Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

Hahaha. Nobody needs population made in another country invading its shores. It's called war. Or invasion. Nobody sane needs it or wants it. Nobody voted on it. In fact put to a vote would be unequivocally rejected.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

They're not humans. Synthetics. Welcome Transhumanism. When they have the A.I chips there you go.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are you nuts. These illegals, they're in a chain gang. They bought in thousands of dollars to enter, debt owed to gangs. They are then put in various chaingangs doing all kind of labour, factory, sweatshop jobs to pay off the debts. A few outside of that are then crashing with kin much smaller percentages. You'll find these people 10-50 stacked up to the ceiling, in a room going to their next job paying off the debts of travel..

When they arrive, it's an all you can buffet compared to back home. Back home they steal, they're killed. In America it's a frenzy. They get it for free, if they go through the system. If they don't most are earning more than they made at home with a bunch more stuff cheaper.

Why don't they just shoot them if at what point today can't they send them back. All those coming to Europe just send them back, nice big boats waiting to take them back. American the same. Send them back. They arrive at the border, from thousands of miles. Hahaha, a coach is waiting to take them back. If they can't shoot them.

Seriously a coach for each nation. A boat, military vessel with a stockade and brig. Send them back. Let's bet how many return? None. It would crush the shit out of that fantasy. Might as well shoot them. If you can't send them back right there.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you are. A gibbering hooting monkey.

Can you film American military installations. But there you are like a retard expecting to film a crime scene investigation.

No the FBI don't allow you to film them.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Have you used a grater to grate?

The handle goes. Cleaning, etc.

1 sheet of solid metal with a smaller, finer grate on the side corner. It doesn't bend, buckle, break, and it can be placed as an attachment onto a solid container, collecting the gratings.

Not that.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Hahaha. This goy. When they happened maybe.

But I mean he looks like a wife beater.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's what I fundamentally don't understand and absolutely don't agree with.

Electricity as our only source of energy. The risk becomes far greater.

A natural phenomenon like a Geostorm. Never mind the thing they're selling it for. The weather, its extremes, and the ice-age.

Planet cuckoo. As it outlaws other sources.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, to end you simply switch off electricity. Any critical utilities. Water. Electrics. Banks.

Civilization would implode in a second. Electric the easiest.

If the electric grid can be shutdown for a period of time. A period of a week. Today what happens. There goes your urban populations. Complete anarchy. It would descend into chaos, by day 2. By the end the week mass murder would be occurring on a large scale.

That risk increases today as it assumes the entire grid. No electrics. No banking. No warmth. It's replacing gas according to the WEF. All of transport soon. Water is also cut by electricity going off.

A hypothetical of course, like your topic. Fundamentally. The way to end civilization is by cutting the thing it's depndant on, and it kills itself. Water is another obvious risk factor, especially with lasers, but also usually requires weaoponing, and prior seeding, or poisoning as well.

Electrics aren't as easy as all of that. So many sources power the grid. So many electricians. But there is a possibility it can be hacked, or breached by rogue A.I especially as we advance now, or where it can be targeted by the SYFI Emp, as larger parts of the grid could become inoperable. Especially as it is source on a single means of output.

In a scenario of all of a week, you'd see population drop, drop and drop, the longer it's out.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

His kin have been. He needs the Rep now that he's campaigning. It appeals to kids, liberals, and the insane. He speaks the truth and big pharma are after him, vote.

It's a Democrat theme. The far right are the greatest threat to Democracy.

It's genuine.

It's a stunt. An actor.

In answer you do it. No guesswork. It's done. Look at Japan Shinzo Abe. It's done. No hanging about, no dressing up. Wait for the crowds and pop. That's your stalker. Not a goof. Anybody else, professional, has his itinerary.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

The beast is AI.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It smells like bullshit. Fake and gay and campaigning stunts. Because it is. Why would he need to dress up like a goof? Stuff of dumb movies. We'll use an actor.

If they wanted him dead. It wouldn't be from an actor.

The probability faster diminishes. There aren't many stalkers. Not at public events. So it's a stunt. Same bullshit theme of neo nazis in the closet.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, it figured. Girls are communists.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's the entire system today it's gone bananas. No accountability. Instead it provides another useless bureaucratic institution like a compliants provider who are like the dumbest people to grace our Planet. Ombudsman. Every single Ombudsman needs to get hung, drawn, and quartered and left to carrion after having their entrails removed. They are a product of a very corrupt system washing itself of accountability, preventing justice, the courts. Any other investigatory service prior to assumed ombudsman are far worse. An illusion you have a say and are treated fairly. Paper tigers. Endless forms. Then they don't care what you said, simply about changing what you said into a narrative of closing your case, by washing it all away.

But it's all the bananas in-between. Monkeys who only care you're a number. A shitty piece of data they can shit on. They have these tools today to be prejuduce to you simply from your postal address, and background. Becoming another fast food take away, where a nigger shits on your bagel.

If you manage to get around any admin, speaking in the tongues of infidels, you'll find most doctors and professionals have sworn hippocratic oathes and are obliging. Until they've been fast tracked from Bongaboo, no standards, no professionalism, servicing you in onerary religious clothing, barely speaking the common language, telling you to shut up and do what you're told, and they don't care about anything other than shipping any wages back to their second homes.

It's the way today these dumbasses send you back and forth round and round in circles between departments, accosting. Eventually leading to no resolve apart from worsening conditions.

