expecting Russia to be defeated. They want the Crimea. Or there's no peace. It is obviously the main concession. Seconded by separatist Russian territory. Originally that border was Donetsk, Luhansk with changes to any geography, it was up for debate and talk. Except it was required to be recognised as separatist. Obviously due to any approach to the bridge.

No, it seems all they do is die. It's that Monty Python sketch. Is it the Holy Grail? Where there's that Knight who keeps getting cut into pieces but is determined to win. Eventually there's only a head left still trying to win. It's just a flesh wound.

Here this is Ukraine realistically. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Knight_(Monty_Python)


Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

What's even more ironic is the person making those remarks is a Zelenskyy clone, same height, haircut, shape. Looked like brothers. They aren't.

Ukraine are defying NATO suggesting it. A requirement to joining. Peace. But Ukraine wanted security guarantees first. They approached Nato at the summit few months back. Membership denied. Later it was suggested at the recent peace talks, concessions of territory.

The arms manufactures and weapons dealers are still worth billions. Some are even making factories in Ukraine. Drones. Possible tank repair, shells. Every week there's more funding.

Okay so the counter offensive has done nothing to date except lose badly. There are now talks and prep for it being even bigger in 2024. Hence press like this. It's hitting everywhere. Slow gains, big losses. Peace plans and talks. Fatigue. Read it. Rejected by a side killing their own. Look read it.

It seems like prior to this conflict, and during its initial months. Where prior to receiving billions, Ukraine are determined on the Crimea. Unrealistically. It was aired they even suggested, no Nato membership, or the Crimea, prior to conflict. Except Ukraine wanted Luhansk and Donetsk. Rejected by Russia. Billions of aid and weapons arrived. No peace until. Look what is said. Defeat Russia.

Except what does that press say. Hence my obvious title and O.P.

I guess your account, it's always you, are so determined towards the big losses. Counter offensive progressing awfully? I meant non existentially. No membership. Just wahaaa.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

This in their paper suggests? The opposite. Correct. It suggests. There can be no realistic peace talks, prior. There can be no other security guarantees. Except funding, and it can always stop, if public support, and morale don't win much more than rhetoric.

It is also suggesting pressure to produce something else?

I find it ironic, any press keeps using the same talking points, showing that fatigue.

Who really cares except it's now in their press. But there won't be peace until more are dead. They're determined.

There are scenarios it escalates prior. At this rate it's almost as probable. But as doubtful as the presumption of peace. The conflict started by? How does it end? It either escalates, or terms are met, and they are never acceptable.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I bet somebody could test it with Porn. Is Pornhub different in France and America. The CIA are manipulating the national porn database.

Nope. But those filters are different across domains. Based on hits, uploads, traffic, content. Until the CIA are definitely to blame for it.

They're far more manipulative of media

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The problem is, okay, the press is running through some gov supercomputer/press office approving major stories on all forms of media. Hence it is sanctioned, and or removed.

What is real today?

For example okay you can bring this up. When RT was sanctioned. There was hacks reported on it and other Kremlin/Russian papers particularly of online origin. They say it was Ukrainians but that Op was bigger.

Until stuff passing through your domain, translations, or traffic, is going through the same regulators and often filters. So when another major paper or news station covers it, it's subject to what approval and propaganda and agenda if it's covered. Sometimes it is reportedly come from. Faster rewritten. Under sanction it cannot be denied.

Prior to X, Twitter started censoring all kinds of politicans. Who called that in? It caused agendas. Politically motivated. Until more started shouting fuck off and Musk rescued it.

But unless you're a national, of that domain, you've only got this other filter. It is fickle, folly, fancy, whimsical. A narrative of what it wants, hopes, and advertises. Not what the other side has to say.

Yes you can workaround to extents and limitations. VPNs, rerouting. But unless you're a native, there's often a completely different internet and media.

I have no idea, what you meant by that?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Haha fact check. Maybe he funded the vaccines.

It seems he's in bad health. Hence the rumors and the inheritance.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The dire threat is the zone is hot. Continued build up. Until even South Korea wanted its own program, but have settled on hosting American nukes. Hence the nuclear sub/s there, and nearby strike groups.

Okay the dire threat, is they're a dog on a leash barking to be unleashed. It is otherwise muzzled by its masters. But they could in fact bite. It seems their program is indebted, it didn't hatch overnight, it was aided. Although it wants recognition. So it shouts it.

That's the problem, when it was ignored.

