Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Chinese did. They wanted to make the Monkeys evolutionary. So they manipulated the DNA strands with the human DNA and they birthed a very stupid monkey. We are talking autistic, it showed increased brain activity, but it couldn't even jump. Not quite, but it was a stupid monkey.

They did it with pig dna made pigmonkeys. But they died.

They probably tried it with humans too. That supposedly got banned. They cloned a human. Next they're making these, clones, artifical wombs for the artifical insemination.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The concept has been fornicated, and it got turned into the hippy nazis.

Seriously when did the blackholes enter science?

Although there has been the dimensions, aether, and ghosts and goblins, mirrors, witchcraft and hokus pokus, for thousands of years.

Seemingly the Sun is now another vormhole. Because um science created the blackholes off the sun's supernova, then they can valhalla?

The Hippies.

Don't want to get into the rest of it. Just pointing out the obvious. Wormholes were created after the Nazis. And they still haven't been proved. In fact there is more proof of ghosts.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Brother's pregnancy? Ain't no man that has babies. But it's another demon. Use correct pronoun. It. Pennywise has baby. Poor kid. They're all gonna float.. Correct pronoun, it.

It hasn't got a gender. It is not biological. It is a usurper.

Oops OMG. I have an opinion. I dunno its name. It is the same as any other name I dunno. And it is lying. There are no men that can birth. So it isn't a man. It is a usurper. Satanic, the biggest deceiver.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Um bullshit. Why and how does she have the tapes. Hahaha. Random female victim, has blackmail worth millions with top people on it. If she had them they'd be released. At what point.

It's a narrative. Does FBI has tapes, and takes over the blackmail business? Or rather not. But it obviously sells.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But they don't win a card game

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is a lot of hidden history on the Popery becoming God's messenger as opposed to a corrupted Mortal being granted Godhood. Originally there were also Holy Roman Emperors, although that line was ordained by Christentum having converted. It became the former Empire. And was later ordained by the pope, as well as all the royal households for centuries. Until protestant break up. It wasn't just to divorce. Henry 8th. But also to control the gold, taxes, even lineage.

You could also assume Jesus was a part of the monastic order. Monks rewriting, writing his words. There possibly weren't even 12 apostles. He might have even been married. The new testament was written 100s of years later from his supposed birth. The old testament has as much controversy.

But yes originally like with every good deed they become swallowed by a system. It faster turned into inquisition, Templars, and feudalism.

Although you read too much. I believe a different gospel of Thomas not published decried the Church, as mere rituals and buildings. Existentially God is within all of us and all around us.

The church started well and meant better. It was from its monasteries, today's equivalent missions offering education and community acting for God. These became many towns and cities later. Outside of denser population ruled by above ordnance.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It is big and round and full of holes. I mean seriously. I haven't been moon gazing. It's probably the batman signal. Seriously a reflection of the air raid strobes. It's defcon 2. No. Not quite. But there's a lot of lighting there and something is possibly reflecting. Or it's the camera. But it's not a demon portal. Where are the demons. You think if a portal. They'd be falling out of the sky.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

The demon portal? So is the moon on most days.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

It is the moon. Look at it. Moon goes red almost yearly or something like a leap year. It's not a demon portal. It could also be your bloodshot camera. Reflection of city lights on horizon mucked up the shot.

Or I don't know, but it's not a demon portal. You'd see demons if it was. Like they'll be falling out of the sky.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't get why 4 armed officers attended a missing person case? Obviously touting firearms. I presume he just went on a walkabout, up and left his job, principal. Mid life epiphany. But them ratty Aussies turned that into a crime. So they're there to arrest the bugger. It got deadly. I don't know why the idiot neighbour got involved. Unless he was also shotgun Ted.

Or perhaps there's a bigger narrative seizing the guns again. Busting into everybody's land. Land a principal's family had held for generations. They've turned it into alt right nonsense again justifying their attempts at not having a warrant. Who knows? It stinks when they use the narrative.

Why didn't they send a postcard because he ignored the summons to principal school. An old Cletus was known for being prickly.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The moon a blood moon. It happens often yearly

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Christians got wiped out.

Original Christians set up shop as a monastery managing the community. It taught language, Latin, writing, agriculture, architecture, etc, etc training the peasants. Selling and trading with other monasteries. There was no other rulers other than God. Of course the kingdom had elites, barons, dukes etc taxing the monasteries who also tithed to the popery. The popery managed kings and kingdoms. Sending them off into the crusades. Kingdoms sooner had to defend themselves raising taxes and conscripting. Some monasteries then even had their own guards. Warrior monks. That collapsed with the knights templar moving against the pope, or his royal appointment the King of France.

Eventually it resulted in feudalism. After a number of events collapsing it.

But the concept of it became more and more flawed. There was of course existing King's cities and their Baronies. But for the peasantry it was monasteries setting up towns and converting former religions. Until feudalism.

Dunno if that makes sense??? There is a lot hidden from history. History completely rewritten after reformation.

There was a similar system in Ancient Egypt where priests and their orders became more powerful than the pharaohs resulting in civil war.

Buddhists the same.

Many others at historical points.

We have seen this with modern missionaries, missions. Eventually their good deeds get swallowed by the systems governing them.

But for Christianity. Its origin perished. There was only doubts in its constructs. And as through the passages of time and time again mortal man assuming divinity constantly fails.

Shucks, I get an idiot down vote after that. They wanted to hear about Satan instead. Probably far too dumb to see it.