This is proved on an example like a baby killer nurse. She killed dozens. How many parents demanded investigations. Where did they lead. The system through its cunts washed itself of accountability protecting a baby murderer. Until eventually dozens of complaints unanswered finally caught up. Believe me it wasn't from their own bullshit, of let's interview Nancy the baby murderer. Everybody at the office loves Nancy the baby murderer. She so charming. She's nice to everybody at their Office of cunts. Except to the babies she's killing. It was courts and solicitors, investigating not from a degree in humanities, but from law. Ombudsman can have a degree with no background relevant. They don't even need to use grammar when addressing you. They don't even need to speak to you in person.

Those complaint services and Ombudsman tell you don't use solicitors it compromises their investigation. An investigation they proceed to hold up preventing legal action.

In COVID now what did it do. No accountability full blown dystopia.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It had been filled in, left to nature, but more extreme, for years. It was rediscovered recently in last 40-50 years. It has since been refurbished into a tourist attraction. It's not just the well. It's the entire grounds and castle. There's a lot of imagery and architecture and landscaping.

Nothing to do with that. It represents the circles of hell on descent. Into initation Chambers. Finally emerging into tranquility and baptism, assumed salvation. I am unclear of the initiation.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I go to the closest shop because it provides customer service. Go in there every other day. Why do I want to walk 10 minutes up the road to save 50c on item, and not receive the same service.

Who fucking cares. Except about the quality. Neither grater looks good. In fact both are a con. They'll break sooner look at it. They're a piece of shit. You con artist. The first time you grate a carrot on it. It'll break bend handle snaps. Grater needs to be a sheet of metal, 1 side solid, large, it doesn't need stupid frills. They are bullshit.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Girls own more guns? Hahaha. That question stumped those guys. The girls proud gun owners obviously the protection.

Or am I reading it wrong? Dunno what it is except it looks woke and gay and communist.

Yea it's a dumb narrative of nonsense.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Apology in America it must be legal, in Europe it's potential imprisonment unless there are valid reasons. They can seize anything filming them and charge with crimes. Publishing them online is an obvious crime.

But okay I presume on active scenes of investigation. It's the above. Like filming Miltary installations. Similar concept. America has those laws.

Filming cops, problematic. Half and half depending on the cops and State. What about FBI, Swat, other agencies. That line is now blurred.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. Not a good robot, just a dumb search robot.

I am slightly wrong about nothing to do with Templar. The Templar cross is the coat of arms of the baron who refurbished it. It is far more Masonic. Because the real Templars were killed. Their way wasn't the greed of a feudalistic banking system, taxing them. They had their own bank. They also had the love of the people, and were charitable towards. But they flew to close to the sun. It turned them into Satanists and Queers.

They were devout, Christians, sworn on oath to fight for God. Warrior, monks. An order. They had their own wealth and land and built churches and monasteries. Where they supposedly dedicated their lives as service. Many were warriors who fought in the Crusades

Afterwards who knows what they became. That concept was sooner corrupted. The original Christians were Monastic orders. They taught and educated and healed the surrounding populace. Then Kings and kingdoms demanded taxation and tribute. Problematic for those who were once sworn to God.

In particular their lands in France gaining fervor. It caused an inquisition against them. Where it defained them. Because of falling out with the King the Pope's appointed. The exact reasons remain a narrative against them. But it was taxation and envy. Their power grew threatening entitlement. The population. So they were profaned.

What replaced them was secret societies corrupted.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'd be very careful toying with that. How much access does it have to your searches, programs, and anything else on your computer. What are you interacting with, it's parameters. Is it simply ask Jeeves, pre Deepmind. Or has it got far more tailored access. It then recreates a profile of your favourites, searches, programs. While bulking collecting that data.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here it is,


It descends into hell as recreation, it has different layers towards the bottom, circles of hell, which holds Masonic not Templar initation at the bottom. It branches off into a cavernous grotto, and then comes out on stream, waterfall I think. It possibly has another ceremony room off it with an altar, pulpit, has Masonic flooring and symbology. It has nothing to do with the Templars.

It was the King's Castle but was given to a lordship who was one of the richest men in Portugal prior to its revolution. He refurbished it using Sintra. The entire grounds and some interior were made into Masonic themes. I forget who owns it now but the initiation well was filled in for years, then it was rediscovered. Now it has reopened as a tourist attraction and has possibly been used in film.

I watched a documentary about it called hidden or lost architecture, or it was called abandoned engineering. It was fascinating.

What did they get upto.?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

What is that bullshit?

How did they come up with it? Sourced how. 1033 voters, where, what exactly provides the basis of that nonsense?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

How dumb are you nutters. This is entry level autism.

They don't allow filming because it can compromise any investigator's identity. You taking pictures of the cops and FBI, and posting then online? Duh.

Even you aren't persay, you're filming the scene of an investigation. It has hit the net with. Until it simply doesn't matter. The policy is faster no filming. In many cases filming cops is a crime. Try it, go film your local beat cop on patrol. Follow the cop, walking the street and film them. What happens you dumbasses?

It's videos like this that make you real dumb.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

6 inches is normal in a hour or so in Typhoon/rainy/monsoon season. Seen it happen lots.

Libya is different unusual. But again it's been recorded in its history.

I am getting so tired of dumb threads on the weather.

We have had how many Supermoons this year and since 2020. The Moon is at its closest to our planet right now. Combined into a solar medium. The result is freak weather. Without or without weather modification.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

But nobody is on the moon with anything other than the gay rovers. Supposedly. It is entirely dubious they're there with anything else.

Yes a platform on the Moon is how to advance in our universe. Not there yet.

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