BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

For spectroscopy, it doesn't matter if you know its chemical formula. It's like this, from what I understand: Color #1 is made with a certain combination of Red, Green, Blue (RGB). Color #2 is made with a different combination of RGB. Color #1 and #2 are very different but have the same basic component colors. Lets say you mix 30 such colors, each made from some combination of RGB, to produce Color X.

Can you really say if Color #432 is present in the mixture? You know its RGB combination. Nope. Because if it is very well possible for two different sets of 30 colors each to produce Color X in the end.

Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen are like the RGB of biological molecules. They're present in nearly everything. Trying to find a substance made entirely of carbon (like Graphene Oxide) in a sea of organic molecules is impossible with just looking at which component elements are present. But apparently there are other (non-spectroscopic?) methods to identify it, according to factdigger.

If you know what to look for it's cheaper (single test). But if they used something no one has heard of? You have to test for everything (thousands of tests). The only compound most people have heard of is Graphene Oxide, so everyone just latched onto that.

All we know is that the vaccine is not supposed to have anything react to magnetism, but it does. Japan rejected a batch for this reason. They claim it was a manufacturing error. Or maybe only certain batches are nefarious, so it looks like a random occurrence.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are many layers of distractions to protect the identity of the true elites. The Jews could be just one such layer. it would have the advantage of historical hostility between Abrahamic religions.

If the above is true, this implies that Jews were put in powerful positions by the elite deliberately, to lend credibility to this layer of distraction.

Do you really believe the Jews are so much more dedicated to their cause than other people that they plan 100 years or more ahead and so much more competent than entire nation states when it comes to subverting a civilization? Somehow Russia and China couldn't get so many people in positions of power as the Jews did.

Or is there something more at play here? Do you think every Jew is in on the conspiracy? If not, then what % is? The top 1%? Those psychopathic elites who display a complete lack of empathy and concern for others somehow also have so much selflessness towards furthering the Jewish cause?

Look into the Committee of 300. It suggests the real power holders are primarily Royal families and maybe a few powerful industrialists, and religion doesn't come into it. It could just be another distraction though:

Also, this will get downvoted: But you know how Q convinced people to waste their time waiting for Trump to come riding on a horse and save the day? And America was subverted further without a squeak. I feel something similar is happening. I see Christians, Muslims talking about the end times and mark of the beast etc. Abrahamic fundamentalists (all 3 religions) seem to look forward to the end times because they think a prophet will swoop down from heaven and save them and the world will be peaceful. Thus let's do nothing and let it happen. And power will be transferred to the elite without a squeak.

Maybe the elite are playing along the plot lines mentioned in the scriptures because the plebs think they know what happens next. Predictive programming built right into religion. And unlike movies, people unquestioningly accept when it comes to religion. What better means of programming could there be?

Propping up Israel keeps the Middle East unstable. As did the popularization of Wahhabism. Both have the British hand in it. To what end, I'm not sure. Iran is Shia and so doesn't follow Wahhabism. Might be why the elite are trying to pick a fight with them.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry I was a little aggressive. I wasn't sure if you were trolling. You did explain yourself, so you're not trolling.

I made it through a third of your comment. This will require study to respond to. But believe it or not, I can actually relate to and agree with some of the things you're saying, having realized some of it for myself and also from my pondering over stuff from Hindu philosophy. That goes over many of the topics you touch on, but most stuff is in Sanskrit. Translations mangle the meaning (I'm sure a language watcher like you can appreciate that).

I'll contact you if/when I get through this stuff. But you know, you're way out of normal (don't mean that in a bad way). Makes me wonder who you are and what you do.

If you were in Academia, I suppose you'd like Math. It has it's own language, axioms and logic formally defined and is independent of the world. Timeless and exact. Black and white.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok I'll do something no one else does. I'll engage, since this is the first comment from you that I actually bothered reading and actually understood.

You could have phrased it simply, but you didn't. Like this:

Simply believing either side (even for what to look into) isn't true skepticism.

Nature doesn't require one to hold one belief or another. Our beliefs drive our actions which drive the consequences we face. When certain beliefs lead to painful consequences for us, nature doesn't relent. Therefore, in a way, it demands we adapt our beliefs based on which consequences we wish to get.

