CrazyRussian 5 points ago +5 / -0

This bright green laser is added specially to make targeting of this robo-dog as simple as possible or to swindle dumb and ignorant investors out of money? :)

by Asterix
CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I could confirm that "Riverside FM" translation. Nearly word-to-word.

Untranslated Sasha through phone - "are you kidding me?", "wait for me, I'll get to Wallmart in minutes", "are you serious?", "where they will bring you?"

They speak pure Russian with light Ukrainian accent and few Ukrainian dialect words.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, that will work too, if PDF is suitable for you.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you want to save some web-page and be sure that it will be here as long as you want, save it to your local computer.

Today, it is not a simple task to save a page when it is rendered by numerous JS bloatware in your browser, however, there are still options to do it - to save rendered web page just as you see it. One of option is using Firefox with "Single File" extension. It allow to save current state of DOM you currently see in browser as a single HTML file with everything embedded inside - fonts, images and all that stuff. Of course, all that JS mumbo-jumbo will not work as on original page, but it will look exactly like original.

AFAIK, it is much harder to do same things in Chrome based browsers, but may be there are solutions too.

If you want to get something done right - do it by yourself. Never rely on any third-party services, also known as somebody else computers, especially if they are free.

CrazyRussian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yep. Four or five dimentional one, if not more. :)

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is unknown if it safe or not when nobody check it experimentally, because medicine is not a science and so have no any ways to predict outcome with certainity like real sciences have.

Since it could be both, then why risk with normal people when we have plenty of those who have to pay for their crimes?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are tons of convicted criminals with death or lifetime sentences that could be easily used for such experiments. At least they will finally have some usefulness for society, instead of being dangerous useless eaters who living their lives on your taxes.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

But the fact still remains the asymptomatic carrier can pass the disease to other people, despite not having symptoms themselves.

First, "asymptomatic carrier" does not "pass the disease". He pass virus/bacteria. Second - the fact he have no disease is a solid proof that this virus/bacteria is not the cause of disease in that case.

Technically, viruses could be pathogenic (say, produce some really dangerous poisons as a byproduct of their replication process), but that should be proven scientifically. If somebody does not fell ill being infected, that means this virus itself is not pathogenic. In the worst case it could be catalyst of kind in people who fell ill, but not the cause of disease.

Inability of body to contain and defeat a virus is a cause of disease, really, not virus itself, in overhelming majority of cases of viral infections.

But my overall point is that this claim that viruses aren't real NECESSARIALY requires that diseases defined as "viral" not be contagious.

Bacteria or even some highly agressive poison could be contagious too. Contagiousness itself does not prove that viruses exists, Virus existence proof is in other experiments, with separating everything that is bacteria or poison or other known pathogens and studying what is left in that sample causing disease.

If "terrain makes you sick, not viruses", then someone who lives in healthy terrain should be able to inject HIV blood and be totally fine because they are safe from the root cause of the disease....

HIV blood injection does not always cause disease. There is no scientific proof that HIV cause AIDS. However, this does not necessary connected with terrain, more with correct functioning of human body.

At the same time I suppose that today people who live in "healthy terrain" (in rural areas?) have better health than those who live in cities f.e. and so have lower probability of getting disease regardless of disease initiator.

So, basically "healthy terrain" as healthy way of life is really helps to not fell ill from viruses. But that in no way prove that viruses does not exist.

"Viruses does not exist, it's terrain" is the same logical fallacy as "Viruses are cause of diseases, not anything else".

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

It most certainly does invalidate all the postulates because it ends with the assumption that reinfection will cause disease in a healthy animal, which is not the case with asymptomatic carriers.

Or somebody just mistaken with pathogen.

If "asymptomatic carrier" does not get disease, then, there is obviously a reason for that. Just like there is a reason why others get disease.

Do you understand that a peson who didn't get disease after interaction with some substance is a normal healthy person, not others, who get a disease and probably have something wrong in their bodies.

