JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a post-doc theoretical physicist I used to talk to when I was in college, and I remember asking him how much he hung out with his colleagues. His answer was never outside of work, because in his experience "all they talk about is grants, and if they aren't directly talking about money, they are indirectly talking about it."

He was working at his third major university at that point, and it held true for those outside his workgroup too. I'm sure he wasn't the only guy like himself, but most weren't. I was in the math department which was next to the physics, so I sometimes ate lunch at tables next to the university's more public physicists: I personally heard a professor (who had a show on Discovery or Science Channel) directly talking about grants!

I did take physics classes from a couple really smart physics professors who did more useful work than the guy who was sometimes on TV, and they came off as low key and humble.

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

The math is pretty set in stone, but modern physics has all sorts of guesswork theories. Scientists make mathematical models based on their assumptions, but then the data goes against the model, so they make up a new variable to "correct" the formula to make it fit with their assumptions. The math is correct in that the calculations work out, but to say it applies to the real world is where the stretches and fabrications come in.

I do believe there are plenty of smart and honest scientists, and the good ones admit they are guessing on such theories. One problem is the push for education has many mediocre minds getting Ph.Ds, so I think there are plenty of genuine believers of questionable theories in academia who legitimately just aren't smart enough to question the theories.

JuanTitor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember that most people who work at newspapers have degrees in journalism, and thus are not quite representative of the normal population.

JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

He had been battling for years. I suspect he gave the interview because he knew he was going to die soon enough anyways, so it didn't matter much if he got suicided.

by kodama
JuanTitor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gallowboob was very very well known on Reddit, moreso for posting than modding, so I assume the .win user just decided to take that name. I recall their comments being sensible to a level that would be impossible for a Reddit powermod to make. Most leftists can't fake being conservative because they usually are ignorant of the beliefs, and always are ignorant to the way of thinking.

JuanTitor 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm pretty the most staunch leftists, the most racist people on the internet, will stay on Twitter. They'll keep preaching hate against whitey, and how the poor POC's are incapable of taking care of themselves, and need the enlightened leftists to lead them to food and water.

JuanTitor 1 point ago +1 / -0

You ever wonder how they knew years in advance that Jupiter and Saturn would align last night? You can look up solar eclipses too. Why did it only start being possible a few hundred years ago? Can you do that calculation?

JuanTitor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Landfills are fine. Unlike what this clown says, there really is plastic in the oceans because people litter, mostly in Asia and Africa.

I have seen trash filled streets in Asia get hit by torrential downpours, sending all that garbage into the oceans. That's how it happens, and the main thing we can control is homelessness in the US, as they are likely the majority of our litter.