DR38 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's amazing what's in that book being written in the 1920s, lots of quotes. Enough that wikipedia did a smear. A lot of history on the Rothschild cartel, a unique perspective from Russia around the time the Tsar was killed.

"He is perhaps best known for authoring a book titled The Secret World Government, or, "The Hidden Hand" (1926), which presents his theory that extensive evidence shows that the world is being clandestinely governed by a group of 300 individuals of "Judeo-Mongol" ancestry." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Cherep-Spiridovich

DR38 3 points ago +3 / -0

IMO, psychedelics and antipsychotics both open up doorways for demons to influence. Same with transcendental meditation.

I would also say this is what schizophrenia is, and I would suggest many normal people have weird thoughts that come to them they imagine are their own (as they are presented in the voice of our own mind) but they never consider where they come from.

Also that the people who rule this world are hermetic-kabbalists and began consulting with the fallen angels back in ancient Babylon, possibly Atlantis before the cataclysm.

They push abortion, and then take those aborted fetal cells and inject them back into the general population as a ritual, this strengthens the power of their magick through Hollywood media.

DR38 18 points ago +18 / -0

Which is why they are trying to disarm everyone in the US/Canada as soon as possible.

DR38 1 point ago +2 / -1

They are going to attempt to kill us all, likely within the next 6-12 months.

What pisses me off the most is our own people who wouldn't wake up in time, we could have easily stopped all this if everyone wasn't brainwashed into thinking Trump was going to save us.

No one is going to take up arms against the government either, guaranteed 95% will turn their guns in if they make it a felony to possess one. They won't have to "come and take them."

DR38 8 points ago +8 / -0

The internet will have to be abandoned by those who want to escape the system.

Buy the cheap $25 Baofeng radios while they are still available.

DR38 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm ready to die and actually happy about it now that I know Christ.

We all are going to soon die down here, that's always been the case, even from birth the time on this planet are very, very short. Nothing else matters but your relationship with God, that's what this entire experience is about, will you depend on yourself and worship yourself as an idol, making yourself the center of the universe and your life about serving yourself, or do you turn to Christ, die to self, and serve others as you leave this place in joy knowing you will have eternal life in a new resurrected body without all the evil in this horrid place.

Those who reject Christ end up stuck with the khazars/edomites, whatever they are, and the demons they worship, in hell, forever.

DR38 6 points ago +6 / -0

The current one is likely a real shooting that was FED encouraged and funded.

Sandy Hook seemed more fake to me.

Always lean towards it being real at first or we look like evil monsters if kids really did end up dying.

DR38 6 points ago +6 / -0

For that to be true, they would have had to stage the video of the two walking through the school with guns, and their death photos in the library.

With school shootings, I just say I have no idea anymore, every single one is so confusing with so much contradictory information. Usually, the feds are involved one way or another, sometimes faking the entire thing, other times contributing.

DR38 2 points ago +3 / -1

menstrual pain sounds terrifying, it makes me not want to even go near other humans.

WTF is happening where you are bleeding so much you are in pain but not dying, that's the real conspiracy.

DR38 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm surprised Michael Collins Piper exposing how Mossad killed him is still up, considering how the government killed Piper for videos/books like this.

DR38 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even wikipedia mentions these under the article, Zionist political violence. It's how they have been operating a long time now, how the populace is still blind about 9/11 is beyond me.

I'm tired of being framed culturally as the bad guy for pointing out these crimes, I just wanted to be left alone and not enslaved.

Here are some sharable images:


David Ben-Gurion

Yitzhak Shamir

DR38 3 points ago +3 / -0

People were retarded to think they were the Biblical Hebrews. The people with the big noses always have been the Canaanites/Edomites/Phonecians, etc...

No one on this planet can prove lineage back to any of the 12 tribes, we have multiple groups converting back and forth, it's like the Chinese converting and calling them God's chosen now, lets let them take over the world so we aren't going against God.

Humans are so easily misled it's hard to even want to fight for them anymore. They mock us as racists or conspiracy theorists as invaders are tearing down the walls, Europeans have morals very few in this world had, we had to protect ourselves from outsiders, and it's too fucking late now.

DR38 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's time to admit a lot of things about these people.

We fought for the wrong side for example, and now they are trying to turn our kids into transgenders just like they did in Germany, and I'm sick and tired of dummies still trying to be in denial, because the gulags come next, they hate Whites and Christians and kill 10's of millions every time they gain power this way.

People are so stupid it frustrates me, we could have stopped this but people are retarded. The Rothschild banking cartel steals Palestine and then calls it "Israel" to deceive Western Evangelicals who then send him billions of dollars thinking they are the Biblical Hebrews.

And our grandparents who were tricked into fighting for the wrong side, omg it's all so horrific, I want out of this existence completely, there is no fixing anything here.

DR38 8 points ago +9 / -1

He's the same thing Einstein was, the globohomo "expert" to showcase their false narratives.

DR38 12 points ago +12 / -0

Strange how all these bots hate White people and desire to give up all their property to international bankers.

DR38 5 points ago +5 / -0

Amazon dindu nuffin, Jeff Bezos just needs more programs.

If we had more programs the CIA wouldn't use violence to solve they problems.

You people always blaming the govermbent and don't consider the programs that could help these young men.

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