Found this comment in the wild on reddit.
I compiled and shared my "skeptic's guide to vaccines" almost a decade ago.
At that time, even the most diehard conspiracy theorists/researchers were hesitant to question the vaccine paradigm.
Now the normies are wondering that perhaps they shouldn't pump their infants with literal toxins and poisons for "diseases" that are almost entirely fabricated.
To the doomers: THIS is the best possible way to wake people up. It never would've happened otherwise. That's why I remain optimistic for our future.
I'm sorry I was a little aggressive. I wasn't sure if you were trolling. You did explain yourself, so you're not trolling.
I made it through a third of your comment. This will require study to respond to. But believe it or not, I can actually relate to and agree with some of the things you're saying, having realized some of it for myself and also from my pondering over stuff from Hindu philosophy. That goes over many of the topics you touch on, but most stuff is in Sanskrit. Translations mangle the meaning (I'm sure a language watcher like you can appreciate that).
I'll contact you if/when I get through this stuff. But you know, you're way out of normal (don't mean that in a bad way). Makes me wonder who you are and what you do.
If you were in Academia, I suppose you'd like Math. It has it's own language, axioms and logic formally defined and is independent of the world. Timeless and exact. Black and white.
No need for...justifications for former reactions represent the temptation to ignore reaction to balance as well; since justifications are aimed at the choice of others. Instead let each of your reactions be the representation of what you learned/taught yourself since the last one.
Form balancing by choice within momentum shapes form; which represents perceived inspiration for all the other form.
Try to adapt off the cuffs to whatever inspires. The more frequent you do; the more efficient you become. The consciousness is suppose to be used like a ram aka temporary storage of information ; for ongoing adaptation to inspiration; and not like a hard-drive, we fill up with information; while "studying" from memory; instead of by direct adaptation for balance.
STUDY, noun [Latin , to study that is, to set the thought or mind.]. If we represent form (life) within flow (inception towards death); then we were already set; and are now responding by free will of choice to balance.
Filling our memory represents temptation; which restricts our comprehension. To remember (from memory) within momentum of motion represents retaining knowledge that was before; which implies ignoring knowledge that is right now.
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists" and what we are perceiving represents moving form aka inspiration to react to by choice, which then applies growth/loss (depending on choice) upon our understanding (comprehension).
We are being deceived to consent by choice to believe the suggested information by the choice of others; which they define as knowledge. Seek knowledge through education they suggest; yet seek (want) represents the ignorance of need (adaptation to perceived inspiration aka ALL knowledge offered to each ONE within).
Anyway; to teach/learn represents the same reaction when utilized for the sustenance of self (your choice of need over want), because to teach self equals to learn for self and vice versa. Meanwhile education tricks us to consent to be students under teacher aka choice under suggested choice; while ignoring balance/choice.
a) to believe implies towards a suggestion made by the choice of others; which implies ignoring ones own choice being in reaction to balance. I'm over consenting to suggestion of others.
b) not aka nothing; implies ignorance of everything (ALL is ONE in energy); and since ALL doesn't offer the perception of the ONEs within "nothingness"; you got it by consenting to believe the suggestions of others; who simply suggested you to believe the inversion of everything. That btw represents the main modus operandi of our parasites....suggesting inversion towards our free will of choice.
RELA'TE, verb transitive [Latin relatus, refero; re and fero, to produce.]. Energy (the source of ALL information) represents the production of ongoing flow (loss of potentiality); which causes within its momentum the temporary form (growth of potential). As ONE within ALL we don't create; we transmute out of base (energy).
As for agreement...flow (velocity) meeting form (resistance) causes friction; vibration and resonance, which our choice needs to resonate with by choosing to balance. Agreeing to the suggested choices of others represents the choice to ignore balance for suggested choice; which causes dissonance among us.
Ongoing flow represents the natural order; while temporary form represents chaos out of order; hence our struggle to sustain ourselves by adaption. The parasites suggest us to consent to believe in the inversion...wanting order out of chaos (phoenix out of the ashes allegory). The whole us versus them conflict is being suggested to deceive us to seek to win; to just defeat chaos to attain order; which as chaos out of order represents ignorance of natural order (flow) and therewith self destruction of form.
Try to use need over want; inspiration over information and implication (if/then) over reason (true vs false) when reading anything. Also try to resist attaching what you read to who you believe suggested it; especially on technology designed to do that (DARPA's world wide web). This isn't communication; you sit in front of a screen (Plato's Allegory of the Cave); suggested and controlled by the military industrial complex; who work towards the transhumanist agenda of exchanging 1 (natural reality) with 0 (digital fiction).
PHILOS'OPHY, noun [Latin philosophia; Gr. love, to love, and wisdom.] aka want of knowledge; yet knowledge (perception) requires adaptation by choice of need over want for us to grow comprehension.