Your comment is of tangential relevance. One of the reasons people ignore you. Why do you pick such convoluted language to express your opinion? Then you skip logical steps in between. Does it make you feel superior that others cannot understand what you're saying?

Why, Mr. Anderson, why do you persist?

And I don't agree that skepticism means "you consent to believe or not believe a suggestion from others". Skepticism about a topic is merely a collective term to describe those who do not buy it, regardless of whether or not they were put on that path by suggestion from others. Individuals may have their own experiences that led to it. They are still counted under the umbrella term "skepticism".

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

That way at least he'll get severance pay.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. For example a Hindu or Jain could claim an exception based on the fact that the vaccine is tested on animals and violates ahimsa. For culturing pathogens, often raw materials from cows are used.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm doing some research into increasing blood flow for a family member. What I found (if you don't mind). Might save someone with poor blood flow from amputation too:

take 500mg of L-arginine (NO precursor) twice daily.

L-Citrulline (found in watermelons) may be more effective than L-Arginine itself at increasing blood Arginine concentrations (Arginine it is THE substrate which the body uses to produce nitric oxide to widen blood vessels). So might want to take that instead. Source:


Curcumin also works to increase blood nitric oxide via complementary pathways (such as increasing the eNOS enzyme activity which converts arginine into NO).

Source: https://examine.com/supplements/curcumin/


Finally, if that doesn't work, might want to take something to suppress Arginase activity like Chlorogenic Acid (from Green Coffee bean extract). This is the most potent one that is natural (present in coffee) and available on the market.

Source: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/pdf/10.1055/s-0042-118711.pdf

Nattokinase is a potent fibronylitic agent that can dissolve existing clots (aspirin only prevents new clots AFAIK).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're one of the saner people on this site, from a few weeks of observation. Others exist I'm sure but many of them don't bother going against the consensus view here. Probably because it is easy to attack but takes much typing and time to explain and justify oneself. This tends to create a bubble here around some topics.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

They only mention the pluses (of which there are many), but never the minuses (which are far greater). For one, complete submissiveness to service provider (probably a small oligarchy of them). Not knowing how to live any other way. Having yourself profiled so you can be manipulated etc.

This community will love this part:

My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.

All in all, it is a good life. Much better than the path we were on, where it became so clear that we could not continue with the same model of growth. We had all these terrible things happening: lifestyle diseases, climate change, the refugee crisis, environmental degradation, completely congested cities, water pollution, air pollution, social unrest and unemployment...

Lol, who helped create these problems so they could sell the solution?

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +4 / -2

I don't agree. I was convinced Trump is the good guy. Now I don't know. Good propaganda is so good you never see it coming, for both left and right. Another example: Liberals once stood for freedom. How did they not see the subversion of their ideology? What is that if not sophistication?

Pretty sure they have ways of misleading conspiracy theorists too. Hide things just enough to find them with a lot of effort, like Q.

You'd need a pretty good understanding of human psychology to pull this off. Lots of R&D into subversion and manipulation. Along with lots of foresight in planning so far ahead.

EDIT: This is not to demoralize anyone. I personally believe in following one's dharma regardless of the outcome. So it doesn't matter to me what we're up against.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +4 / -3

I would agree as of today. But brainwashing is an amazing thing. Most liberals of the 20th century (who stood for freedom) would never have thought what liberals of today would stand for. It's like the whole ideology has been subverted. The roles of the rightwing and liberals have switched (think how it was during Nazi rule).

I could be wrong, but it seems to me Trump supporters would accept a military coup (how different is it from fascism?) for getting Trump back. That seems to me like brainwashing. It's their blind spot from which authoritarianism can creep up on them.

The roles can switch again, and the above scenario is speculation as to how.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +4 / -2

Hey u/Mrexreturns this should be right up your alley.

Personally, I'm not a doomer. But even the thought that this level of insidiousness, sophistication and planning could exist, scares me.

EDIT: Keep in mind, this is not the only possible outcome. If the cabal is as we think it is, it would make sense for them to have set several plans in motion at the same time, well in advance. Ready to roll over if one fails. Might be why we're seeing so many different predictions... cyber attacks, super variants, false flag attacks etc.

