Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am gonna say yawn. This is ridiculous.

So like a mushroom/fungus produces spores. Often toxic and harmful. Same with most poison, and other harmful things.

He is suggesting the spores, nano particles, he produces can be programmed and remotely triggered. Otherwise they aren't harmful. But like dust just sit there waiting for him to click his pen.

I think a lot more is go fund me. But yes a real concern. He is making poison. And then selling it was something else. Don't worry if we infect and inject you with it. I haven't clicked the pen yet. It needs better activation and you too can also own some slaves.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. You are missing the entire point. It's simple automation.

Plant based food is 100% automated.

Lab Grown Meat is 100% automated.

Bugs are 100% automated.

Crops are vastly becoming 100% automated. Many of the crops ahead they're distributing. Automated harvesters, pickers, planters, seeders. Automated greenhouses.

Livestock, no. It still requires humans, especially pasture animals. Look they emit more than tech, no, they emit more than cosmetics, no.

In the future ahead it is about using more energy. A grid full of electricity using it to power and consume everything. Anything that isn't is now classed as a carbon emitter. See how that works. It is exactly how it works.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


There's an obvious agenda to cause change. There always is.

But there is also the distinct chance of nuclear weapons. I don't understand if peace is possible without them. I don't understand how that bluff will keep raising their stakes without their use. If they aren't used. How can a population keep paying for their protection and deterrent. It is nothing more then a bluff.

At this point I would suggest there is no peace, until that inevitability. This war will continue to escalation.Then what, they agree not to use them. Hahaha. No. There is no peace and no chance of it until surrender, or loser. Or another means causes the war to stop, disaster, change of policy, arms shipments stopped. Improbable that policy has committed. War is the disaster. Economic collapse doesn't really affect a mobilised population it is under emergency conscription and in a self-sustaining nation less so.

So when do they deal and for what? Russia can't technically lose with nukes. Does the West pull funding. No chance of it currently. It cannot technically let Russia win.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hahaha. Would Nuclear War bring Nuclear Winter. Scientists are predicting a reversal to the climate, after the mini ice age from the fallout.

Hahaha. But you don't say.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yawn. There won't be that war.

  1. Russia Mobolised. It is in war. It hasn't done this since a World War.

  2. Russia has claimed parts of a nation which now are Russian. A nation in war with a nuclear power. A nation being fully armed by other nations to defeat Russia.

  3. There is only a loser here, surrender. There is no peace or deal until somebody loses. Resulting in more conflict, drawing more involvement.

How do you imagine this plays out? Our governments almost every Western nation have the least popularity in modern history and they are in some of the biggest recessions. Complete economic downturn. Mass protest is due and will rapidly increase ahead, there is a complete political shift towards the current political heads, but most we are stuck with for varying durations, and they bring only failure. Tell me what happens? Because it doesn't look good. No matter how long any conflict over there drags. Suggesting it's dragging and they can magically deal in 5 minutes. They won't, or any deal would've been made before this conflict continues escalating. Let's face it what solution is there for it, it requires loss, or surrender, to deal. Or another form of collapse, causing it to cease. But everybody, all parties, backing it, and in conflict, have become even more committed to it?

But of course it's all an act right. We are the suckers, paying even more for it? It will magically turn off before it escalates because there won't be war. It was just a prop to force change. Except there is that war, and it won't change so easily. What does it change into when it does?

There will be a loser, or a surrender, to cause peace. Look at it. Territories categorically unrecognised by half the globe arming this conflict to halt Russia. Or Ukraine loses its territory while continuously armed? Technically there is only further conflict escalating.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

None. I was brought up Christian. I still hold those values. Do I believe in God. Sadly I don't believe in anything except causality.

Researching origin is something you question after gaining experience, then you look into the entire background. Questioning it. You haven't. Your loss. Why question. Where is it today. What has been it become and why. Why has it become what it is? Yes it still provides faith. But it's a belief not a fact. There are no facts, when it comes to our origin, only beliefs. I don't believe in anything that isn't factual.

