posted ago by nc777 ago by nc777 +25 / -0

elon partners with israeli company Au10tix to institute govt id based verification including selfie, face biometric id.


be elon

have kayfabe public spat w/ ADL and ((jonathan greenblatt))

white hats in control, people questioning zionism sign up for x to be tracked and traced by israel et al.

how do their plans for themselves work?

dispersed decentralized diaspora invisible college identified with only specific markings, and will to support each other and eventually subvert the enemy, a key item in this strategy being the ability to lie imperceptible to the organizations, spreading like mycelium until they have enough connections and network that the fruiting body can be produced. this then explodes and scatters spores into the environment, for the process to continue to spread.

so how do they counter such a strategy? have their enemies identify themselves with their government and intelligence agencies, tracking their perceptions and ideas via "polls" hashtags, trending topics, "we're winning" etc. a surrogate activity as well channeling energy away from anything that actually matters.