Another threat is what's a nation like North Korea's military production out of its national manufacturing production, a figure? Like 60-80%? North Korea are also supposedly sitting on a mountain of resources potentially worth trillions? These indeed are trading its arms.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hang on. North Korea continue to issue threats. The most recent is against the exercises. As well as any supposed attempts to shoot its tests down. These are continually falling into which waters. Among more rhetoric regarding USA actions. Why would the CIA need to write it? It's a matter of fact.

However I agree the news gets its 5 a day from an editorial in otherwise government signing off on the approved headlines by our media. Until every headline is the same in every major paper and news station and there are only 5 headlines a day. The rest is gossip and advertising of differing local variety.

At the same time aren't North Korea manufacturing arms for Russia. Missiles, munitions, and shells. Like Iran, missiles, munitions, drones. Now it also seems China is becoming more and more involved

North Korea have also increased production and output for nuclear weapons. Where they supposedly want a huge stockpile, for a variety of launch vehicles. They're also pursuing hypersonics.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Lies. He's funding Ukraine. Rewind that press. Perhaps his son took over. Somehow it's still backing Ukraine.

That press specifically quoted him as saying the West cannot lose in the Ukraine and it must do everything to stop Russia. Attack on Democracy etc etc. As well as talk of WW3. But stating something how Russia should lose to destroy its Empire.

Articles like this are kind of false when his son has taken over the majority of his former businesses. Who exactly is it referring too and to what extent. It can play the narrative, and it means nothing

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

That transmission is from the studio it gets sent to a Satellite. Suddenly it's from Space, because it's off the Internet. I mean where did it come from? My phone picking up the network signal. My router logging into the internet. My antenna picking up a transmission from a broadcaster?

Space? I mean there's the Seti program and they haven't heard the aliens. Apperantly they heard the gape a blackhole makes.

Okay I'll humour you and I should type into Google, Space videos. What about the livestream from hubble? Perhaps I should tune my sky dish into CNN or NASA?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

You can post bad reviews. I have on some products. Once or twice. Mostly I post good reviews if it's something I am satisfied with. Mostly if it's a request. Unless I am absolutely unsatisfied. It was broken, etc.

I always submit likes on the delivery, and the condition of my order. There's an email it asks by sending a link. That's fair. If it's broken, happened before, I make sure to leave bad feedback, a review.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Haha, that transmission is brought to you how from where. Come on. Space? Like the Moon Landing. Everybody saw it on TV with their antenna. It must be real right.

Like all these visits to Ukraine. They must be going there, with all those bombs. I mean they never did to Afghanistan. Why is Zelenskyy never in? Cgi like our news has become. It pays more from the office programming it.

The same as most of the ISS. So many videos from the studio.

As far as aliens. Where. Where. If they're "real" they're more than a grainy image. Now where are those images. Not bullshit. Instead they're not proved. They simply pay.

The aliens shut down the feed? That Congress. We detected it on the radar. But it shut down the radar. We cannot prove or disprove it. We can talk more in secret. It needs proper clearance. The craft has no nuts and bolts, but it's real. We've never seen an Alien, but we've captured one. I mean come on. You can't make that shit up?

I am still waiting for Aliens to address the UN instead of Congress.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Perhaps you can if you had the direct feed. Nope it's pinged from where, and then to you. Passed through the net on computers painting lil rainbows and aliens, and every other pixel, and distortion. Look at that Blackhole.

The quote on quote direct feed is suddenly showing the Aliens. All those anomalies not from space. Because it's in a studio. Or its bad effects. Like when your freaking console game drops you in a hole, through the screen, and your stuck.

Crouching Tiger, hidden wire, weightlessness. The space walk from a swimming pool with little bubbles floating up and down.

These people are actors. The corps get paid from narratives and imagery and inventing the next theory they can sell. It today is the programming. Perhaps some went there. Who knows. Why all the lies. More is lies. It pays more.

Why do they need nukes to get to Mars? If they went there? Tell me this. They've been there like 50 times now. Suddenly. Not so suddenly. We'll nuke our way there. Come on. Actors. Lil freaking grainy images of who cares. It probably wasn't even Mars. It was that rover in the studio with the Martian rainbows. It was computer imagery pixelating a doughnut. Look it's a blackhole. I swear.

Aliens. Nope. What UFO. Make belief. We need it to get our space program underway. We need it to continue our space program. I swear.

Aliens are a paradigm for exploration. Ultimately dystopia. It's an attempt at global regulation. Codes or identity on drones. Synced. They want another authority on it as drones are becoming a much bigger threat. Like flight was. It they could fly why not to space. It needed the invaders.

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