I hear there's a lot of that going round. Must be something in the water.
Sure, it was also an algorithm that had bus stop adverts everywhere saying if you go outside you will die. Cunts.
Why do they still feel the need to advertise? It's getting to BRAWNDO levels of stupidity.
Ash conformity experiment in real time, affecting millions.
We shouldn't laugh no matter how hard it is not to laugh.
Can't have anyone spreading wrong think. I think they doth protest too much.
Maybe if they spent the last 50 years improving the country rather than covering up kid fucking they might have something to show for it.
Sweet news if Polish gangsters are actually removing r*ddit faggots.
Another event so true it's illegal to question.
Are there any twtch streams I can watch to see these faggots getting obliterated?
At best it's a money making scam, at worst it's fucking aliens laying eggs in your brain. Lovely.
Wouldn't even call it an echo chamber any more. What a sorry excuse for a web site.
How will he survive sore throat. Thankfully he's pumped full of mystery metals to help perhaps.
Don't give them ideas. Same thing could be done with "asymptomatc" meningitis.
It's like they don't care because no one does anything about them.
"You said I could masturbate all day!" "No, I said you could have a stroke at any time"
My thoughts and prayers and the thoughts of millions of global citizens hope you get Gaddafi'd or Caucescu'd any time now.
Some of the bat shit craziest thing I have ever seen.
I hate this country (scotland) It ain't nothing like Braveheart.
All wars are economic. It has all been bollocks, all of it.
Surprised they didn't call the data racist.
That's the problem with fraud. Someone always get left holding the bags. The insurance jews are just as big as the pharma jews. Gonna be a good fight.
Way to go Trudy, turn your country into cold Venezuela.
That's how you know it's working etc etc...
It's everyone else's fault.