Butttoucha9k 1 point ago +1 / -0

An unfulfilled covenant is null and void. The old testament is a cautionary tale of tragedy for the isrealites failure. Time and again they fail God and are punished. Eventually he is done. The new testament is far down the road. Its a new story. The story of the new covenant The jews of the new testament are NOT the Israelite of the old testament. They were conquerors of Israel's failed state and usurped their cultural identity of the "chosen" people.

Butttoucha9k 2 points ago +2 / -0

Historically the real israel was a kingdom in the north of the Levant. Judea was a different nation to it's south. Jews are Judea, but even THAT isn't true because today's jews aren't even that.

Spiritually the Bible says the church is the true israel. The new covenant through Jesus christ removed any old agreement and created a new israel in the church.

Butttoucha9k 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel is a false state. It IS the war on all nations. The jews are not Israelite. Tbay have never lived in the Levant. They are an eastern uralic turk people who dispersed into the Rhinelander area when their malicious trade behavior caused the kievan Rus to destroy them.

Butttoucha9k 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's OK. Basically it's a recurring and constant theme of jews to pull out the "but you're a Christian shouldn't you (insert thing they want here)"

Shouldn't you take in all these immigrants? Shouldn't you feed your enemy? Shouldn't you turn the other cheek while I rape your nation?

Butttoucha9k 2 points ago +2 / -0

How would they know. The sounds they here might not be real but it's all they got so they just think it's real. They can't see nobody there. Maybe they are crazy af but dint know it.