You bringing no argument only insults. You started it. I returned them. Again no argument.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The king and his father. I mean there are these sun worshippers. It was the supreme. And suddenly they discover, they control their destiny, the Sun isn't so full of wrath, because the volcano hasn't erupted yet. But it could if you don't worship which one the Volcano or the Sun. The new king or the old?

So tediously, tedious.

But you meant those other aliens? Some other divinity. How did they come into existence. I honestly wonder.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're as dumb as crap, proving you read what you want, and muddle all the rest. Who cares what they're doing. I mean seriously. It's another parade. Oh look there's a Chinese dragon. Shit. It's the devil worship. God damn it.

Every movie is a play and theatre. Omg, it's for real. It's still a recreation.

Logic none, your bullshit abounds. Go back to your beliefs. Rehearsing only the approved plays and fiction. These must depict, forget it. Which God I do honestly wonder? What are you worshipping by reveling in it? Not another graven image. No, what? Tediously so tedious.

I don't know what you brought to the past debate. I don't know what you're establishing. Fiction? We did that. Now you're saying it's still a depection and a representation of what? Fiction or a belief. They rarely differ. Beliefs are a choice based on? Fact. Prove your belief. You won't. It is faith. Faith it is real, despite no other proof. Rather it's another narrative, even law, insuring your servitude, or service. Yes they are often backed by principles, morals, and humanity. Does it make their origin real. Or simply a narrative established for what reason and construct?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Yawn they aren't fact. Stop your stupid down votes. They don't make me ignorant. They make your ability to host reasonable debate, ignorant. You're unreasonable therefore irrational. You won't see me doing the same.

It was wrote when, exactly after Babylon was destroyed when Jerusalem was built.

Israel was formerly an Egyptian protectorate. If the former city existed it was a copper mining town. Trading with who, if Babylon destroyed it, and took a bunch of child hostages? Egypt. So there was never Moses. Not if he is the Sargon of Akkad. Moses code of laws are also Babylonian. Yes they later changed into the bedtime deity. Like a child at Sunday School away from the complete codex. The child didn't have it. What about creation? Look at the Babylonian version.

They're completely Bullshit, those first 5 books. A 100% recreation of common stories off of the former origin Egypt, and Babylonian, changed into you tell me. It is nonsense. Look at the source where it originated. What happened. It's obvious. Those books haven't accounted for the book of Enoch either. It has just turned up with an insertion. What about all the other stories. Also rewritten.

No, it isn't obvious to the believer, it got scrubbed from history as the paradigm changed. Except the older Babylonian recording is there. Unlike the word of mouth prior to the Torah being written when Jerusalem was built. None of any record before that has a shred of existence, apart from there being this copper mining town trading with who if it was destroyed by Babylon. Egypt. It has even muddled it. 5 minutes later after drowning the Pharaoh in the Exodus, Nile crossing, there the temple, is with Cleopatra? No, who. Didn't exist. All the events have been rewritten. All of them.

Work it out stop spouting it.

Baal their god isn't our god. It's quite simple. But their god, sacrificed children. Hahaha. Read your testament. They ate children in the seige of Babylon. Sacrificed others. Chopped baby's in half. Because which one did he fuck. Come on which concubine was it. Which would get his judgement. He had a wife but does what with Shebba. So concubines brought that judgement. Which one was royal and would be granted status. Fuck it, kill it.

So naive. It's thrilling your passion for beliefs. But it's laughable and ignorant.

Of course there is a marker. But it's like looking at a map with X marks the spot. Completely crossed over. Completely changed, and rewritten, until a distinct pattern emerges. A pattern from the former recordings.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +5 / -3

Yawn. You chat so much shit.

What was the news last month Israel was under Egyptian protectorate. It just found a mummified burial chamber in it with a hoard of artifacts.

So much shit on what you assume to be facts.

They simply aren't. The Bible isn't fact. Every story in it is a recreation. There is zero proof of Moses. Zero proof of David and Solomon. They were somebody else.

