Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

But there is.

The problem with climate change is population. No, I am not regurgitating the WEF. When weather hits, any normal weather; hurricane, typhoon, flooding, fire, snow. What happens on a densely populated globe. Extreme weather does. It hits far more people worse. There are far more of them. Genius right. Easy exploiting that narrative. If you throw in a few more mediums solar, and conjunctions presto. Not quite. Humans affect ecosystems and habitat changing it, causing weather change. Try it, build on the faultine, go on and frack on it. If they deforest and deplete ground water what happens. Drought. Wildfires. If they build where there are hurricanes, volcanoes, and right next to rivers? Climate change.

Now suddenly in a blink, add billions of population. Overnight. Last century 2.5 billion, and it took thousands and thousands of years to reach, suddenly in 100 years it is now 8 billion. All those people suddenly and rapidly changing ecosystems and habitat, affecting have a guess.

Nobody can gauge it, other than it will affect far more in increasing extremes. And freaking electricity won't change a thing. But it's profit off another means of consumption and control. It seemingly also presumes to start halting overpopulation by changing methods. I doubt the weather gives a shit. It is due its own course.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No history has lied. Why did it lie. It changed religions when their gods failed them. God's not protecting from invasion and catastrophe. But look at their worship, buried, and defaced changing worship.

Look at all that sand on top of it. Why indeed. This is recent. What happened causing them to abandon their worship?

But okay. Didn't Islam unseal the great pyramid? It opened it 900 AD? Revolution in Cario caused it to be opened. 900AD or there abouts.

What about all the huge changes causing all that sand to be on top of it. These guys didn't go ohhhh let's put our Valley of the Kings in the sand. Did they. They were worshipped. They made them pyramids. So what happened. More than just Islam. We are talking a big inland sea evaporating documented by Greek historian's BC stretching from the Nile into Libya. https://wisdomofnations.com/articles/hawara-the-labyrinth-of-herodotus/

I cannot in that description find the details on the now a tiny puddle, of a lake by comparison, documented, as spanning all the way into the heart of Libya. But what is left of that labyrinth has been completely plundered and flooded, but it has been found. However any present excavation denied. Too many profit from the concentric paradigm of today. But there were huge changes to that habitat shaping over thousands of years, of its golden ages, and its populations. These guys counted stuff, they knew how many goats and stones they had. How come, cycles, day to night, in Egyptian lasted for? Look it up. Exaggeration or? Or what went wrong.

Fertile Valley of the Kings all those temples. But now under the fucking desert.

A bunch of lies. What happened. When. Why. How.

If they state they were built then why was the sphinx buried and uncovered again recently. Napoleon got there the Sphinx was under sand. He didn't deface it either.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

....... he has words in mike in ear played, and what comes out of mouth is........ incoherent. Either that or he is reading them. Whatever it is, it's a very bad job.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha. No.

It was to see the clown and their nuances. Big huge dumb painted smile, easier on, and the eyes. But it's to be able to see the clown. Especially if you're sitting far away in those early theatres, it's an old tradition, or in the circus. White sticks out, it reflects light, and is more visible. It also separates them from the norm.

But why does the clown wear afros?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why cause the failure. All the Kings horses all the Kings men couldn't put humpty dumpy back together again. Today it needs a collapse to cause? A reset? Wish it was that simple. That programmed that calculated. Can it simply reset. Look at the fall out. And it hasn't even gotten there yet. Gradually more cuts before it, and it just keeps getting worse. So they keep shoving out these failures, clinging to their nonsensical methods and ludicrous programming. Never seen such bullshit. You read those history books when it happens, happened. The freaking same. Then when it's finally broken do they finally fix it? Or does conflict occur? But enough is enough. I doubt they predicted it. I don't know why, when a dog could. They clapped laughed pretended it works. For the act, or what? Sure somebody else, they can't be that ignorant, wanted that dog barking. Look at it. Midterms. Where everybody voted Brexit, nobody would vote Tory again today. Nobody except the dumbest Tory still clinging to their failures, and it's everywhere across that spectrum, the dumbest democrats, and on another orchestral cue it?

Try to jar them, there's a little band with bells whistles parading them over the edge called their TV.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It has been like this for quite awhile. Since TV. Look at that programming. So much worse today when it is all over their phones. Unless they start questioning the narrative, research. Many do when it jars their senses. It's why they sooner swing political sides or rally into protest. But even it has been calculated, programmed, and triggered.