EDIT 2: This is not to demoralize anyone. I personally believe in following one's dharma regardless of the outcome. So it doesn't matter to me what we're up against. Don't rely on hope like Q. It is the road to inaction and demoralization. Rely on your own free will to keep doing your dharma.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

My examples might not be the best ones. But they aren't that important. I was only using them show the trend, which taken to extremes (like "you will own nothing and be happy") is troubling. Troubling because the owners can deny you service if they don't like you.

What happens if the group of owners is small and they form a collusion on whom to provide service to? They would have way too much power over the commoners.

I also added another comment which provides context to what I was thinking about when I talked about renting a house.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are correct that it is old. However, when I wrote this. I was thinking of the recent news item about BlackRock buying up residential properties, increasingly driving "commoners" out of the market due to rising prices. We might be moving to much higher levels of renting than in the recent past, if there are no more affordable homes to buy.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

AKA "you will own nothing and you will be happy" model.

Economically efficient for sure. Only problem is the owners can choose to terminate service at any point, if they don't like you. What if you have no alternatives?

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

The world is moving to subscription based business models from ownership based models.

  • Buying house -> Renting one
  • Buying MS Office -> Annual subscription (software-as-as-service)
  • Buying cars for running a taxi service -> Using someone else's car for a fee (Uber)
  • Buying seeds -> Pay royalty to Monsanto for seed use (seeds are slightly genetically modified from naturally occurring ones, so they can claim to be engineered and therefore patented. If you then somehow make all natural varieties extinct and you own the only remaining species).
  • Building a motel/hotel -> Using someone's else house or hotel for a fee

So why not Big Pharma too?

Someone on this site said it once: immunity-as-a-service model for COVID-19 vaccines. Pay your annual fee to upgrade your immunity to the latest threats out there (like the antivirus on your computer).

Think about how much money you make from treating patients indefinitely vs curing them in one shot? Why would you ever release a cure? You'd try to stop any information about non-patentable remedies

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Pretty sure this is illegal even in India. Time to bring in legal action and media attention.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Asians do that. Those stereotypes about Asians exist for a reason. In fact, they are discriminated against the hardest among all groups in college admissions, like Harvard for example, despite being a minority.

But the "ecosystem" doesn't care about them. They only want minorities who are backward so they can convince them they are victimized by the majority. The ecosystem would love to keep them backward perpetually so the game can go on.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

This alone does not show what you think it shows. Just so we're clear on the math:

Suppose total population: 1000 individuals
60% get vaccinated: 600 vaccinated individuals
40% unvaccinated: 400 unvaccinated individuals

For the sake of simplicity (as it doesn't affect the answer), suppose all 1000 individuals eventually get COVID once during the next wave.

5% get hospitalized: 50 hospitalized patients

If vaccines are useless (but not harmful), we would expect an equal % from both groups to get admitted i.e. 5% of each group so that

5% of 600 vaccinated + 5% of 400 vaccinated
= 30 + 20
= 50

You can easily see that the percent of hospitalizations from the vaccinated group will be 60%:

30/50 = 60%

Hence the fact that 60% of hospitalizations (including eventual deaths) are from the vaccines is a consequence of the percent of the population that gets vaccinated and vaccine efficacy (here assumed useless). If % hospitalized is equal for both groups, it shows vaccines are useless but not harmful. If higher for vaccinated group, it shows vaccines are harmful. If lower, it shows vaccines are effective.

So we need to see what % of the population they assumed would get vaccinated to understand how confident they are of the vaccines.

Note: This example only considers efficacy against hospitalizations as a metric. To truly evaluate the vaccines costs and benefits, we should include other possible things like long term damages, damages resulting in non-COVID related hospitalization etc.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Background for those who don't know:

Remember the Event 201 simulation of a flu pandemic just before COVID broke out? Now this simulation on cyber-attacks on supply chains (like oil pipelines) organized by... World Economic Forum


Klaus Schwab:


We all know... but pay insufficient attention... to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation (oil pipelines?), hospitals.... The COVID-19 crisis would be seen as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack... A CYBER PANDEMIC

Watch out for MSM hyping up digital vulnerabilities and cyber attacks.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hey u/axolotl_peyotl the "cyber pandemic" as Klaus Schwab calls it seems to be something many of us are keeping an eye on as the the next big thing after COVID. Therefore, can we please get a sticky post that can serve as a central repository for related information? It'd be good to be ahead of the curve this time.