The Sargon of Akkad is Moses. But it's another tale of mythology, it appears all over the Planet. India, Japan. The 13 commandments are Hummurabi's code laws. Also written on stone. The Babylonian Talmud was wrote first. The Torah was wrote after Jerusalem was rebuilt. It simply renamed a host of common stories. Look it's the lost tribe. They came from somewhere else but got taught something else. I know I know let's just play Chinese whispers instead. Exactly what happened to the child slaves.

So like Romans took these children from the tribes, it was common policy, insuring the tribe wouldn't rebel. Children were slaves. Some gained station. But they all learned Roman.

Have a guess what happens when the Goths freed them? Many go home and no sooner has Christianity spread. No what? They reinvent all their common stories the ones they learned in Babylonian school changing the names to their supposed origin, creating this other place that didn't even exist.

The Babylonians made sure it was a concentric narrative. It is okay for you to be slaves and worship your bedtime deities, because over time you will adopt their narratives, adding all the present rulers, kings, laws, and common stories. The king has ruled it. He will be inserted. Books are burnt, wagging tongues removed. Indoctrination. But suddenly Babylon is destroyed, any slaves get freed. They create a city becoming their own state. What is it. It's no longer Egyptian. Egypt was invaded, and Babylon destroyed. It needs its own origin, sooner lost in translation, muddled into another paradigm. Completely lost in translation. Until even the language's changed.

Happened frequently in history until it constantly sticks out like a great big sore thumb. They've rewrote it. It has happened frequently, almost every time it reformed from war, ruler, or disaster. The books get burnt. Some genius rewrites all over them, adding Charlie Chaplin, they put a hat, pass the hat, and a moustache, onto the Mona Lisa, changing all the street names, pulling down all the statues. Because a grain of salt to a believer is the stuff of undying beliefs. Despite it only having the smallest saltiest grains of, and I still don't know what it is. Because you will never change the salty, their belief binds them to it. But they'll reinvent the script. Look at it currently.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wouldn't you be? I still don't know why she's wearing clothes for it. Might as well be out in the jungle. But it must get real cold up in mud city, dress up all fancy just to step outside into a mud pit, because it gets the monkeys hooting.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

By the factor, odds, of a Nuclear power won't lose at home? It has nukes. So it uses them tactically in response to direct attacks on it.

Does the other side arming respond conventionally. Now it's fully committed into those above odds. Bravo.

You're suggesting. What? Russia loses, or doesn't defend its nation. Those territories are Russia. Above odds, of defending them, rising, become tactical. If a surrender occurs, it is faster back to their build up, but any odds have increased.

No, it's not a script if it's a high stakes game of name it. It's not a bluff if it's committed.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I doubt it.

I am actually trying to calculate this. They are quite high, increasing odds. Whether that use becomes full scale war is debatable. Whether they get used is still being played.

But the Ante/odds are rising. Until it becomes all in, fold, or call?

No, it's much higher than 0%. It would mean they're bullshit. They're not.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

I dunno, mobilising a population, certainly prepares it for fallout.

Yes Anti Ukraine. It's the stupid narrative I hate more than anything else. Ukraine grew all your food and made all your electricity. It didn't, no, you don't say? Then shut up already.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Haha, except that they categorically don't make captain. Something about their appearance.

Not sure they even use girls on a ship full of seamen. They do to certain extents. Argentina loss their girl submarine captain on her maiden voyage. It sunk. I mean what else right?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes repair bots. But a record of them. These pipes have a bunch of sensors. How much flow. What capacity. Breakage. Pressure. So it links to all these countries with the stations. There would be a record of the bot in the pipe. It gets detected.

It's not hard but explain explain.