Do you know that there are tons of bacterias, viruses, substances that does not cause any disease in anybody? And there are more of them than pathogenic ones. It is absolutely normal to not become ill because of some virus or bacteria. This is normal, not getting ill. Looks like it is something that was hidden from you by medical swindlers who feed from ilnesses.

And please, show me a single example from any natural science where exist anything similar to that insane concept of "asymptomatic carreer". When from 100 identical experiments 90 give one result, but 10 give completely opposite one, because of "aSyMpTomAtic cArRier" and it is accounted as something acceptable.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

When they put healthy plants beside an 'infected' plant, and let the 'virus' propagate via natural means... the healthy plants did not get sick.

That was not about ways of transmission. That was about unknown pathogen that could not be seen with microscope and pass finest filters they have at the time.

There could be tons of hypothesis about ways of transmission, from rain with wind to insects or animals that obviously was not studied in that research.

The whole discipline is more intellectually bankrupt than I would have thought possible.

That's not the reason to deny any respect for those who tried to bring some science into that discipline.

Throwing out babies with the water is not a good way to change things. Medicine could and should become real science, but mocking over past attempts to do that does not help. Imagine if modern medics, on suspicion of some new pathogen, do the same things as Ivanovsky did with tobacco mosaic disease - could all that swine flu hoax, corona hoax and all other shit be possible at all?

Dude did everything he could at the time as real scientist. He did pretty logical and scientific experiments. But instead of making him an example for discipline, you just making things easier for modern swindlers.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

discovery of asymptomatic carriers,

There are no any "asymptomatic carriers". There are people who does not get illness having presumable pathogen. This means only one thing - pathogen is not the cause of disease,

You know - the question of casuality and all that scientific stuff.

If you heat some object, then thermal IR radiation of object is shifted to shorter waves. Always. Without a single exception. If there a single exception will be found, then, known theories will be changed.

That is how science work. What you are talking about is not a science. When you could not calculate outcome of infection - it is not a science, it is complete bullshit, that will never acquire any respect from any sane person.

thus invalidating every single other postulate

It does not. It just proves that illness where could be "asymptomatic carriers" is not caused by presumed pathogen, and that's all.

Koch postulates are for determining if pathogen could be a cause of disease or not. If even a single person have pathogen, but have no disease, then this pathogen is definitely not a cause of disease. So, medics should do a real scientific research and find what really make other people ill with that disease. But they just yell about all that viruses, bacterias, sugar, fungis, microplastics, climate change, cofee and other stuff, instead of doing their job.

Modern medicine is not a science. It is some mix of cult, conspiracy and religion, where is no place for normal scientific process with theories spoken in math, replicateable experiments that prove or disprove theories, with predictions that always correspond to reality, knowledge of what to do to get guaranteed result and all that real science stuff.

Medics are sect of worst servicemans on the Earth who don't know how what they try to repair works. You will never pay any money to the plumber who don't know what pipes and whater is, or electrician who don't know what electric current is. And of course you will not give a single fuck to what they will tell you. But somehow you still believe medics, who are much worse than that aforementioned ignorant plumber and electrician, because they don't even think about holding any responsibility for their ignorance.

Medics are swindlers who have enormous self-importance along with total irresponsiblity for the results of their activity.

If they really want become scientists, they could begin with something simple - say do a real scientific research and find a way to cure (not treat) a paper-cut in one day, instead of a week. And be ready to return money and pay compensations if it will be more than one day. Then, may be, they will have a chance to get some respect.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

introduced via needles or rubbing etc, neither of which are things that would happen in nature.

Does not matter. Cause and effect connection was established. Scratching or rubbing without pathogen does not cause illness. At the time people knew about control experiments and all that stuff.

It's a bit like when they inject a 'virus' into the brain of a mouse and say -- look, bad things happened!

Now they just do some random and senseless shit, they don't care about anything except money.

CrazyRussian 7 points ago +7 / -0

Postulates are not evidence.

Evidence is a contradiction or correspondence with postulates.