Tell me about the Dalai Lima today? Anybody. Tell me about where he lives. Does it even need money, despite using it, is it self sufficient. Yet he's exiled?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They were looking for a missing person a principal. On his brother's remote property and they supposedly got fired on by the missing person his brother and his brother's wife. They supposedly killed two young officers approaching knocking on the door out of 4 armed officers in total, another was wounded and another fled, and then returned with the calvary, becoming a lengthy seige. A supposed do gooder neighbour was also killed.

The story has more holes than the titanic.

Next time ring or send a postcard, really didn't think going on a billabong was a crime. God damn it.

They could've even used a drone, delivering a message, the principal is required back in the office, because it's a crime to truant. I suppose Cletus living in the outback didn't have any WiFi, or cellphones. Just a ton of guns.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

He'll get some training undoubtedly

Why? by dukey
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why was penalty? No Why? Keeper cannot challenge ball. They virtually gave up after. Fell apart. Hand ball appeal from them, caused that counter. Still chatting to ref. It's decisions like that. They really defeat sides.

Will it be an Argentina win. It seems scripted. They're playing well. Very well. But a lot of hidden hand getting there.

In any case, go Morocco. Hahaha. Don't support other than why can't the underdog win just one day.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you talking about?

That made no rational sense at all.

Read the links. Christians circumcise. A lot believe it is biblical. Jesus was. Orthodox. Methodists. Pentecostal. Probably a few more. Muslims and Arabs do. Blacks also do. It is practiced in every leading Western hospital. Every Middle Eastern hospital. Most African hospitals. And many hospitals globally.

WTF are you going on about. Honestly what. You're either Chinese, South East Asian, possibly Indian, or you're ghetto trash. Dumb and ignorant. Born with nothing in between the posts.

It is not Jewish. The bible claims it's Jewish. But the old testament came from Babylon. Summerian. It has no other accuracy than it was practiced regionally prior to Israel. And those people date back to Abraham, and he is Islamic.

Go back to your penis obsessions. And bother somebody else. It's not your business. It's a practiced medical procedure. By simple, yes or no on birthing. Other's perhaps do it as rituals. Most simply request it by checking a medical box on pregnancy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's fake and gay. If you stare at clouds you see rainbows. What makes you think that rock is anything else. I don't even want to conjure what kind of imagination has transformed it into another cloud. It's fake and gay.

Reptilian rock monsters. They did that. Took a chisel and hammer and started calling rocks a bunch of dinosaurs. So we think it has the calcification, and now if we draw out a bunch of lines giving it shape like any other sculpture it's a fish that turned into a bird laying a Dino becoming a monkey. Can you see it? Look at it. The dumbest

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They've been doing this for ages in other countries. But I guess they can find rover on the other ends of their remote country? Guess it's a requirement by NATO. The GPS? Next they start putting the spyware on the reindeer herds, and the dashcams on the birds.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely despite some gains already running up trillions.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn that is dumb. I asked if things evolved. Why don't we still have dinosaurs. Not how we don't still have elephants. Because we do after an even bigger impact.

At what point can't we find lost civilization less than 20k years ago but they're still making gargoyles.

Look outside it evolves together all species at once. Balanced by their unique roles, not ignorance.

Where are your trees. No, where, where Bison and Elephants and the herds roam. They're trampled and eaten by bigger beasts eating billions of tonnes of vegetation a week.

How the hell are Whales, sea species, on all of our highest mountain ranges, but we find another stupidasaur a week?

The week whenever lost civilization discovers Rome didn't patent it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not at all. Music is a sound. Not a song. Music can have a chorus to enhance it. But it is primarily instrumental. It's not a god awful singer. It's not an advert. It's like idiots invented I am making music and then go and graffiti all over the beautiful sound an instrument makes.

Today they've put it through electronics and sometimes these create their own music. But it sounds inferior to those once renowned instruments.

But these fucking singers singing about their shit have crapped all over music and just make noise.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +5 / -2

Yawn. Nonsense. It is not viable yet. Neither is it cheap.

They've managed to produce a return. Harnessing for long enough to gain potentially something back

However the parts aren't sustainable or cost effective. Meanwhile the potential for output isn't unlimited. It is harnessing for long enough to get returns. How much by the comparison needed to generate it? Further how much energy is provided, wattage, and how often does it stress the means harnessing.

Tediously out by larger margins if indeed it becomes the next standard adopted.

Currently fission is still the reactors being constructed, currently, there are builds and plans for a number more and in smaller sizes.

If such a breakthrough is imminent then why indeed are fission reactors being constructed. The demand. Because Fusion hasn't got a working model generating for the grid. It is still experimental.

I guess I read that article after I read the headline. It is as confirmed decades away. But it has been like this for years. Everytime it wants more funding. The breakthrough was announced earlier this year and also last. Breaking temperatures, and harnessing longer. Enough to potentially power something, but not enough to sustain the grid or indefinitely. In the meantime fission is being constructed and it's designs are getting smaller. I don't know why it calls it clean and sustainable. Can anybody else tell me about electro magnets and superheated plasma. Irony I guess it's not the nuclear waste?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

But isn't there courts on it? Break up or something status relating to the kids. Who did the IVF what's those registered birth certificates? Do they record the donor. Kids have rights to request it.

Don't care. It's 100% odd. Adam's apple. No tits. That size. Her story of being the man in a something body. Narrative of just a lesbian.

She could've had that defect. It exists in multi millions to 1. They operated. Then was always a girl is the half truth.

Who knows. I'll leave it there. Don't want to get involved in this. It is what it is. It's not my business. But it's a handicap on other basketball players competing. They can deal with it.

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