Hindu-ISM; like all the other suggested -ism represents suggested information towards our wants. If one comprehends this ONE can use it as inspiration from ALL and adapt to it by choice of reaction, but all the -isms are designed as temptations to fall for; to believe in; to have faith in; to submit to etc.
Underneath all religions (to bind anew) operates the original bond...flow/form; balance/choice; offer/consent, and ALL that is offered to each ONE represents the same energy (source of ALL information). If one comprehends this; one has the foundation all suggested religions and any other institutions (or form itself) are transmuted out of. This allows reverse engineering at will; which usually just wholesale dumps the sales-pitches used to get us to consent to believe.
Energy represents a self sustaining system (loss/growth) and we need to struggle to adhere to it (need) over ignoring it (want). The temptation of want is dominating; because the velocity of flow pulling us is ongoing; while our resistance as form is temporary. We are processed as both loss/growth, yet have the free will of choice to grow within loss aka being ONE limited potential within ALL unlimited potentiality offered to us. The few do everything they can to corrupt our comprehension of this; because they can only control the many that consent to ignore their potential.
ALL represents ONE in energy. If ONE comprehends this; then ALL can be put into the same perspective; no matter how much ONE comprehends of ALL perceived. TOP'IC, noun [Gr. place; Latin topicus, topica.]..we are all within the same place (energy); within the same moment(um) of motion. Our placement as form within flow is within the same energy aka coexistence of collective potentiality (flow) and individual potential (form). Flow/form aka motion/momentum represent balance, and choice operates within balance.
That's the main deception driving all suggestions...words to define affixed meanings (true or false) for a constantly changing system. Nature does not offer words; it does not offer branded information for us to believe...we shape sound into word to deceive each other by suggestion into idolatry of meaning. Those few who suggest meaning (in the beginning was the word...) gain the consent of the many; which allow them to act in the name of (in nomine) the idolized words.
All words in all languages represent suggested information towards our choice to believe it; which in return deceives us to ignore using choice as reaction to balance by adaptation to inspiration. I recently ran into a quote that describes this slightly different..."Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce." Try to play through the implications of that and consider suggested words as "spell-craft" and suggestion as "transmutation of comprehension by temptation". The few simply use alchemy upon the many aka transmutation out of base; and they use it to deceive us to ignore how base (energy) operates and that we are in it...out of it.
I take languages apart to de-masquerade our choice of ignorance; which uses the idols of words to shirk responsibility over choice within balance onto. The many hide ignorance behind beliefs (suggested words as idols of meaning); and the few represent the parasitic response to that aka exploitation of ignorance by suggestion.
No rush. Use me as a tool to throw stuff at and watch how I adapt to whatever inspires.
Just ONE within ALL; struggling to balance by resisting temptations.
The only designation of a unit within ALL represents ONEself. PROB'LEM, noun [Latin problema; Gr. to throw forward, and to throw; Latin pello.] aka flow throwing forward form (momentum). There are no mathematical problems within ALL; just lack of comprehension within each ONE; based on their choices of reaction to ALL.
The few suggested numbers to deceive us to ignore the ONE; and they suggest problems to deceive us to want SOLU'TION, noun [Latin solutio, from solvo, to loosen, melt, dissolve.] which represents transmutation of form back to flow (aka death). They suggest us to want "progress"; which represents us following along flow as form aka self destruction. The entire beast system (society aka a chain of command pyramid scheme) is designed around that suggestion of progress, and the few simply farming the ignorance of the many who keep choosing want over need.
That's because it tricks us to ignore coexistence of everything within the world. LOG'IC, noun [Latin id; Gr. from reason, to speak.]. Reason represents the conflict between true vs false; based upon whatever we consent to believe or not believe is true or false. Reason represents division (conflict) by suggestion of -isms (idolized meaning).
We are tricked to reason about the suggestions of other choices; while ignoring the offer of ALL within balance to each ONE. Once reason as division is established by suggestion; the few suggest contradictions to both sides within reason to keep it going, which is called "talmudic reasoning" and the the very same talmud teaches its followers to use implication (if/then) over reason (true vs false). Why? To protect the farmhands who feed the cattle with suggestion of contradictions, to fall for the temptation to believe or not believe it.
Time represents the measurement of movement, and the few suggest past; present and future to deceive the many to consent to believe is affixed states within movement; which deceives them to ignore constant adaptation to motion.
EXACT', adjective. [Latin exactus, from exigo, to drive; ex and ago. Gr. to drive, urge or press.] aka flow upon form. ALL is exact; because ALL is moving, and we represent the ONEs within reacting to it.
Belief represents the choice of ignorance (want over need); which is required for balance. Self sustenance (need) and ignorance (want) represent coexisting natural opposites aka growth/loss aka the energizing aspect of energy; the self sustenance of ALL information.