F.e. there is theory with postulate that some viruse cause some disease.

This postulate proves nothing and not evidence of anything. This postulate should be checked against reality. If every time somebody get a virus and become ill with that disease, than postulate is correct. If somebody have virus but doesn't get ill, then postulate is wrong and whole theory based on that postulate should be discarded.

Moreover, Koch's postulates is not about existence or non-existence of anything. They are about if some pathogen really a cause of some illness or not. Really any pathogen - poison, bacteria, virus, physical impact, whatever.

Viruses are pretty real, their existence was proven since tobacco mosaic virus study. In that study, every single time when isolated pathogen was introduced into the plant, plant always become ill.

However, today nobody even bother to prove connection between specific virus and specific illness arbitrary attributed to it. There are no any single scientific proof that influenza virus is a cause of flu or HIV is a cause of AIDS. Not a single one. Not even talking about coronahoax, where even existence of SARS-CoV-2 was never proven.

Medicine, instead of becoming hardcore natural science, with hard proofs and mathematically correct theories, like physics, chemistry and like, turned into complete anti-scientific bullshit at the level of astrology or sociology. There are tons of reasons for that turn, and all of them are malicious.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Problem that telephony drag that SS7 with it regardless of used media. It was used on raw copper, digital data over fiber or radiowaves, now they use internet to run their SS7 rituals and looks like that mammoth shit will be used on any further tech.

F.e. it is obvious that today things like "roaming" or "interstate calls" have absolutely no any sense. But teiephonists still sticking to all that senseless crap for mo any technical reason.

If you are not aware, when you use your cellphone to make calls from outside of your "local area", your call routed through phone network via your "local area" phone switch, even if you on the other side of Earth calling to nearby restaraunt to reserve a table.

That's really so insane, that nobody could imagine all that crap telephonists still pracrticise. And that is why there are no any wonder that a single broken line could ruin some phone service for the whole country and even a world.

CrazyRussian 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not that complex.

Phone service today still use very outdated signalling system named SS7. This is centralized system, so if you have some country-wide service, then there should be some single switch station that will route all calls to that service.

It is not like internet, when system allow point-to-point connections through the shortest route, when connection from one subnetwork does not goes further than closest router.

Reason why that retarded SS7 is not abandoned long ago is a big mistery. Something like if cabmans didn't abandon theri horses and cabs when everybody else already switched to cars.

CrazyRussian 3 points ago +3 / -0

If there is not enough "official" money, people will began to use their own currencies. And all deficit that will be replaced by currency surrogates just fall out of any possible taxation.

Also, cashless society does not agree with that permanent blackout and electricity limitations fearmongering. If you push agenda of less energy consumption and all nightmares that will be inevitable, then even dumbest sheeple will want to have some cash in hands just in case, for the promised blackout days, or if grocery store will be out of its daily energy limit when sheeple will want some snack at the evening.

UBI looks more logical way to introduce cashless controlled money system, at least over the most dumb part of society.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can't force anybody for anything with miserable 5% share. Even with 30% share you could only try. To have real power to do anything you want you need at least 51%. And even in that case you are risking to lose a lot if you force company do some shit that will significantly lower its price. There are no any sense in owning 51% of bankrupted company.

Either thare is something else, apart shares with that BlackRock/Vanguard duo, either they are kind of scrapegoats, to divert attention from something really important.

I can;t see how owner of 5% could do things that happen with companies today. Just imagine someone with 5% shares came and tell - "now we begin to produce complete garbage nobody will buy for the sake of inclusivity and diversity". Any sane person will understand that it is much better if that 5% struck the market and temporary lower share price, than to allow that idiot to completely ruin his co-owned business.

Well, I could imagine that 5% with pushing DEI crap could be used as kind of racket, like "buy my 5% for the double price, or I will shit on the conference room table at every shareholders meeting", but not what imputed to BlackRock/Vanguard.

It does not add up.