Look at the Uk's government. Seriously. After 3 prior, was that supposed to take that job and succeed at it? Was that chancellor? They gave it the job, because? Was Biden supposed too? A hallmark for the history books? No, it was a disaster, suddenly they were gonna put it right? Suddenly history would remember them for pulling out a magic wand. No I didn't think so. Yet mysteriously and on cue that failure, causes.

Anybody could have screamed it. A dog could have barked it. They get these dogs, you could use a donkey, or a rat, they make them choose, it touches the right answer, and it gets rewarded, but suddenly on above 50/50 chance of yes or no, it starts making better percentages. Question would they fail. Even a dog would've barked it. Why? It was supposed too. Then it causes a big huge swing. So they shove them in to force? So awesome.

Yet why do people keep repeating their fucking TV? At what point. Because it is the news, or programming?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

But it can kill. But the fatality rate is tiny in comparison to the topic, covid or a vax comparison. But it decreases longevity.

It however becomes a much bigger problem on what tech has done. And it will never be addressed. What phones cause. Topically how it stunts growth, causes obesity, and often causes unhealthy lifestyles, and causes neurological conditions. The pads like keyboards and mice can cause RSI, monitors blindness, headaches, it ages the body staring at screens and being seated at computers and desks for lengthy durations.

It cannot be attributed to simply gaming either although gamers spend the most time at it outside of the workforce.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dumb robot. The toaster got bored and needed resetting. Frankly it's disturbing that is communicating to Lords. Not like they have anything better to do when the economy is faltering. Quick ask Alexa, Ai-Da, why is the economy recessing. Programming. You don't say?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a much larger geopolitical war. And it is a conflict that is a serving agenda by driving change. Outside of this it was easily provoked begging the obvious. Did they want to fight Russia directly or simply contain Russia and using that opportunity to enlist sudden change. Look at the market, recession, new emerging technology, renewables, and supposed methods. While at the same time drawing out this conflict and prompting it.

How it plays out. A peace deal must be offered. Otherwise it could escalate into nuclear conflict. But a peace deal is no where in the making and even if there is some temporary peace it could still cause war later. A peace deal presently must recognise Ukraine isn't what it think it is territorially. Otherwise there is war. A peace deal must look to stop all aggression later.

Ukraine could never make that deal. It will arm and fight for its entire territory while it is armed. Russia will not lose the Crimea, or any present oblasts now under its sovereignty.

It was aggressive Nato expansion that caused this conflict, and bad Russian policy losing its own former allies.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is market meltdown. They keep shoring it up with bullshit, as they put buffoons in charge of the economics. It is failing fast.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heavy sustained until they yield. Not whoosh. 1 hit wonder. Wonder what was that. Set up the next volley. Keep them on edge. I am categorically not saying this as a Russian. I am not, I'm pragmatic. Studied history and read some strategy.

Peace comes when they bow. They won't.

I don't care except there is no peace because both sides want what the other will not give, and there's almost no room for compromise, making it an empty gesture.

Any talks stall peace, any ceasefire arms the enemy. Peace takes even more provoking.

The narrative has dismissed peace with Russia, it has no fuel and cannot ship or fly supplies in, because the bridge is out of commission, and it has no diesel refineries. So charge at them, they will fail. They don't have any more hypersonics and very few cruise left. Seriously laughable. But it's the narrative.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was still a protectorate. They never assumed it wouldn't be allied. The Crimea relied on the Ukraine, water, resources, like Ukraine once relied on Russia. The steelworks nearby once made steel for shipyards, and trains, and heavy Russian industry, military, and civilian.

What border do you specifically refer too? The supposed gift of it? It was never that gift. Not in that sense. Not the way that worked. Waterways and use. Would the base disappear. No. Not how that gift worked. It was to insure cooperation. Not the way the EU or Nato proceeded there. But it is what it is, and what it isn't is Ukrainian.

But hell I am not Russian. Don't care. But I am not stupid enough to assume it meant what these idiots today do. Because it didn't.

Border shared, they spoke freaking Russian, it was an open border all the way up until today's conflict and the last few years of bullshit. Where hell it's textbook border dispute. Textbook how to ignite the indigenous population, freaking dispute the simple geography. Hahaha it happens everytime. Some mountain, peninsula, river, and the tribals become cannibals.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wasn't severely damaged outside of the illusion. An illusion that dented their normality. Larger attacks hitting home occur. 4 months since hitting Kiev. Awhile since some other places hit.

Weapons are immediately being sent to them. Air defenses are immediately going to Kiev. They already have major pledges of weapons on route from France, UK, and America.

I doubt it gives any pause to this conflict.

Meanwhile 3rd party peace ambassadors are enroute to discuss it.