No, it was damaged outside. They wouldn't have suggested it. Or there's also the possibility of bad pipework. That's kinda bullshit. New pipes. But not impossible.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remote activity, no, they put a bunch of bombs in the pipes, with the sensors? I still don't know who laid that section. You should look it up. It happened where? Both the Danish and Germans help lay some of it. Remote mines, yea no. No RF under the water. Why the submarines, come to surface. You meant they set the expiry date? Yeah no.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe. Or it was attacked. By commercial ship, anchor, nets. Or it was faulty pipes. Or by UUV. Or sub. Or even mine.

But robots get detected. What's that film with stuff in the pipes. There have been loads of films with even the Russian pipes. Even Clint Eastwood film and a few James Bonds in the Russian pipes. And many other films. Not this newest one, No. But in others, okay, they have these sensors in them. Sensors in internally. Maybe not in these latest pipes, because they don't use the old tech like, sensors. Because it was a movie and they're Russians. Can't catch James Bond or Eastwood. But they have sensors in the pipes, detecting all sorts of stuff in the various sections at so many intervals. But unless somebody turned off the sensors where the pipe has all the sub stations, if fitted by different countries they have more substations, on the ends for the maintenance, maintenance. You're saying they sent the repair robots down the pipes with bombs.

No, what really happened?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Because it changes nothing. If by technicality the EU laid that pipe there, I know both the Danish and Germans laid sections of it in surrounding waters, and it was for EU consumption. What difference does it makes. Russia loses certain profit under question. Yes an immediate loss to it. They've shut off, and have had control over. Changing what. It was at diminished capacity under question. Those questions haven't changed. The EU doing it to themselves. They have anyway. No, the Americans, Nato perhaps. A technicality.

Attacking piping is an act of war in most situations. Except it's complicated if by chance it's attacking your own piping? What's the ownership? EU consumption, Russian grid, but the entire grid in which waters becomes questionable, if other nations funded or laid sections.

It gets more complicated when the entire pipeline shuts off.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They all had motives. If that's what you mean. But immediately. I am not sure it was a false flag Russian sabotage.

Russia would need some super stealth shit, or the use of UUVs that pass through that sonar grid. Not necessarily impossible, but it's harder than it looks. Look where it happened. There is the possibility of commercial vessels, dragging anchor. Or perhaps bad pipework. But. Who knows until the investigators have, and then well it is what it is. What it is, is a diverted supply. It won't meet current demands, it is also more expensive. But at least staves off the immediate loss.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

What's the point the result was the same.

The gas was at diminished capacity. Now it's still at diminished capacity. And the prices are only higher.

But you meant it's off from Russia. A matter of inevitably. It was already virtually impeded.

Who dunnit. Heavily patrolled Nato waters. Those waters aren't Russian and have increased activity during the current conflict. Off of sections that might have even been layed by the surrounding nations. You'd have to research it more, but there is quite remarkable if Russian subs had. UUVs perhaps. The buoys and sonar are everywhere there. Who profits, the people don't.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think philosophy is a pile of human excrement.

What another man does controls what another man is. Welcome to reality.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

China's dynasties were far bigger, 2 AD, puts almost 58 million Chinese.

We date back earlier there are big wars. Killing multi millions, as the dynasties changed. Huge wars some of the biggest in history in China. Hang on then, but Egypt?

Egypt has a heap of lies concerning it. Egypt stretched to Western Northern African coastline. Libya was Egyptian for a long time. Ethiopia. Most of the nile. Further. Much further. Simple if sheep date back 10k years, to where, look it up, and trade routes date back that far, have a guess.

Look at the nile agriculture, it was huge, feeding millions and millions.

Huge lies in history about Egypt. These have been changed into concentric narratives.

Islam opened the Great pyramid. Fall of Alexandria. Multiple times. Caesar, Cleopatra's suicide. Later Holy Roman Empire. Huge earthquakes and volcanoes, cities sunk along the North African coastline. Huge changes to the geology where there was a massive lake, practically an inland sea, going from Egypt, Nile all the way to Libya, now it's only a pond by comparison. The Nile retreating. Okay even in the lineage. The result of civil war Upper and Lower kingdoms. Invasion Babylonian, Etc etc.

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