BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hey u/bgny Pizzagate is the most brigaded topic on the net that I'm aware of. I appreciate your work. When the emails came out, I read them. I can confirm that pizza was used as code (see example in my new post).

Just a tip: Posting a snippet every now and then is a much more resilient strategy to increase exposure and discussion. I'll begin.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

As u/JuanTitor points out, when you take this pure math and try to apply it to our universe to make predictions, that requires interpretation and thus that process is art not science. The science part comes in when you verify this mathematical model against observations. Even if it checks out, it should only be accepted provisionally, not as truth. The absolute truth is unknowable through science.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll explain why pure Mathematics is unquestionable to the same extent as deductive logic is unquestionable. I leave the other sciences to others better informed.

The modern notion of mathematics is very agnostic. You can invent your own language, logic and axioms and whatever conclusions you derive is valid mathematics (within your system). But mathematicians like to be able to work together, so they use a common system. The logic and axioms (the "ZFC" axioms) for this system would make sense even to a child, adding minimum possible additional rules (countable on one hand) for completeness (for cases we do not encounter in real life and thus have no "common sense" for).

Thus math has nothing to do with our universe (unlike other sciences). It is a completely invented thing. It has nothing to do with what is true in our existence. It only exists in and "talks about" its own system. As it doesn't deal with our world, it is safe from politics. No financial or other incentive to falsify results. No new discovery within our universe can affect it.

It is the only science where each student is required to fully verify everything he is taught (talking about university and higher pure math which comes with proofs for everything unlike school math which doesn't). In fact, math is verified every time it is learned because you can't understand it without also verifying it (all you need is pencil and paper). Thus, mathematics taught in universities has been checked and re-checked probably hundreds of thousands of times. Newly published math is verified in full during peer review (at least in quality journals), but more importantly, it will be by everyone who learns it in the future.The more it is learned, the more verified it becomes (i.e. the result is repeatable).

If you find an error in anyone's proof, you can publish a counterexample or derive a contradiction and be assured the mathematics community will accept it. There's zero tolerance for incorrectness and there is a strong urge for completeness and maximum generality. That's why I love math. It's a model for all sciences to emulate.

PS: Long ago there was a view that math represents some truth about our universe, so there was a notion of what should or shouldn't be math. But in the 20th century, that view became extinct, thanks to the crisis caused by Cantor's work.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

If vaccines do induce hypersensitivity to reinfection (due over response by immune system causing harm to the body), then in the vaxxed we will see hospitalizations and deaths even if it doesn't affect us so much.

That said, yes Omicron seems to not be inducing this effect so far. On the other hand, they might try something worse. They already must have alternate plans like cyber polygon style attacks etc. ready to go.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a Wuhan strain different from the one that spread around the world - I remember reading about this in 2020. So you might be right.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

They won't kill him easy. Just make him suffer. He probably has a dope deadman switch.

One time when he was having trouble in the embassy, he or Wikileaks tweeted out a hash for Ecuador and one for John Kerry, but then backed off (must've scared a few people);

https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/787777344740163584?lang=en https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/787781046519693316

For those who don't know: if you tweet a hash from your official account, then the payload can be released from any anonymous source. If it has the same hash, then it is confirmed to be the one he tweeted about (it's impossible to reverse engineer data to match a hash, and impossible to pre-calculate hash for data you don't already have).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are correct. That's why I added this to broaden the discussion to include an important component that was missing.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

John of God is pretty real. Just ask Oprah: https://twitter.com/oprah/status/310932717237841920?lang=en

You believe so many accusers are all lying?

Leave the part about surrogate mothers, that's just my speculation.

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

To do the most damage to ((them)), look to their sources of power and what would take those away. Example: Control of money, control of power through control of leaders (social power through influencers, military power through compromised general, political power through compromised reps, religious power through control of leaders in every major religion etc.), control of information etc.

The most important is control of power, which comes down to controlling people. So the most dangerous secret would be lifting the curtain on people are groomed, compromised and placed in positions of control, the elites they answer to, the whole network.

But not in an abstract way: that doesn't produce anger without which there will be no change. Which is why I disagree with many other suggestions on this page: simply knowing doesn't change anything. Will it produce uncontrolled rage? Does it put a name, a face and a location on the target?