No, it won't have done much else. Ukraine will keep attacking in the way they have.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. It has Sevastopol on it, it is one of the largest Russian military bases. In fact it has about 3 Russian military bases, or probably more, aircraft, naval, shipyards, troops. No they didn't annex it if it has about a 90% Russian population. Try doing that to anybody else. What happens. It's very complicated.

But your view is misguided.

However I might agree the Crimea presented a much larger problem to Ukrainian coastline. Smack in the center of it. It claims the surrounding waters. Now with the separation oblasts and Islands under Russian soveriegnity. Ukraine has no more coastline. Virtually none, any waters by Odesa have also disappeared with the nearby Islands also under Russian control.

By not recognising it was Russian is how this conflict began. Possession big bases on it, emphatically makes it Russian. It didn't need to annex it. It simply was. Annex was the two oblasts above it, and the two original separation oblasts next to Russia, these were in Civil war since the Ukrainian coup. A matter of due course occurred by rejecting it is Russian.

It is what it is. It's gonna take something else to bring peace.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's Russian Bridge actually. It connects Russia to the Crimea. Surprised if there's only the 1 volley, today. Undoubtedly the war has stepped up. Retaliation.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's war what did you expect? Your rules that can shoot them but they can't shoot you. Dumbass.

Expected as this continues. It will only increase.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are you saying to me? No, seriously. Things gone wrong. It wasnt my comment. It has no regrets. I don't know what you're suggesting.

The topic was costs, huge expense. They should pay double carbon taxes, right. Never charity.

It was mentioned as depopulation agenda. No. It is another medical experiment. It serves a host of science, which has created a big huge loophole. It got its guinea pigs for free by psychologically convincing them they're somebody else.

Prior it was a Nazi experiment. Originally they were enunchs. Although where it came from was theatre, and actors, they'd do anything for the part, snuff used to be part of that stage, and mutilation, then the freak show, circus.

All in humor. I don't care except I find it disturbing and hypocritical that the tax payer funds fetishism

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stfu paki. I don't care. Yawn is an expression. It is tedious like your remark. Utterly yawning. Boring, and serves no function. What should be common sense is lost in translation. It was obvious. Never boring. Only you seem to rearrange it, making it so yawning. It's not arrogance unlike whatever you call that bullshit projection. Take your own advice dipshit. Go bother somebody else, with those attacks.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope it's free Clinical trials on live guinea pigs. They're experimental surgery and therapy on live test subjects, using a host of products and medicine. Everything from psychology, how to convince them they're fake and gay, cosmetics, and a heap of medicine. Their hair even falls off, for free. Win win when read the press they pay for it. You want the experimental drugs hahaha it will cost you even more. Next they get a bunch of grants from everywhere else, charities are even giving money to the Troon so it can go and get castrated.

Seriously depopulation is already occurring. These are test subjects used for more dystopia. They have been since the nazis.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

They still are. Same with GCHQ.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn. I posted this a year ago. It didn't have the investment it does now. But it's a huge operation, involving a number of nations. I don't know if Russia is still in on it? Despite some of the original finance coming from there, and the mammoths, Siberian, obtaining full specimens. But internationally Japan, Europe, UK and America. About 2 years ago didn't Japan stimulate mammoth brain activity? Some shit. Look the brain still after death. Yarn.

But the way they'll clone it. Years off, is from using existing Elephants, and then splicing any mammoth DNA harvested, into the genetic markers, the dna strands, and then possibly by insemination. Or they get junior, inject it with the vaccine and hope it starts, shedding, then they mate it, and hope the next junior is even bigger and woolier, It's a process. Big process. Until there are no more elephants left.

But they've been at it for a numbers of years now. Getting specimens with DNA, and then. Don't think we have Woolly yet. Nope, no where near it, by years.

The CIA, definitely want the ivory, if it can be cloned.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shouldn't they abort the trans babies? It would be so much easier for that kid. Save its natural biology fast.

No such thing as Trans babies a few decades ago. They didn't exist.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Straight up no. It would be illegal. Unconstitutional.

Where do you guys come from? Come on.

See there is the currency of the United States, and all these other sovereign nations, where all their figure heads, and much of their state, and press all use Twitter. WTF are they buying a monopoly coin for. They aren't. It would be illegal. He'd be thrown into jail, and probably fed to the pigs before he even attempted it. No seriously, that's not happening. Not any other bullshit coin either. It would have to be the national currency, like the rest of their free speech. If he started charging people to speak, like the government, it ain't free speech either. Illegal. Sure he can offer some incentives, premium accounts, advertising. But.

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