Well, I initially was well into that story, about some global funds that really owns everything, too, until I finally take a look at real numbers. In no way that tiny shares could be "owning the world". Sorry, but I need something else, much more convincing, to agree with that narrative.

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebody, please explain me how that miserable 5-6% of shares could mean anything?

Also, who the fuck owns the rest 70 or whatever %? Why our attention is shifted to unsignificant shareholders, instead of serious ones?

More I dig that "BlackRock/Vanguard owns everything" horror stories, more I convinced that it is pure distraction from something much more important, about who really owns everything.

Tell me please, if I buy a single share in each public company - would I also be mentioned in stories as "man who owns everything"? Doesn't share size matter, not number of companies?

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is one thing none mentioned. Looks like it is more like destruction of the "Western AD" myth. AD is a huge part of MIC profits, so it is logical to destroy this source of profits.

So, here we have the second independent experimental proof that Western AD is a total crap, first was Ukraine.

From the other side, today Western MIC could sell their AD only by forced sells to NATO and proxies. Nobody today will buy that crap consciously. So Western MIC need more wars and tensions to force the sells of their AD systems.

If the theory that Western politics is in whole or partially driven by MIC money laundering is true, then we will see more attempts to create conflicts around the world and more money to MIC. Also, those who forced to buy Western AD will demand development of new, better systems with additional budget funding for that R&D.

This will provide some more money for MIC in short run, but would be a total disaster in the long run. Inability of Westerm MIC to produce AD systems that will be able to really defend something will be a huge fuckup for current money flow system.

Things gets worse with modern DEI and other crap that makes any real development of something really working fundamentally impossible.

It is really amasing how elites trying to acquire all possible power, while simultaneously destroying everything that could provide that power to them. Either Western elites are broken completely, either their masters, who could bring them round, abandon them or dead.

PS: Wow, it was fast. :) And here we go - https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2024-04-15/exclusive-lockheed-wins-us-missile-defense-contract-worth-17-billion-sources-say

CrazyRussian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not new at all.

You could buy a square of pyrolitic graphite and rare-earth magnet assembly right now on aliexpress for $15. You will get exactly same thing.


CrazyRussian 6 points ago +6 / -0

the Jews arent the great force behind the global cabal.

They are not force behind the global cabal, they are global cabal. At least overhelming part of it. They are very convenient tools with all their chutzpa, mutual cover-up, greed, cowardice, perverted moral, hate to humanity and so on. A tons of properties very useful for those who really behind the global cabal. Look at any source of shit in the world, you inevitably will find some miserable Jews who are stiring up troubles.

I think if there were no Jews, those who are behind, had to create them to spread their tentacles into human civilization.

But it looks like Jews fall short of "those who are behind" expectations. As all global cabal. And "those who are behind" have a deadline. And global cabal missing it badly and began to make obvious mistakes and expose themselves in their hurry.

You should not overestimate Jews as some supervillains who rule the world, but also you should not underestimate Jews role in world mess too.

They have their role, not main, but significant one, so omitting Jewish question when trying to get some clue about mess around is absolutely inexcusable mistake.

CrazyRussian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ionized air is conductive. It could work as metal lightning rod

It does not matter how you ionize air. In a places where lightning protection is very important, often used radioactive material in lead can with hole at top as ionizer at the top of regular lightning rod. This greatly increase "length" of conductive "wire", so catching lightnings is more effective.

Strange that in the video they used green laser. With enough power it could ionize air too, but UV laser will be much more effective. And also much cheaper, since nice UV lasers could be made using nitrogen in air as laser mediun.

Or, may be, it is just a camera reads UV light that way.

But still laser is much more complex than simple box with radioactive substance inside that does not need any power or maintenance and could work for centuries to catch the lightnings.

CrazyRussian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kind of, Yandex searches in English are nearly uncensored, but Yandex does not index all English sites or do it with significant delay. Something same with Google searches in Russian, but, unfortunately, Google apply that DMCA and other copyright and IP shit even to searches in Russian.

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