What people need to see is see videos of actual young children with great potential and purity being lured and the actual process of slowly psychologically damaging and corrupting them... make them go through a list of names and forced to watch what's on each one's (probably pedo) blackmail tape... video recordings of them discussing their darkest plans for the peasants... what they do for "entertainment" etc..

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

In response to u/goyimkiller

to imagine that there are 800,000 children who just vanish without a trace and end up being sold into sex slavery is just complete bullshit

Keep in mind, if you're an elite, it's probably safer to run your own baby farms like this: https://nypost.com/2019/01/31/john-of-god-cult-leader-allegedly-ran-child-sex-slave-farm/. That kind of trafficking would not show up on official stats, since there would be no one looking for them in the first place.

Speculation only: I suppose a twisted elite might want to pick the right "look" too, using sperms and eggs from selected donors, and using surrogate mothers.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

EDIT: Happy to be corrected here, I'm not well read on immunology.

Interesting that even inactivated virus vaccines can be dangerous (basically all 4 vaccines here suspected of inducing hypersensitivity to the virus -> immune system goes into overdrive on reinfection -> vaxxed get sicker than unvaxxed on reinfection with the same virus). I guess I was wrong about them being no worse than the disease. In case of reinfection in unvaxxed animals:

the infiltrates were nearly 100% monocytes and lymphocytes without the eosinophil component seen in the vaccinated challenged animals. [i.e. no Th2-type immunopathologic reaction]


Thus, a Th2-type immunopathologic reaction on challenge of vaccinated animals has occurred in three of four animal models (not in hamsters) including two different inbred mouse strains with four different types of SARS-CoV vaccines with and without alum adjuvant. An inactivated vaccine preparation that does not induce this result in mice, ferrets and nonhuman primates has not been reported.

If this is happening with our vaccines, more hopitalizations and deaths. They might blame it on Omicron or some variant and go for lockdowns? This study, if it holds for COVID vaccines, would imply boosters for life / recurring revenue is not the goal (since more boosters -> even more sensitive. They would see that the unvaxxed are fine, so why would they keep taking it)? I guess they would want no one to be unvaxxed so there would be no control group to compare to?

If so, pretty cool strategy by the elite. Basically without releasing a dangerous virus (just a mild one), they still cause the damage of a much more dangerous virus -> can kill off enough people to initiate lockdown?

There's too much resistance to Australia-type lockdowns (without mass deaths), so they go for Dark Winter type lockdown where there are many deaths and people will willingly comply (but deaths caused by immune system overreaction due to vaccines, not the virus itself. But without a control group of unvaxxed, how could you know)?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

More than that. It could make you hypersensitive to future infections with the same virus -> immune system over response (sicker than unvaxxed) -> hospitalization (more than unvaxxed).

See my other comment on this page for my layman speculation.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Depends on the line of work/patient. Safety protocols are in place for a good reason (usually after the worst happens), the madness of COVID world notwithstanding.

Example: The kind of protocols followed in this video seem suitable for treating an Ebola patient (it's foolish to wear a mask but leave air gaps), but would not be good enough for a BSL IV lab. For those you need this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_pressure_personnel_suit

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well duh. I know.

It's just a light hearted take on the lack of censorship (even bot accounts wouldn't be censored). Obviously people didn't get the humor.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. Ask any young child what they want to be when they grow up. None will say homeless. Nope. There's a sad story behind every one of them that drove them to it and psychological factors that keep them there.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

We should be banning homeless people... They are vermin that spread disease...

That's exactly how many of the vaccinated feel about the unvaccinated.

labor camps built for homeless. You work, you get room/board/fed.. If you choose to not participate THEN you shd be ostracized from society. No exceptions.

"Quarantine camps for the unvaccinated. You stay there, you get room/board/fed. If you choose not to participate THEN you should be ostracized from society. No exceptions."

Different subjects/teams of course, yet remarkable similarity of solutions. Similar lack of empathy. Similar dehumanization. Maybe because the underlying human tendencies are the same?

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not to delegitimize them.

Try answering the question: Buddhist is to Buddhism as .....[Jew?] is to Judaism. And Black is to Africa as ....[Semite?] is to (part of) Middle East. In the process, you will discover my point.

Such confusion/vagueness doesn't exist for any other religious group, and so in case of Jews it seems artificially engineered to me.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

Disgusting. Don't dehumanize even if it's an enemy. It corrupts your mind and from there the next step is dehumanizing your own people. Don't let yourself get corrupted in the process of fighting evil.

BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

The true origins of Europeans?

The mainstream Aryan Invasion Theory/Aryan Migration Theory. It posits that Steppe people are the original culture which gave rise to the Indo-European cultures (everything in the region from India up to Scandinavia) and their languages. They are said to have spoken a hypothesized language called "Proto Indo European", a language for which no proof can be found of its existence. The reason is there are too many similarities between these languages and cultures to have developed independently.

The only other possibility is the Out of India theory: That Indo European cultures and languages emerged from India. Some of the primary reasons for this are:

  1. The oldest known Indo European language is Sanskrit and the oldest texts of Sanskrit are the Vedas (composed over a long time, rather than at once). They contain exclusive references to India. They specifically claim the homeland of the Aryas (not Aryans, but Aryas meaning "follower of the Vedas") is the land between rivers Saraswati and Drishadwati, and there are no references to Central Asia (there should be if their homeland were outside India).

  2. The field of Indology has been dominated by Christian-Caucasian scholars, who have strived to give a late dating to the civilization in India, many times in contradiction to events mentioned in the texts. This is necessary because there is only evidence (including genetic) of migration into India from 1500 BCE onwards, thus if Sanskrit and Vedas are older, then they were indigenous. Also fits into the Christian narrative of a Young Earth (4004 BCE), although not so much of an issue today as it was in the 1800s. If you date as per actual events mentioned, then for example, the Vedas contain references to a mighty Saraswati river draining into the Arabian Sea (which started shrinking from 4000 BCE), the Sivalik horse which went extinct 10-11k years ago at the end of the last ice age etc.

Here is the entire argument: https://talageri.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-full-out-of-india-case-in-short.html

Some more of the current research: https://twitter.com/ARanganathan72/status/1169890023581184002

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course they are an ethnic group.

What is the word for someone who follows Judaism? (eg: Buddhist for someone following Buddhism). It can't be "Jew" according to you, since that is an ethnic group, and not a religious one.

You justify this by claiming the bad things that some people do are in some way intrinsic to that ethnic group.

Why not? If you replace "ethnic" with "religious", there are certainly groups whose religion promotes ill treatment of other groups. Where do you think Islamic extremism comes from? Does Judaism preach any different? What does Talmud say about slaves (especially pagan ones)?

Anyone following such a religion would be viewed with suspicion because it's not obvious to what extent they accept the teachings of their religion.

And if an ethnic group Y exclusively believes in one religion X, then logically any criticism of group X can be applied to group Y, it being a subset of X.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

He says Twitter was never as bad as Facebook or Youtube for censorship (and if so, it was against the wishes of Dorsey).

Hahahahaha. It was the very first platform to shadow ban me. Comparable to Reddit (which also did the same).

Youtube seems much better than either of these. Facebook didn't even let me open an account recently (got insta locked on opening).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0


Methinks they are getting ready to remove vaccines as the primary defense, and promote lockdowns as the primary defense. From the POV of this theory, it was necessary to try out vaccines so the masses could see it doesn't work permanently against ever changing strains. Second, they helped identify those in government, media, military etc. who didn't take vaccines (the "resisters"/opposition).

If true, more and more of the adverse effects and inefficacy will be "officially" recognized in the coming days. Hence, the adverse effect profile and the inefficacy of mRNA vaccines and ensuing "pro-vax" and "anti-vax" groups linked to identity and political leanings were necessary [and therefore deliberate] to reach this stage. Let

Let us see if this theory is correct.

For what purpose?

If true, the future consists of work-from-home setups, with Metaverse being the way we interact (as opposed to in person), home deliveries etc. If lockdowns continue long enough, this will normalize. Eventually this: https://medium.com/world-economic-forum/welcome-to-2030-i-own-nothing-have-no-privacy-and-life-has-never-been-better-ee2eed62f710

We have access to transportation, accommodation, food and all the things we need in our daily lives. One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.

The above quote is true for a normie. It makes little economic sense for the average normie to buy something when you have free access to it already. This is how they'll lure us.

Two systems. Same goal?

You know what's common between Communism (left-wing) and this sort of Capitalism (right-wing)? In both cases you own nothing and are promised happiness. The two "sides" fighting over each other over which system is better.

"They" will own everything (in communism "they" = government, in this sort of capitalism "they" = corporations, and in the Talmud "they" = people running the system = Je ws [whether as Bolsheviks or as the bankers]).

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