Could be useful to speculate about larger patterns and potential targets, if any, before they happen.

I'll start by adding my contributions:

We need to distinguish between attacks that disrupt supply chains (the focus of cyber polygon event) or even individual people's lives and attacks that merely steal customer data which does not cause disruption (probably just regular hackers). For example the above attacks affected supply chains, while the following attacks in the same time period merely stole customer data:

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for the delay. I learned about it from news channels in the local language, and from Modi's interviews. Not sure if there is an unbiased English source with all of the information, though I'm sure you'll find plenty of biased ones.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think people instinctively link anyone who utters NWO to the cabal, rather than considering what they are actually saying about it.

When he was talking about pro-activeness it was concerning his policy of "Atmanirbhar Bharat" (self-sufficiency), before the new order can be established. He specifically spoke of self sufficiency in manufacturing. Building independent manufacturing would reduce reliance on globalism. This is exactly what Hitler tried in Germany as well (rather successfully, since Germany is only a superpower today due to Hitler's policies).

I don't think you know the back story of this man, if you think he's part of the NWO. Dude left his family and unconsummated marriage as a teenager to become a hermit in the Himalayas, but was sent back by someone to fulfill his purpose (back then he was poor and a nobody). He's been celibate since then. Used to sleep on the floor and for 35 years his food was whatever people gave him.

One doesn't renounce the world before they have even lived their life, without a healthy dose of detachment and spirituality. What is the NWO going to tempt him with? Money? Sex? He doesn't need it. Power? Fame? He already has all that. He'll be Prime Minister as long as he wishes, he's that popular.

I'm happy to be proved wrong. We'll know the truth within a few years at most.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +5 / -1

I think you misunderstood what he means. I posted a comment to explain. He's been hounded by non-profits funded by CIA fronts and Soros and also be MSM for almost 20 years. They did everything to remove him from power, including a deadly religious riot for which he is most well known, where they tried to frame him. The USA under Bush even denied his visa for this "crime", until he fought his way to Prime Ministership, where America was forced to backtrack on this position. He's definitely not an NWO man.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +5 / -1

I speak the language. My impression: It was a warning to become stronger to survive against NWO, rather than a call to join NWO. That's what he means by "India will be a strong player on world stage", and not that "India will be strong player on the world stage by joining the NWO". He's asking Indians to become self-sufficient in manufacturing (similar to Hitler's policy of Autarky [economic self-sufficiency]), so India can serve the world and uplift humanity. I don't believe this is empty rhetoric, as he's been passing laws to increase local manufacturing and business friendliness, for which he has been criticized by MSM. The sponsored farm protests were related to his simplifying food supply chains by eliminating middlemen.

He didn't say it, but I think he believes post COVID, India's destiny is to lead or at least play a big role in the resistance against NWO.

Rough translation (parenthetical notes are mine):

A (The) New World Order that was established post World War. And the UN as well. Though people were talking of peace, they increased militarization post the foundation of UN. Even smaller countries were caught up in it. Majority of research was geared towards increasing military might.

Similarly, it seems there will be a New World Order after COVID. There will be a new system of relations (among nations). Time will reveal who will initiate this world order and in what form, but it is inevitable. The world suffered much because of COVID, and will be forced to rethink about the current world order.

We (India) have to determine whether we will be passive and mute spectators in this coming New World Order like we were in the first one, trying to get by. Or do should we pre-emptively establish our place in what is to come.

In this new situation, India cannot survive by itself separated from what is to come. (As I said above, I don't think by this he means to embrace globalization [i.e. dependent supply chains]. I think he believes India can't ignore what will happen to the rest of the world in what is to come, and it's some sort of destiny that India must play a big role in serving humanity, and that is why India must establish their place).

To survive, India must be strong and capable. The stronger India is, the more it can help humanity.

To this end, it is essential to emphasize self-sufficiency and local manufacturing. We're already independent in pharmaceutical industry, and this is why we were able to serve the world (during COVID crisis, India sent supplies to poor and smaller countries, which were ignored by the West. Biden cut off India's vaccine raw materials probably trying to push India towards Pfizer/Moderna rather than its own indigenous vaccines. But now one of India's manufacturers have sourced all raw materials locally, so they won't need to rely on American raw materials in the future).

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